If we had to explain what En Garde! is, first of all we should explain that it is a game that was born as a student project in 2018. However, the authors liked the idea too much and then they joined together as a team. fireplace games - and over the years they managed to transform the work into a "real" game (or should we simply say a game intended for sale). The studio believed in En Garde! and worked hard for five years trying to break into the gaming market.
This is not the first time we have talked about En Garde!, of which we tested a demo in June 2023, but now the time has come to try the full version, available for PC. For all the details, continue reading ours. Review of On Guard!.
A story in episodes.

On guard! tells the story of Adalia de Volador, a swordswoman with noble intentions who rebels against the tyrant Count-Duke, who governs with military and economic power the Spanish city that is the backdrop of our adventures.
However, you shouldn't expect an actual plot in En Garde!, as the game is simply divided into four semi-independent episodes, like a kind of sitcom. Yes, because the plot has a mainly comic style, with caricatured characters and a very simple plot where the hero wins and the villains are too stupid to achieve it.
Il comic side by En Garde! It is undoubtedly its main strong point, because it makes every moment light and joyful. Among other things, it's not just some silly joke, but a set of small details that always make you smile, like the Count-Duke's guards who, once defeated, pretend to have fainted and whisper to each other or Adalia. herself asking if they are okay after she throws them into the sea only to be told extremely politely that they know how to swim and there is nothing to worry about.
Il cast of characters Key features include Adalia's inept brother, a thief our swordswoman has a crush on, and the aforementioned Count-Duke who stomps when things don't go her way and complains if Adalia criticizes her crazy plans. The final result is positive, due to its simplicity.
Cloak and dagger become jug and sword

However, the plot is only a support for the adventure of En Garde!. The entire game revolves around combat system which proposes three macroelements: attacks, detours and use of the environment. As for attacks, Adalia can basically hit with normal slashes in a combo, but as she defeats enemies she charges up a bar that allows you to activate powerful moves like a guard-breaking lunge or a sweep that knocks down multiple enemies at once. floor. neighborhood.
The purpose is break the enemy guard and thus inflict a direct hit on life points. Most opponents have more than one hit point and some are able to recover their guard, for example if you react incorrectly to their blows. In fact, guards can attack with unstoppable blows, which must be dodged, or make movements that can be deflected and later allow critical hits.

Then there are the enemies that must necessarily be defeated with the use of the environment. Trying to confront the hordes of the Count-Duke's henchmen simply with our sword is a recipe for failure, as we will soon find ourselves surrounded and besieged by multiple attacks.
It's critic use the environment, throwing objects or exploding cauldrons, gunpowder kegs and cannons to defeat those around us. The options are many and each element has a different effect. In addition, we can take advantage of the heights to make enemies fall and stun them or perform acrobatics to surprise them and have a few moments to attack beyond their guard. The end result is a game much more varied and fun than it might seem at first glance, punishing those who press random buttons and try to win through pure brute force. The only limitations are the camera, which struggles to keep up with the action when we're in corners, and the aiming system, which is based on the direction we're looking but becomes difficult to control when enemies are crowded together. . together.
To complete, let's point out that you don't spend all your time fighting, but there are small ones between one section and another. very simple platform sections which mostly serve to break the rhythm.
History, arenas and more

Be on guard! requires approximately three hours to complete, regarding the story mode. The fastest one could easily do it in less than two hours, but there will be several narrative collectibles, secrets and challenges to complete for those who love hunting 100%. In this case the duration of the game can at least double, also because there is a second mode: Arena.
Sand It is shortened by eliminating the plot and platforming and offers a series of battles in closed areas, the most interesting in the Story mode in practice. They are sections full of objects and environmental dangers that we can exploit. The peculiarity of this mode - which is divided into several levels of difficulty - is that with each new wave of enemies we will suffer some type of penalty but we will also be able to choose an improvement from the three offered to us, for example. For example, the possibility of healing ourselves every time we knock down an enemy or get a critical hit after a certain number of dodges, etc. This is a more interesting way of approaching battles and gives more hours of play for a job that plays wisely with subtraction and does not last a minute too long.

Finally, a small comment for artistic component. On guard! It doesn't offer particularly striking environments from a stylistic point of view, with simple cities, port areas, sewers and an island fortress, but the end result is always pleasant thanks to the intense colors and discreet variety.
Additionally, there are no bugs or glitches of any kind, which is no longer a given. Finally, the Dubbing in English with a Spanish accent. It offers the best of both worlds: there are no texts in Spanish, but we don't think that's a big problem given the simplicity of the adventure.
Tested version PC with Windows digital delivery Steam Holygamerz.com 7.5 Readers (5) 7.8 your voteOn guard! It's a small game from a young team that manages to be fun at all times. It's not very varied, but fortunately it doesn't try to last too long. The combat system works and the comic approach is pleasant, in a mix that will provide healthy fun for a handful of hours. It's not a memorable game, but if you like the style and want something to refresh yourself between one 300-hour RPG and another, we recommend it.
- Excellent combat system
- The comedic approach is fun.
- It lasts just
- it's not very varied
- The camera gets lost from time to time.