Below us is the Abyss, dark and dank and yet the only refuge for that part of us that is no longer welcome. Loneliness surrounds us, in this battle that promises revenge with each of our victories. The Throne is ours, but it is an ephemeral conquest. Once seated we cannot do anything other than take our weapon. Then, the tragedy. The unthinkable. The horror. We're out of toilet paper.
Everyone has been there, everyone has seen his crown fall. Experienced rulers betrayed by a distraction. How to do? What hero can save us? Him of course! The bright white New Roll. But where? How can he get to us? To find out, squeeze your buttocks and keep reading ours. Review of Gimme toilet paper.!
This is an artistic attack!

Okay, let's get serious for a second (but not too serious). What is Gimme toilet paper! exactly, other than a GOTY 2023 contender? Well he is a platform by Nintendo Switch, now available for the modest sum of 4 euros (to help you, 4 euros is approximately equivalent to 8-10 rolls of toilet paper). In short, it is a collection of 32 levels in which we are a roll of toilet paper that must travel a path to reach the hands of the poor person sitting on the Throne who has no way to clean himself where the sun does not reach. shine.
The idea is crazy in itself, we know, but you still don't know the most interesting part. To play you need a roll of toilet paper. As well as a fairly large piece of hard cardboard and some paper towels. In practice it is a art attack.
The idea is this: Insert the left Joy-Con into the toilet paper roll. (new, of course), use the tissues to prevent the controller from leaving its new home and place the controller roll on the piece of cardboard. To control your character you will have to literally spin the controller left and right, tilting the cardboard. Can we say that we love the Japanese? Yeah? Yeah!
Here, however, we must make a big confession. We cheated a little in our game.. We didn't actually use cardboard to roll the controller, we just placed the roll on the ground and moved it from left to right. This gave us a level of control that we found refreshing and eliminated any frustration that arose from the inconvenience of managing the tilt of the cardboard.

We also add that in each new level you have to take the appropriate Joy-Con to start, so when placing the cardboard with the roll it is very easy for it to fall and you have to reposition it. Be approach the game as a party game with friends and you want to have a laugh, use the method that the game suggests, but if you simply want to play an absurd platform, do like us.
Easy but satisfying

By cheating, as mentioned, you gain accuracy and effectiveness. The difficulty drops. However, we had to repeat several levels before reaching the goal, since the difficulty is not excessively low.
They are there at all levels. various dangers, such as rotating blades, laser beams, nailed coils, sharpened tips and more. The design is always nice, with short levels, but full of traps and always with a new idea for the next area. Sometimes you have to find the right path, other times you have to guess the right pace to get through moving dangers, in some cases you get to the base and then go up and down again. There are springs, fans that lift us into the air, arms that grab us and move us up and down. It is much more refined than you might think at first glance, we assure you.

We're not talking about a platform game that will redefine the genre, but the unique control system and average quality of the levels create a fun, agile and satisfying experience. The problem with all this is that All 32 levels are completed in half an hour. or a little more if you control the scroll by cheating, since you die very rarely. However, we don't think we'll be able to reach the game time, even with the original control system.
come to the final (no spoilers, but it is more exciting and dramatic than many other games), we realized that we would have gladly played it again: if there had been three times as many levels, or even four times as many, we would have spent hours in front of the TV No problem. Honestly, we hope for a more substantial sequel with new ideas. The sound component could also be a little more varied, given that there is only background music, but for the short time it lasts it is fine.
Out of excessive zeal (veil?), we repeat that the control system intends to disconnect the Joy-Con, so give me toilet paper! no es compatible con Nintendo Switch Lite. Be careful!
Tested version Nintendo Switch digital delivery Nintendo eShop Price 4,00 € 8.0 Readers (7) 7.2 your voteGive me toilet paper! It is an absurd game, but in the best sense of the word. The original control system is refreshing, the design ideas effective, and the context makes you smile all the time. Well, "time" is the only big flaw, considering that you finish in a good half hour, especially if you "cheat" by placing the roll on the floor. However, considering that it only costs four euros, we recommend it to everyone. We really hope it is successful and that the author creates a sequel.
- Absurd, original, fun.
- Control system
- It costs less than a skin in your favorite free game.
- Very short
- Playing sitting on the Throne is possible but a little uncomfortable (don't ask questions)