Elden Ring is an action packed game packed with Interesting NPCs and sometimes enigmatic, which will offer you several secondary missions in which you will go to discover well-hidden areas that are worth visiting, for this reason we have thought of this guide that will help you complete them all. Also if you are curious to know our about the game FromSoftware, we advise you to take a look at the review dedicated to Elden Ring, and we remind you that in addition to this, we have made available several other guides to help you in Elden Ring, such as the one to trophies and platinum (where you can find a tree with all the others), the one to defeat all the bosses, and many others. If you want to stay on track about the work, we also refer you to the Elden Ring game page.
ATTENTION: before continuing we would like to say that this Elden Ring guide contains spoilers on NPCs and secondary missions, some related to the lore and plot of the game, so continue only if you are aware of them.
Guide to all characters and side missions of Elden Ring
Let's go see who these characters are from Elden Ring, which are sometimes also linked to each other, and where you will meet them. Remember that after certain dialogues and / or actions, the characters will almost always move to another location, and consequently you can only meet them by continuing in the game and exploring certain parts of the map.
Elden Ring's first NPC. You will meet him out of your tomb to the first Place of Grace and will remain there until you defeat Godrick the Grafted. Complete all dialogues.
Secondly you will meet him at Lake Liurnia, go to the Church of the Rose where Varré will give you the Itchy Bloody Finger which you will need to make invasions in another player's world and if you will do it for three times you will go to the next stage, talking to him again.
Once this is done Varré will ask you to join the Lord of Blood performing a ritual. It consists of dipping a white cloth that will give you him in the blood of a Virgo. To do this you have to find a dead Virgo at the Church of the Inhibition (always Lake Liurnia, in the upper right part of the map, in areas affected by Frenzy), or kill Hyetta (NOT recommended), then interact with the corpse. Another way is to go to the area of Four bell towers to Liurnia Lacustre and, with a Magic Stone Sword Key, open the Chapel of Waiting Portal. Following the road you can defeat the boss who killed you in the tutorial, then go and dip the handkerchief in the blood of an already dead Virgin of the Fingers in the room where you started the game.
Give Varré the bloody cloth, and you will "receive" a Bloody Finger, which will allow you to invade as many times as you want, but also the Medallion of Mogh (Pure Blood Knight Medal). To move forward in the quest you will have to use the medallion from the menu, and you will be teleported to the audience place (the Mogwyn Palace, underground).
Arriving at the river of blood, you will come invasion 3 times from delle White masks with no name (in two different points of the bloody area). Defeat them (the third one will drop you an armor set complete with the white masks).
Proceed in the area until you find a specific grace point outside, but before which you will find ground a red invasion sign Neighbor. Activate it to start the fight invading White face Varré. You will defeat him and find him dying in front of you once you return to your world.
To finish the secondary mission, you can finish the Capital or get to the Palace through the secret entrance and then beat Mogh and Varré.
Boc the tailor
You will meet him at Sepulchrid, proceeding east along the main road, starting from the point of Grace after the Ruins that are in front of Porta Tempesta. You will only hear his voice coming from saplings, as he has been turned into a bush (let his voice guide you). Free him by hitting him and he will tell you that he lost his belongings in a cave on the coast.
Talk to him in the dungeon Coastal Cavern, beat the boss and give him the needle you got. If you've already beaten the boss, simply hand him the needle.
Boc will then be in the first Place of Grace a Lake Liurnia, on the cliffs overlooking the lake, and will ask you to be yours personal tailor offering you to apply cosmetic changes to your armor at no cost.
Boc will then go to the capital and talk about his desire to be reborn from Rennala to become human, and to help him you can proceed in two ways, namely by giving him the Tear that is in the Library of Raya Lucaria but then he will die, or by telling him that it is beautiful and will give you a reward.
It is located at the Colle Tempesta hut. Speak to us to find out that his companions have been transformed into chrysalis in Storm Storm Castle.
inside to Grantempesta Castle, in a courtyard next to the large room where you defeat a Grafted Heir (a monster with multiple arms and legs similar to a spider) you will find a pile of corpses with three dogs to guard / dine. Collect the item Roderika requested, go back to her and give it to her. She will give you a Seme d'Oro, and will go to the Panel discussion. If you only bring the memento to her later, you will find the Golden Seed in the hut where you first met her.
Roderika will be unmotivated and aimless. Go to talk to the blacksmith in the Round Table to convince her to find her purpose in the world. Talk to him and her in turn, recharging the area in the interludes.
Roderika will learn the art of spirit attunement which will allow you to upgrade your Summons up to +10 through Spectral and Sepulchral Covallaries. From this moment on, she will always be with you. If you go back to the pile of corpses where you found the memento, you will find a red hood.
Arrive at the Capital and collect a Curse of the Nursery. After Roderika tells you that he has heard some strange noises on the other side of the Table, you will enter the other rooms and you will meet Mangiasterco. Give him the Curse of the Nursery and talk to him.
Before the end of the game you will be able to talk to Roderika for the last time.
You will see D. to the Western Sepulchrid Cemetery, which will inform you that in Hydrocanto village there is a Sailor who should be avoided.
You will defeat the Sailor, talk to him again and he will point you to a on the map teleportation portal near the Third Marika Church.
Use the portal to get to the top of Greyoll Dragotumulus where you will meet Gurranq the Ecclesiastical Beast which will give you items in exchange for each Mortal Root you bring them, which are needed to unlock new beastly spells and items.
You will then see D. alla Panel discussion who will explain to you about his relationship with Rogier. To continue D.'s mission you must perform the mission of Fia.
After you arrive at the Altus plateau, Fia will give you a dagger, which you will give to D. Reload the Round Table area, and in a room in the corridor beyond the blacksmith you will find D. dead and Fia above him. Talk to the woman who will leave, and retrieve D.'s armor set.
Take him to the Nokron Aqueduct and give him to his twin brother.
When you finish Fia's mission you will see D.'s twin on the Throne of the Prince of Death in the Abyss of Roots.
If, on the other hand, you finish the Forbidden Lands without advancing in the mission, D. will try to escape from the Tablet and you will see his corpse near the exit and then take his set.
Gurranq the Ecclesiastical Beast
This character is located on the edge of the Interregnum on top of the Lands of Caelid (Greyoll's Dragotumulus) and cannot be reached at the beginning of the game except with the teleport that will be offered to you by D.
When you meet him he will give you an Eye of Death, an object that vibrates when there are enemies connected to the root of death (such as Tibial Sailors). By killing them you will get the Deadly Roots, which by delivering them to Gurranq you will get rewards related to Faith and Beast Spells.
To get all the rewards you will need to bring him 8 Mortal Roots which you can give to Gurranq to get all the rewards. Be careful when you deliver the fourth because he will attack you.
Stregone Thops
You will see Thops at Irith's Church who has to enter Raya Lucaria's Academy and needs one to do so Key of Stonecutter.
The first StoneScreen Key you have to go west looking at a large structure located in the center of the lake. In this place there is a sleeping dragon and behind it is a dead sorcerer, rummage in the pockets to find the Key.
You will find the second Stonestone Key inside the Academy of Raya Lucaria, after having traveled the secondary road over the roofs, up to the Church of the Cuckoo. Below you is a chandelier where the Key is.
When you deliver the Key to Thops, you will find him dead outside the Place of Grace of the schoolroom in Raya Lucaria, sitting at a desk.
Hyetta The Blind Young Man
If Irina is already dead in the Wailing Peninsula, you will meet Hyetta at the Place of Grace of Liurnia Lacustre behind the Grantempesta Castle. You need it the Grape of Shabriri to continue the journey and you should already have some with you (found on a corpse in the area just after Godrick, as you proceed towards Luirnia).
There are two more Shabriri Grapes you will have after finishing Edgar and Irina's mission at Morne Castle when you kill Edgar in the Avenger's Hut, and the other after the Frenzied Flame Village when you kill Vyke at the Church of Inhibition.
To give the second Grape to Hyetta you will have to go to the Purified Ruins on the lakeside of Liurnia Lacustre.
To give her the third Uva Hyetta will be on the bridge leading to the Academy.
The fourth time, however, you have to go to the Church of Bellum but this time you will give her the Grapes of the Knight Vyke that you will find in the Church of the Inhibition.
You will see Hyetta for the last time at the Proscription of the Frenzied Flame. Go into the capital's sewers to the Forgotten Abyss. Hit the altar to find an invisible wall and drop down.
When you arrive at the Frenzied Flame Proscription you can remove your equipment and open the door to meet the Three Fingers if you wish. By gaining the power of the Frenzied Flame you will save Melina and you will follow the final Lord of the Frenzied Flame by blocking access to the other endings.
Otherwise, retrieve the consumed Golden Needle by completing Millicent's mission and use it on you in the Arena at Farum Azula where you fight the secret boss Placidusax.
Kenneth Haight
The meeting with this character will take place in the early hours of Elden Ring, where are the ruins above Tetrobosco (Eastern Tomb) and he will ask you to free his house, Forte Haight.
Without this Kenneth Haight and he will explain to you the importance of protecting the semi-humans are beasts to be protected and not to be exterminated. If you choose not to participate you will continue in the game but you will never see him again, if instead you collaborate you will meet him at Fort Haight and continue his mission.
At the end of the quest Kenneth Haight will go to the throne room of Storm Storm Castle and by killing him you will get a Seme d'Oro.
Ranni the Witch
To start this mission, but only if you have already completed the Fia quest, you will first have to talk to Ranni and then return to Rogier.
Otherwise, when you meet Ranni alle Tre Sorelle on the Cariano Manor, you will be offered to put yourself at his service. If you like, he will first introduce you to Blaidd, Iji and Seluvis and then there will be the mission to carry out that will make you get the final Age of the Stars.
Go with Blaidd to Tetrobosco in the Siofra River Well where there is a large optional area which in turn contains others.
After talking to other characters and doing all the necessary exploration, go back to Blaidd who will send you to take out General Radhan at Castle Mantorosso. When he is defeated, he will throw a meteor and then you will have to go to the place of the fall, which is south of Eastern Sepulchrid.
Enter the crater where it is Nokron the Eternal City where you will face a boss and collect interesting resources.
As you continue into the woods remember to light all the fires and face an Ancestral Spirit.
From this position you will reach two other secret areas, but pay close attention, that is, when you are in the woods and go to the right where there are the Spiritic Jellyfish, you can get to the Nokron Aqueduct where you will face another boss but it will concern the Fia mission.
Going left will bring you to the Night Sacred Ground. Along the way there is a closed wall that we advise you to open, so reach the mausoleum at the bottom and collect the Scourge of the Fingers Blade from the chest.
Go back to Ranni who will give you the Statue of the Inverted Tower, useful for overturning the Cariana Study Room and reaching the top where there is the Mark of the Millipede that you will need for Fia and Rogier's mission.
Go to the Reindeer Tower and go to the Ansel River. Once in the area, take Ranni's Doll.
When you arrive at the Place of Grace in Nokstella you have to listen to all the dialogue of Ranni's Doll, then take the elevator that will take you down. Then fight a Black Blade and Ranni will give you a key to open a chest next to Rennala in the Great Library of Raya Lucaria. Contains the Ring of the Black Moon essential for the continuation of the mission.
Continue and cross the Putrescente Lake to the ruins, then where the Great Cloister is there is a river of Scarlet Rotting that flows into a waterfall from which you will have to jump.
When you arrive at your destination, fight the boss, then take the elevator to get to the Altar of the Moonlight and take a nice round of patrol.
Go to the Cathedral of Manus Celes, slip into the hole in the center and continue until you get to Ranni and finish the mission and be rewarded with the Greatsword of the Moon and the secret Star Age ending the Elden Ring
In the Place of Grace in the throne room of Ranni there will be an additional dialogue at the moment and also in the final obtained.
Alexander Iron Fist
Free Alexander prisoner of the rocks along the path between Storm Hill and Eastern Tomb, who will tell you that he intends to participate in the tournament in the Lands of Caelid.
You will see Alexander again at the Gael Galleries and he will tell you that he wants to go to the Mantorosso Castle.
When you see him at the Mantorosso Castle, ask for help.
Then you will talk to us in the plain above Vasburg, because he wants to be pulled out of a hole again. grease it by throwing about 5 or 6 jars of oil at it, and only then hit it, otherwise it will break. Buy the recipe for the Jar of Oil from the underground merchant.
You will see it again on Mount Gelmir inside the Lava Lake.
If you want to summon him to help you in the fight against the Fire Giant.
Finally in Farum Azula go to the top where he will challenge you to a duel to get an Alexander Talisman and Innards.
Return to Vasburg to talk to Alexander's grandson and to rest at the Place of Grace, visit the village during the night and then give him Alexandre's entrails to close the mission and get a Talisman.
Go through Dusk in the ruins and stand under Blaidd. Snap your fingers when you hear the howls to bring him down (you'll need to get the gesture by talking to the merchant in Elleh's church, after at least once you've heard the howls).
Blaidd is chasing Darriwill into the Eternal Jail.
Beat Darriwill and Blaidd will direct you to Iji, the blacksmith in Liurnia Lacustre that you will find on the way to the Cariano Manor.
Since his mission is linked to Ranni's, you must first finish Ranni's quest, after which you can fight with Blaidd and get his weapon and set.
Fia is located at Panel discussion and wants to perform an ancient rite. By accepting his hugs, you will receive the Blessing of the Canopy and continue his mission, you will also have to do it to speak to him normally (remember to use the blessing, it is a consumable in the inventory).
Fia will remain at the Round Table until the activation of the Forge of the Giants and will serve you to then start Ranni's mission for activation in turn. secret final Era of the Stars. It should be noted that if you carry out the mission before joining Ranni, you must first talk to Ranni and then go back to the table and talk to Rogier. Only in this way can you start Ranni's mission.
Returning to Fia, and talking to us every now and then, after you have unlocked Liurnia Lacustre he will let you discover through a map where to find the dungeon where the black Grapho dagger is hidden, hidden behind an invisible wall in the Catacomb of the Black Knives (north east of Liurnia). Take the Grapho Dagger, return to the Tablet and give it to Rogier.
When you first go to the Altus plateau, if you have solved all the steps, Fia alla Tavola will give you another dagger.
By giving the dagger to D., Fia will kill him. Reload the zone, and then Fia will leave in the secret Seat of the Prince of Death zone, located in the Abyss of Roots region.
Conclude the Carian Study Room to get the Millipede Mark and give it to Fia, then examine it next to the prince of death to start the secret boss fight against the Necrodragus Fortissax and get the Death Rune.
Strega Cells
Arriving at the Wailing Peninsula you will see sellen chained downstairs in the Ruins of Lammia but if you attack it you will lose its mission and will not be able to recover it.
Instead, it's best to meet her at the Ruins Along the Sepulcris Road, towards the start of Elden Ring, in the ruined Post Station (there is a giant Poison Flower).
Lo Sorcerer Azur stands at Place of Grace on the climb to Mount Gelmir (immediately after defeating the half-human Queen Maggie) will give you a sorcery for Sellen to see.
Go to Sellia to find a Sorcerer. Then take the road north from the Church of the Pestilence until you see a tombstone behind which there is an invisible wall and beat the boss, then get to the sorcerer who is in the hall with the crystal bridges.
After defeating General Radhan, go back to Sellen and agree to save his real body and he will give you an item to give to his real body.
Then go to the Witch Scourge to talk to Jerren the Witch Hunter.
Go to Three Sisters in the Seluvis Puppet Workshop: in the ruins in front of Ranni's Spire you will see an invisible floor, break it and go down. Go into the next room with an invisible wall hiding Sellen's new body.
When you are outside the Great Library of Raya Lucaria you have two choices.
The first option is that if you collaborate with Sellen you will have the set of Jerren, a Dagger of Stoneshard, you can buy from her the Sorcery Spiral of Stoneshard and obtain the sets of armor by taking them from the corpses of Azur and Lusat.
If you collaborate with Jerren you will have the Stonemesh Witch Mask, the dagger, an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone and by killing Jarren you will have his set, but it will not be possible to have the Azur and Lusat sets.
At the entrance to Sellia is Gowry who lives in a hut in the Lands of Caelid, one of the most inhospitable areas of the Elden Ring.
Your task will be to find in the Church of the Pestilence in the upper part of the city a girl called Millicent, but the city is under a spell that you will have to unlock by lighting all the braziers that are on the roofs of the houses.
From here begins the Millicent quest and after a few steps of this mission Gowry will sell you some unique spells.
To start this mission you must first speak to Gowry.
Free the city from the seals by lighting the braziers on the roofs and then go to the Church of the Pestilence where you will find Millicent who is sick.
Return to Gowry who will inform you how to save her, ie with a Golden Needle at the bottom of the Aeonia Swamp.
Fight Commander O'Neil in the Swamp and you will have the Needle.
Go back to Gowry and give him the needle and then return to have it repaired and take it to Millicent, which is missing an arm.
Talk to the girl again and go back to rest. Go back to Gowry where you will see Millicent about to leave.
Rest, then Gowry will tell you to watch Millicent, who has since left.
Millicent is at the Place of Grace Colle overlooking the Mother Tree on the Altus Plateau, and she needs the Valkyrie Prosthesis, which is inside a chest protected by a Rotting Knight in Castellombroso.
Collect the Prosthesis and then you'll see Millicent in Dominula again after you beat the boss in the area.
A later meeting will be at the Snowy Valley Ruins at the Place of Grace and he will tell you to go to Castel Sol to get a piece of the Pendant that is needed to get to the secret region of the Sacred Tree of Miquella.
Finally you will see her again at the secret city Elphael. To go there you have to go to Ordin, the Liturgical City in the Lands of the Sacred Tree of Miquella. Then conclude the Eternal Jail by lighting the fires on the roofs of the houses.
At this point, a teleporter will unlock that will catapult you to Elphael.
Millicent is in the Hall of Prayer until you beat the very difficult Tumor Spirit that is in the River of Rotten.
Win him and the summoning sign will take you to four more difficult characters.
Return to Millicent for some important rewards.
Unlocked the Altus Plateau and talk to Corhyn who is at the Tablet of Lost Grace, who will tell you that he wants to go find his master Golden Mask.
You will find him at the Altus Plateau in search of the Golden Mask which is at the bottom of the bridge that starts near Dominula.
Talk to him and then go back to Corhyn, this way the couple will be reunited.
When you enter the capital you will see them on top of a hill near the Western Bulwark trying to solve a puzzle.
In the church of vows, get the Law of Regression spell from Miriel and use it in front of the statue of Radagon.
Talk to Corhyn, then you will have the Rune of the Perfect Order and the chance to activate the final Era of the Perfect Order.
Finally you will see Corhyn a couple more times but you will not get any benefit.
Nepheli Loux
You will meet her at Storm Storm Castle, in a room accessible from the square manned by the giant, and then you can summon it to help you against Godrick, the first great boss of Elden Ring.
By defeating Godrick with the help of Nepheli, you will see her at the Tablet where she will give you the Arsenal amulet.
You will meet her again at the entrance to the Albinauri village and he wants to take revenge on the hornbrands who have exterminated the village.
Look for a vase upstairs and hit it with a roll to reveal the albinaur Albus (who was the camouflaged vase) who will give you the first half of the Secret Medallion to help you reach the promised land.
Beat the boss nearby and after resting Nepheli will move.
When you return to the Round Table, you will be attacked by Ensha.
Kill him then speak to Ser Gideon Ofnir the All-Knowing who will direct you from Albinaura Latenna to the Crystal Cave west of the Laskyar ruins who in turn will tell you where to find the other piece of the medallion.
Nepheli will be at the Table and talk to us, ask Gideon for explanations and then talk to Nepheli again.
Go to the Preceptor Seluvis to Three Sisters and get the Seluvis Potion, and now you have three choices.
You can give the Potion to Nepheli but it will be transformed into a puppet and you will find the body behind an invisible floor in the ruins at Three Sisters.
If you find this place, you don't necessarily have to have given the Potion to Nepheli, you can talk to Seluvis who will give you a puppet that is not Nepheli.
Or give the Seluvis Potion to Gideon Ofnir the Omniscient, then go to Four Bell Towers and use the teleport to go to the Chapel of Awaiting. Retrieve the Legendary Hawk and give it to Nepheli.
The last possibility is to give the potion to the Eater. You'll see it after you've gone to Altus and talked to Roderika, but it's still unclear what will happen to the mission.
After delivering the Hawk's Ash to Nepheli and advancing Kenneth Haight's mission until he is stable in his fort, go to Storm Storm Castle's Throne Room where the mission will close and Nepheli will give you an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone. and Gostoc will sell you another Ancient Dragonstone.
After activating Ranni's mission, you will meet Seluvis who lives in a tower not far from Ranni's Spire and he will ask you to give Nepheli Loux a potion and you will have three options.
By giving the potion to Nepheli the mission will fail because she will become a puppet. In this case Seluvis will tell you that she intended to give the potion to Ranni to make her a puppet. By becoming her accomplice, Ranni will kill you and you will not be able to carry out her mission.
By giving the potion to Gideon you will save Nepheli.
If you give the potion to Eater, however, we do not yet know what the effect will be on the quest.
Once you have made your choice, however, Seluvis will want to sell you its products.
Going to Three Sisters you will examine the area hidden by an invisible floor that conceals a staircase. Go back to Seluvis, talk to him and he will make you choose a summoning gift.
After finishing Ranni's quest you will find Seluvis dead.
You will meet him in the first phase of Elden Ring. Yura is located in a ruin located north of the Sea Ruins and slightly south of the Dragonburned Ruins and she will warn you of the danger of the dragon Agheel. Killing the dragon and talking to Yura will give you exclusive dialogues.
Starting from the lake and traveling north along the river, Yura will help you when you are attacked by an enemy who invades you (bloody fingers). Here you have to beat the opponent only after Yura comes to the rescue.
Continue down the river and you will see Yura again who will warn you about the Lightless who have lost the Grace.
Then you will see it near the Main Gate of Raya Lucaria. Help him fight a Bloody Finger (you will find the red mark on the broken bridge, starting from the grace zone in the Accademia round square) and then talk to Yura again after returning to your world, you will find him there next to you.
At the Second Marika Church, Yura is about to die and you will be attacked by a character armed with a katana. Beat Eleonora to get the sword and returning to Yura you will also have her Nodachi weapon.
When you see Yura again at the start of the Giant Peaks, she will no longer be herself.
Bernahl the Knight
You will see him as a merchant to the Hut of the Weapons Master in Colle Tempesta, which will sell some ashes for weapons, but if you fail to meet him you will find him at Villa Vulcano. You will meet him in the first phase of Elden Ring.
The mission will activate before defeating Rykard and after placing yourself in the service of Lady Tanith.
You will receive the Letter to Bernahl and close his quest at Villa Vulcano where you will get the Blood Wolf armor set.
When you see him again in Farum Azula he will turn against you and when you beat him you will receive his set and another useful item that you will need to win the Farum Azula boss.
Fight the Farum Azula boss only after this step, because if you do it sooner you will no longer be able to fight him.
At first you will meet him as the boss of the Tombs Along the River Cavern and before the end of the fight Patches will ask you for mercy. If you accept he will become a merchant and will stay around. If you try to rob him while he is in his cave at the tomb (when he is already a merchant) you will be teleported to the wood of the Tomb among many bears.
Patches will go to the Panoramic Island in the center of Lake Liurnia and tell you that at the bottom of the Raya Lucaria Academy stands a Raptor Virgin with the power to transport you directly to the mother tree.
Reach the Raya Lucaria Academy base with the elevator where you will find the Cat Talisman and the Virgin of War attacking you.
If you get eaten to death you will be teleported to Gelmir Volcano and will not be able to leave the area until you arrive at a Place of Grace. At this point either go back, or you will go to face a boss. Whatever you choose Patches won't be there anyway.
Later you will see him on Mount Gelmir outside the Hero's Tomb.
Finally, if you decide to participate in the cause of Villa Vulcano you will see Patches again and after the first missions of this phase he will remain a merchant.
If you decide to join Villa Vulcano and complete the first assignment Patches will ask you for help and if you accept you will get an important armor.
At the end of Villa Vulcano you will see it again in Castellombroso where you will receive an item if you give it to Lady Tanith.
Kalé Mercanteshabri
When you meet Kalé you will see the equipment upgrade kit and you will need to purchase the necessary crafting kit in order to craft.
When you have completed the Eastern Tombstone, this merchant will tell you howling during the night and will give you Finger Snap.
The Snap of the Fingers will be needed after you beat the bear in the Witchwood Ruins to make Blaidd appear.
Melina is a woman who will propose you a particular deal and to meet her you will need to have the horse and have made a level increase.
For each Church of Marika, Melina will have a particular dialogue to start on each Place of Grace.
When you arrive in the capital, Melina will thank you and take leave of you.
It will be possible to summon Melina before the fight with Morgott in Leyndell, and she will return to you when you arrive at the Ancestral Throne.
If you save Melina and get the final Lord of the Frenzied Flame, there will be an extra scene with Melina starring before the credits.
To save her at the Forge of the Giants, you will need the Frenzied Flame to burn the Mother Tree without her being sacrificed.
To save her but without getting the ending of the Chaos you have to take the power of the Three Fingers, start the Forge of the Giants, finish the Millicent mission to have the Worn Needle useful to cure you from the Frenzied Flame.
The first meeting will take place at the Table of Grace and he asks you to find his assistant Lanya.
Go to the ruins of the hamlet of Raya Lucaria to see Diallos next to Lanya's corpse and he will want revenge.
You will see him again at Villa Vulcano and by carrying out the mission of Villa Vulcano you will also progress with his mission.
When he leaves Vulcan he will move to Vasburg to be a potter. Return to him at night to complete the mission and you will have items belonging to him.
Master Blacksmith Hewg
His goal is to forge a very powerful weapon to be able to defeat a god and will stay with you until the end of Elden Ring.
You will see this sorcerer in the Castle Stormrage chapel as you make your way to the first real boss of Elden Ring. By talking to him you will know that he is looking for something in the castle. Rogier also sells the powerful Cariano Greatsword.
Once Storm Storm is over you will see him on the Table terrace as a spell vendor and he can no longer walk after the fall necessary to reach the Moat of Castle Storm Storm and where there is a sanctuary of the Prince of Death.
Going there Rogier will have a dedicated dialogue, but in any case he will give you his Stripe + 8.
Speaking with D. you will know that he and Rogier know each other and Rogier will tell you that he is interested in the Mark of Death hidden in the Interregnum.
Find the Black Grapho Dagger in the Catacomb of Black Knives, talk to Rogier for hints to find Ranni, as long as you've already completed the Fia mission.
When you are at the Altus Rogier Plateau he will die and you will find a letter that says that D. has a twin brother hidden in the city of Nokron.
Rogier will be your opponent at the Seat of the Prince of Death in the Abyss of Roots.
Gideon Fears l'Onniscente
Beat the first Elden Ring Major Rune bearer, it could also be Godrick, and a room will open in the Tablet of Grace where Gideon is proposing you a mission.
If you have completed the first steps of the Nepheli quest and defeated Godrick,
Gideon will tell you about Nepheli if you have already completed the first parts of the Nepheli mission and defeated Godrick.
Gideon will apologize for Ensha's behavior and will give you more information about the Secret Pendant of the Mother Tree if you have completed the Nepheli mission to the Albinauri Village,
You can give Gideon the Nepheli potion you received from Preceptor Seluvis.
When you find all the Major Runes Gideon will ask you to find Ranni, Malenia, Miphella and the Blood Prince.
For each secret area you will find you will get a prize, that is, arriving at the Mohgwyn Family Mausoleum you will have the recipe for the Sacrificial Twig, at the Sacred Tree of Miquella you will have the Protection of the Black Flame Spell, by killing Mogh you will have the Law of Causality Spell.
Enya the seer of the Fingers
After you defeat the first demigod of Elden Ring, Enya will be at the Round Table, and you can get advice and forge weapons through the Remembrance of the main bosses.
Rya is located not far from the Place of Grace Panoramic Island in Liurnia Lacustre, and since a gold necklace has been stolen, she will ask you to bring it back.
The bandit is staying in a hut next to some trees and wants to sell you the necklace. You can decide to pay and he will remain available as a merchant to buy consumables, or kill him.
Return the necklace to Rya to receive an invitation to reach Villa Vulcano (another area, inside Mount Gelmir in the Elden Ring).
You will see her again on the Altus Plateau near the Place of Grazia Colle Facing the Mother Tree and she will help you with the teleport to Villa Vulcano.
At Villa Vulcano you will see Rya at night in her true form, so talk to Lady Tanith.
Then Rya will tell you that she heard noises. Enter the next room and knock down the wall that hides a secret path that ends in the Prison City, an optional dungeon.
Go around the city to the Temple of Eiglay where you will get an item to give to Rya who will move to Villa Vulcano.
If you have completed all the requests at Villa Vulcano, speaking to Lady Tanith she will tell you to erase Rya's memory with a potion.
You have to look for Rya, so start at the Eiglay Temple Place of Grace, take the elevator you see on the right, go forward to a Maiden of War, then go through the lava, get to the wall where Rya is on the left.
You can conclude the quest with three choices available, that is, kill Rya to get a Talisman, or give her the potion and she will go to Villa Vulcano but to get the Talisman you will have to return to the previous position as it remained on the ground, finally do not give her the potion, continue the mission and defeat Rykard, then you will receive the Talisman and a letter.
Miriel Guardian of the Vows
Miriel is at the Church of the Vows and protects the Ritual of Absolution, useful for purifying you from your bad deeds.
After finishing Raya Lucaria, Miriel will tell you about Rennala, Radagon and Marika.
On the way to the capital, Miriel will tell you the story of a sculptor who while sculpting a statue of Radagon learned of a secret that he hid inside the statue.
To get to the statue you have to take the elevator down from Leyndell Mother Tree Shrine. To unlock the secret, you must use Regression Sorcery.
Irina is stationed after the bridge along the road from Sepolcride to the Wailing Peninsula and Morne Castle. She wants to give you a message to give to her father.
It is important to complete the mission because this is how Hyetta will appear.
You will meet him on the highest tower of the Castle of Morne. He is Irina's father and is disheartened by the defeat suffered.
Clear the Castle of Morne and get the Sword of the Royal House (one of the legendary weapons of Elden Ring), then Edgar after thanking you will return to his daughter.
You will see him again next to Irina's corpse and he will swear revenge.
When you see him for the last time he will be at the Avenger's Hut. Since he has lost his mind due to the numerous deaths caused in revenge, the only way to restore serenity is to kill him.
One of the two blacksmiths of Elden Ring. Iji is located at the Place of Grace Path to the Carian Manor, he is a blacksmith and is connected to the secondary mission of Ranni.
Upon completion of Ranni's mission you will find dead Iji burned.
After you unlock the Capital in Elden Ring, you will see it at the Round Table.
Go to the Nursery and get a Nursery Curse and give it to Mangiasterco so we can talk to you.
He will tell you to get to his mortal remains which are in a cell at the bottom of the Capital to have the Power of the Plague. For this he will give you a key to open the Forsaken Dungeons which are inside a well on the opposite side of the city.
With the key you will free Eaterco.
Return to the Table and he will challenge you.
When you beat him he will want more Seedling Curses, so give him five to get the Rune of the Plague which you will need when you beat the final boss to unlock one of the alternate endings.