Who has never dreamed of being able to separate a hand, throw it towards a distant object, pick it up and have it within reach in an instant, remembering the member itself? Another Fisherman's Tale is here to grant your wish through the magic of virtual reality. This sequel to A Fisherman's Tale, a 2019 virtual reality puzzle game, is not afraid to drastically change its original formula to tell a new story, with more puzzles and more based in reality.
Developed by inner spaceVR and published by Vertigo Games, this game takes what was done well in the previous chapter and adds more layers and more emotional depth. After criticism of the movement system of the previous title, the developer has done an excellent job to make the gaming experience fluid and almost completely free of elements that can cause nausea.
In this Review of Another Fisherman's Tale. We will tell you about the new puzzle-solving methods that the developers have invented and the heartfelt story that you can experience in virtual reality. Once again this game investigates the relationship between the big and the small, using the world of modeling to talk about individual growth and the relationship with the past.
Give yourself a hand, or a claw, or a hook

The main novelty of Another Fisherman's Tale at the level is the possibility of throw both hands and head around the game world to reach distant objects, change your point of view and explore the setting in new ways. As soon as you start playing you will find yourself stranded on a desert island and to save yourself you will have to rebuild your body. Bob, the protagonist of the series, can launch and remotely control his hands which, thanks to a long rope, grab what he wants and return it to him. So you will begin to rebuild your legs and your body to try to escape from that remote cave.
Within minutes of starting, the game already provides you with the second and third essential tools to progress: the claw and the hook. After haggling with an old rival you can exchange one of your hands with a crab claw to cut ropes and open mysterious doors while after encountering the corpse of an old adventure companion you can take his hook and use it to climb rock walls and other structures. You can even equip two hooks and enjoy short virtual reality climbing sessions to reach higher positions. Each level is clue-based and there is limited exploration, but the game provides helpful hints and tips if you find yourself stuck with a puzzle for a few minutes.

We really liked the limb launch system for retrieving items and unlocking doors, although the manual controls when landing away from the body aren't immediately intuitive. In fact, to move it we do not use analog controls, but rather we must orient it by turning the controller and send it forward by pressing the corresponding trigger. Indispensable for some puzzles and fun for others, then the Bob's head launch mechanism It surprised us above all with its activation method: to release it and drag it somewhere, in fact, you will have to point with your eyes and guide its trajectory by turning your head. In puzzles where this mechanic is essential there is a magnetism system that helps a lot to reach the correct destination, but if you want to use it in the rest of the world be prepared to practice.
A story of adults and children.

The real protagonist of Another Fisherman's Tale is Nina, the daughter of the protagonist, who we see (after the first level) carrying out what appears to be a move, surrounded by boxes full of her father's models accompanied by photographs and notes. Here we understand the fairy tale tone that accompanied us until that moment. In fact, as you play, you'll hear a background dialogue between Bob and a little girl asking him for more details about her crazy stories of seafaring adventures. Bob narrates what is happening and simultaneously gives instructions to the player explaining the logic behind the puzzle he faces. Then, in the second level, the two worlds mix because (without giving too many spoilers) you will find yourself playing not in Nina's memories, but in the model that she keeps in the basement. At one point, in fact, you will see Bob leave the model for a moment and find himself surrounded by scissors, tape and glue and then return to the adventure.
In Another Fisherman's Tale, which can easily be finished in 5 or 6 hours, the Conflict between the adult present and the playful past. by Nina and the narrative uses this friction between joy and responsibility to leave you with a powerful message when you put down the controllers and take off the headphones. Bob also tells a story within the story that is reminiscent of his daughter's story: the search for Libertalia.
This mythical island nation founded by the pirate Henry Avery (those who played Uncharted 4 will remember it) is said to contain the great treasure of the numerous pirate lords who founded it to escape the tyranny of the absolute monarchies of the late XNUMXth century. Bob, like a true sailor, is determined to find her. This adventure sees him confront pirates and sea monsters and, intertwined with the events of Nina, balances the very adult themes the protagonist faces with the lightness of a fairy tale.
Tested version PlayStation 5 digital delivery Steam, PlayStation Store Holygamerz.com 7.0 audience ND your voteAnother Fisherman's Tale is a virtual reality adventure that doesn't disappoint and takes no risks. Its excellent handling of movement and vision changes make it nausea-proof and its puzzles are nothing revolutionary but that doesn't mean they're fun. The story it tells is forceful and emotional and in almost six hours it manages to put the player in contact with the protagonist's feelings. The mechanics of throwing hands, claws and hooks entertained us and made the game fresh at first glance and challenging for the rest of the campaign. The only real flaw is the lack of originality of the puzzles that almost everyone has already seen and never ventures into unexplored territories as far as the world of virtual reality is concerned. Overall though, if you're looking for a short, relaxing adventure with a bit of a challenge, Another Fisherman's Tale won't disappoint and will make you smile. Just keep an eye out for the checkpoints because in some chapters they are quite far apart.
- Excellent management of movement and space in virtual reality.
- Intuitive and accessible puzzles
- Emotional and attractive story.
- Little originality in the puzzles.
- Checkpoints far from each other