Every adventure comes to an end at some point. Often at the least opportune moment, that is when we have finally grown a little fond of all the protagonists. It is now time for the events linked to Reisalin Stout - for Ryza friends - to come to an end, answering in progress a whole series of questions left pending in the first two chapters, especially the second. In this regard, it is appropriate that you retrieve the review of Atelier Ryza 2, obviously already present on our pages, as it is certainly more exhaustive than the summary video prepared by the developers in the initial menu of the third chapter.
We were a little scared about this latest adventure, since it was published shortly after the previous chapter. Given that Ryza is now a character highly appreciated by both Eastern and Western audiences, there was inevitably the risk of a simple "additional" chapter, which would continue the plot that was left pending without major additions to the gameplay, which was already very refined. . , from the series. These fears, however, turned out to be completely unfounded.
In the Review of Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & The Secret Key, which we played on PlayStation 5, we will try to explain the importance of two words in the title: End and Key. If the first is self-explanatory, the second forms the heart of several innovations worthy of attention.
Plot: the last adventure to save the world

Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key is to the Gust trilogy as Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame are to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It's a big one, majestic adventure - quantitatively and qualitatively - the latest piece in a series that has grown from many points of view. Just think about the plot itself: from the origins of the clumsy and fearless protagonist who, despite dangers greater than herself, managed to save her hometown, to the more mature Ryza who struggles with life in the kingdom's capital. ; and now from the latter to the heroine who will even have to save the world in the face of an imminent catastrophe.
We also talked to you about the narrative premises during the trial: basically, on Kurken Island, no one knows why, additional islands that have never been seen before begin to appear, which literally materialize out of nowhere. But it is only the tip of the iceberg, because upstream there is a greater danger, which involves the power of the alchemists and naturally the parallel world which had been mentioned several times in the previous chapters (the abominable monsters known as Philuscha in fact came from there).
Ryza, it goes without saying, is the destined one. A mysterious voice suddenly appears in her mind, cryptically suggesting that an Alchemist will intervene to restore balance. There protagonist It is therefore the "key" to everything, not only metaphorically, since this same voice dictates the recipe to give life to a magical Key, a matrix for the subsequent creation of many other keys that will play a fundamental role (in short, a "key"). key role") also in the game.
Let's not anticipate too many implications narrative, but rest assured that many well-known faces (practically all of them, by the way) from the previous chapters will also return in Atelier Ryza 3. This will in fact be Ryza's last adventure, "the last summer", an aspect which the company insists on several times storytelling. And finally the relationships between many characters will consolidate (who said Tao and Patricia?), just as many other characters (see the case of Bos) will develop clearly once and for all.
Gameplay: "touch your key, Ryza"

It was no easy task to renew and at the same time consolidate a game It is already as effective as the one seen in Atelier Ryza 2. Therefore, we were honestly surprised by the level reached by the developers: after a couple of fights in Ryza 3, the previous chapter already seemed much slower than we remembered. In fact, the main innovations concern battles, while the alchemical system (in short, crafting) has remained almost unchanged, except for the use of keys, which we will talk about shortly.
I fight, in Atelier Ryza 3, are even more immediate and immersive than in the past, starting from the (not obvious) detail of the absence of any transition between exploration and fight. You enter battle immediately and from then on the classic gameplay begins based on simple attacks, parries, special attacks linked to the progressive accumulation of AP (Attack Points). As in the past, three party members can fight at the same time (and the player can switch between controlling one and the other undisturbed); but it is also possible to continuously exchange the character in our possession with one of those "on the bench", after waiting for a certain recharge period.

On top of these elements, ultimately easy to understand, Atelier Ryza 3 grafts a series of mechanics that, together, make each battle much more tactical and frenetic than it might seem at first glance. For example, him level of synergy among party members it grows as they fight, along with the constant accumulation of AP; In addition, companions intervene with special abilities if we manage to meet certain requirements (for example: hitting with a physical or ranged blow); not to mention the spectacular "finishing moves".
The real novelty consists inuse of keys in combat. Continuing the story, Ryza will always be able to unlock new ones, some of which have truly devastating powers. Some keys can increase the damage of certain weapons for a certain number of seconds, so the player must study carefully which character must obtain that specific bonus at a given moment. Others, simply, can multiply AP enormously, thus allowing you to perform very powerful combos against unaware enemies. The keys are essential above all to defeat bosses and enemies in the more advanced areas: to get the better of these opponents it will be necessary not only to level up and create more powerful weapons (as in Ryza 2), but also to fully master the mechanics of the keys.
The ultimate adventure

The one at Atelier Ryza 3 is truly theultimate adventure of the young alchemist. The combat discussion, much better and deeper than in the past, could easily tie into many other aspects of the production. The game world, for example, is simply immense. Not only would the first Ryza not stand up to comparison, but Ryza 2's map is only a small part of what you'll see in Ryza 3, where among other things it's possible to "fly" with a minimal load from a part of the map to the other continent, even in regions that were barely mentioned in previous chapters.
To avoid the danger of getting lost, indicators (on the screen and on the map) are much clearer than in the past; In addition, points of interest (monuments, vantage points and more) have been introduced that guarantee quick movement. It is not that there is a lack of animals to move quickly, but here we are talking about map extensions that are really excessive for those who advance on foot; and even so we must proceed to collect the countless resources linked to alchemy. Perhaps that's why Ryza can now collect them even while she runs: everything is faster, more agile and more efficient than in the past.

even the secondary mission system has been revised: timed events can now suddenly appear on the map, based on the player's exploration. However, they are very often very monotonous tasks, such as eliminating a certain number of enemies or delivering resources to a specific inhabitant. Their function is to somehow make an otherwise very static game world alive. Lastly, we could spend hours and hours talking to you about alchemy, but precisely: the latter has remained, even visually, linked to the very efficient system of Atelier Ryza 2. The keys here are useful above all for increasing the quality of the elements to synthesize; the improvements are there, let's be clear, but paradoxically - compared to the enormity of everything else - they seem rather negligible. The task of becoming expert alchemists is yours.
Tested version PlayStation 5 digital delivery PlayStation Store Price 59,99 € Holygamerz.com 8.5 Readers (5) 7.3 your voteAtelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key is the definitive chapter of a series that has constantly grown in recent years; a conclusion worthy of the name, narratively rich and compelling, content-wise worthy of praise. Everything you've seen in the past has been either slightly refined or otherwise enriched; where it was no longer possible to innovate, a new mechanic was used - that of the keys - which may not even be used, but still guarantee a fresh approach to both combat and alchemy. The game map, literally immense and divided into various regions, will require a patient approach, and the use of all the necessary tools (ropes, objects for breathing underwater, mounts, winged boots) which Ryza will unlock one after the more, patiently. The dated technical sector and the often unconvincing animations remain. But in short, Ryza has been forgiven for many things: she will certainly be forgiven for this too.
- Huge map, satisfying exploration
- Keys enrich combat and alchemy
- Final adventure worthy of the name.
- Recycling of a lot of material (monsters and environments)
- Technical section dated as always
- So vast that it is sometimes confusing