Are you sure you want to know the truth?
It is difficult for me to write this Everhood review. It's hard because I'm not used to feeling so surprised and involved. I love video games, seriously, but in this sea of content it is difficult to find that happy and immortal island. For some reason, however, Everhood managed to hit me (and not just me), kidnap me, chaining me in his world psychedelic and musical like the creatures that inhabit it. From this moment, year domini 2021, onwards, I am a character of that world and to get out of it, dead or alive, I have to act drastically, or abandon myself forever to a solitary life suspended in time.
The most painful choices sometimes bring with them the greatest joys, the most beautiful experiences.
Unconventional Adventure RPG
The ProfesSIR · Out Of Body Experience - Everhood Demo SoundtrackUnconventional Adventure RPG is the subtitle not only of this review, but also what the game authors themselves declare under every text, image, video concerning Everhood. Never was a definition more apt.
Everhood is based, like any RPG, on exploration, talking to NPCs and facing various boss fights. So far, everything is ok. Then, however, you realize that the world is alive and that you interact with the NPCs it is not an end in itself gesture. Every minute that passes on Everhood creates new relationships. NPCs who tell you about the meaning of life, the achievement of personal goals, happiness after defeating a boss in Dungeons ad Dragons with friends. That's life, the human one, even if behind a digital screen.

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Undertale (PS4)
Our choices are crucial. Nothing, really nothing it is left to chance, and the weight, this emotional boulder that we will carry with us, will be the key to interpreting the whole title. If you really need a comparison, even if I'm not crazy about this tendency to tell the games alongside other titles, Undertale is the title Everhood comes closest to.
What else can I say? For this alone you should close this review and head to Steam to buy Everhood. Ok, yes, of course, I should tell you what the music is out of mind, that the boss fight I'm cool, which the gameplay has a basis as intuitive as it is variable. Every 5 seconds something new happens that distorts everything you have learned, making the title never dull, never repetitive, never boring. And most importantly, I should tell you that if there was a boss rush mode right now I'd be on my knees praying in the direction of the developer house: my new gaming Mecca. But as incredible as the combat system is, it's not the focus of this game. Everything that revolves around fighting is what it makes of Everhood un masterpiece without ifs and buts.
Also because few games have come so close to the concept of death as an inevitable and necessary step.
The only truth
Octo Capitalist · The gnomes - Everhood Demo SoundtrackIl sound of death it bounces in the ears at a frantic pace. Colorful gnomes dominate my dreams before departure. Photons bombard my eyes with circular quanta of light. The body stretches towards the center of the universe while the residues of the past that have just passed stagnate around me. Defocused, faded, in the center of a grid that represents my story. My path traveled, made up of obstacles, barriers, wounds. Silhouettes alternate in the background that are difficult to trace back to something familiar, so much distorted is what surrounds me. The air is thin, I can breathe just enough to watch mine near-death delirium.
For years, religions have promised (deceived) man a new life after the terrestrial one. For years I have believed that all of this was a lie (truth) for dupe the stupid. I'll find out soon. On the other hand, I left those who were mine without remorse (crying) companions in life. In the intoxication of blood (duty) I chose to make mortal what was immortal. In the war against the stillness (movement) of existence I have decided to close the doors.
The truth is that death is inevitable, it gives meaning to life, and even though everything in Everhood is a dance, I decided to switch off the music. A new story awaits us. It's time to get together, to say goodbye and to meet again and again to relive all the emotions, good or bad, that made our trip special.
Now that you know the truth, make the right choice.
Rating and Price 9.5 / 10 10 € / 10 € Comment Everhood is a video game that I will always carry in my heart. Beyond the incredible technical quality, it's a title that hits you directly where you don't want to be hit. It overcomes all those barriers, those armors that surround our feelings and it hurts you leaving you bleeding but happy. Stocks like this are valuable. It deserves to be remembered and played by everyone. I hope it explodes, because it deserves it. Pros and cons ✓ OST✓ Level and Game Design
✓ Screen x Only one section of gameplay in the overworld