The fans wanted Dino Crisis, Capcom gave him Exoprimal: after all, this is the original sin of the new cooperative shooter from the Osaka company, which draws heavily on the prehistoric world to launch practically infinite waves of Velociraptors, Pteranodons and a whole series of creatures even bigger to Us and the Bad Guys, from Triceratops to T-Rex.
How to counter the most powerful and ferocious predators ever seen on the face of the earth? Use of Exo-Armours: high-tech armor equipped with devastating weapons and abilities, visually characterized by a design that is sometimes inspired by Evangelion, sometimes by Pacific Rim, without forgetting the world of classic anime and American comics.
Does this curious combination really work? We explain it to you in exoprimal review.
History: between dinosaurs, secrets and artificial intelligence

La history by Exoprimal tells of the desperate attempt to counter the sudden dinosaur invasion that began in 2040, when hordes of dangerous reptiles invaded cities through large and mysterious portals, devastating and killing everything in their path. Three years later, the situation is dramatic and teams equipped with Exo armor are not enough to stop the threat.
So it happens that our character (created by an editor and recruited by the Albius Corporation) and his team find themselves stranded on an island, where the artificial intelligence Leviathan awaits them. The latter requires armored combatants to engage in a long sequence of war simulator with the dinosaurs in order to collect the data necessary to study the phenomenon and find a way to prevent new gaps from opening.
After a brief tutorial, participating in the Survival playlist will allow us to access predominantly cooperative parties, in which two teams each made up of five players will have to complete objectives from time to time, trying to do it before the opposing team to aspire to victory. At the end of the cycle, the two groups may have to face each other directly or continue in a PvE context until a winner is crowned.
From a narrative point of view, linking coincidences will allow us to unlock the elements of a database and, consequently, view documents and testimonies that, like small fragments, they will make up the plot of the game and reveal their secrets. In addition, surpassing certain experience levels will trigger real interlude sequences that will try to improve the cast of protagonists: an unexciting solution to carry the story forward, but probably the only one possible.

La structure of Exoprimal is clearly that of a live service, characterized by an update table that will see the arrival of new modes, variants for Exo-armors, new maps, new enemies and more within the four seasons currently scheduled, each with a duration of three. months and with the season pass in tow (paid, but optional) to accelerate progression.
From the main screen you can access theonly playlist currently present, Survival, in which, as mentioned, two teams of five players compete through a series of challenges. The latter are randomly selected from a short list of twelve different stipulations, which involve simply eliminating a certain number of dinosaurs, protecting a transmitter, transporting data, pursuing specific enemies, destroying barriers, and more.

There was talk of a general lack of content and a basic repetitiveness in terms of the Exoprimal experience, but in reality it is enough to spend a few hours with the game to realize that the actual playlist modes and the enemy types themselves are considerably enriched, showing at that point everything what the game really offers. has to offer, which in the end is not little, but which certainly sells at a high price.
The rewards obtained at the end of the fight are divided between cosmetic items, such as skins for Exo-armor, stickers, logos, emoticons and backgrounds with which to customize your fighter, and credits with which to purchase. updates in order to improve the effectiveness of attacks, resistance to blows, recovery of vital energy, movement speed, etc. Leveling up will also give you access to a wider selection of secondary weapons.
Gameplay: Remember Lost Planet?

With regards to game and, specifically, in terms of gunplay, you can say that Exoprimal is a bit like the illegitimate child of Lost Planet: as you shoot endless hordes of dinosaurs and launch grenades that blow up dozens, if not hundreds, of Velociraptors, with an impact rendering. is truly delightful, the exciting combat of the robot-based action shooter released in 2006 for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 certainly comes to mind.
This might be enough to convince you to give Capcom's new title a chance, but it's really not all because there's the matter of Exo-armor, which represent an element of profound diversification of mechanics. In fact, the different armors have equipment and characteristics that make them complementary, with a view to a strategic composition of the team and with the dynamism guaranteed by the possibility of changing armor at any time in the match.

Deadeye, que parece un Eva-00 con esteroides, es una unidad diseñada para ataques de medio alcance, equipada con un rifle de asalto y un lanzagranadas, mientras que el Roadblock, que It looks like Cherno Alpha from Pacific Rim., he punches with his powerful fists and uses an energy shield that blocks waves of dinosaurs and allows you to shoot them, lending itself perfectly to cooperative action.
Then there are some variants, always belonging to the Assault and Colossus classes, which focus on firearms or melee tools, while the Support class units obviously serve to restore the energy of companions and support them in the most difficult battles, when in addition to the hordes of smaller creatures, the different Carnotaurs, Ankylosaurs, Stegosaurus or Triceratops make their way.

In short, different approaches to the action, which nevertheless work very well: the movement within the stage is fluid and without complications, and although the possibilities offered by the arsenal are not unlimited, forcing you to always resort to the same maneuvers without perhaps some interactive elements that can mix things up a bit (explosive barrels, objects to throw at enemies, traps, etc.), The experience is fun and quite balanced, maybe it will make it a little easier.
Las unidades hostiles pueden contar con various types, even special ones, that appear after a certain period of time, so you may initially get the feeling that the game only has a few dinosaurs to offer. Obviously there is no discussion about behavioral patterns, we are still talking about ferocious and unsuspecting reptiles, but it is interesting how in some cases it is possible to summon some of these specimens to directly attack the enemy team and slow it down. .
Technical realization

If it is true that the main objective of a title like Exoprimal is to guarantee certain features, it can be said that the developers have achieved this without any special problems, at least on new generation platforms. We were provided with a code to test the game on PS5 and we did not find any particular problems with it, with the 60 fps which remain stable when necessary and some eventful exceptions that don't really affect the experience.
Il exo armor skin is the master, of course: the first ones, as we mentioned, feature a mix of interesting inspirations and it is a pleasure to witness the disguise that occurs every time we decide to change armor. Of course, not all solutions seem equally convincing, but here too a good job has been done in terms of variety, thanks to the unlockable skins that can revolutionize the aesthetics of the armor.

En Dinosaurs There is little to say: they are very well reproduced and animated, clearly with all the necessary distinctions between the most numerous and the most imposing units, but they move within urban or forest settings that are a little too vague and generic, as mentioned. , they also lack interactive elements that contribute to the gameplay.
On the sound side, however, there are completely meaningless things, in particular a localization of the dialogues in the middle: The artificial intelligence speaks in Spanish, the characters in English (with subtitles) and the end result feels like a work in progress. However, the effects in terms of weapons, explosions and various roars are excellent.
Tested version PlayStation 5 digital delivery Steam, playstation store, Xbox Store Price 64,99 € 7.0 Readers (33) 7.5 your voteExoprimal es un shooter cooperativo divertido y espectacular, caracterizado por un sistema de combate muy sólido y un interesante equilibrio estratégico, ligado a las especificaciones de las Exoarmors y a la posibilidad de cambiar libremente de una a otra durante una partida. Claramente no tiene la profundidad narrativa ni la personalidad de una experiencia para un solo jugador como las que Capcom nos tiene acostumbrados en los últimos años, y el precio de venta ciertamente podría haber sufrido un ajuste a la baja considerando los contenidos actuales, pero si tienes una Xbox Suscripción a Game Pass y te gusta el género, definitivamente se recomienda la descarga.
- It is a pleasure to fight, with well-differentiated exoarmors.
- The playlist and enemy types become richer after the first few hours.
- El diseño de la armadura es hermoso, la representación de los dinosaurios es hermosa.
- At full price, it's a little pricey considering the content.
- Unavoidably repetitive gameplay, the scenarios do not contribute to the action.
- El componente narrativo tiene poco impacto, audio localizado a medio camino.