This Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem build guide is the result of collaboration with DLCompare, who kindly provided us with the review code. For more information on the service and our ethical purchasing guidelines, refer to the dedicated News +.
For an effective and fun build to play
The new ARPG by Wolcen Studio just came out on Steam and, given its strong role-playing component, the first ones have already appeared in the dedicated forums recommended builds. While the game's average difficulty isn't prohibitive, some end-of-area bosses feature a truly remarkable level of challenge. It is therefore essential to build a build effective but especially funny to play. With this article, along with our review, we first want to create a guide for new players of Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem, explaining step by step the various parts that make up a build, that is Melee, Archer o Mage. In conclusion, we present three of the most recommended builds, one for each class.
How to build a build in Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem

To learn more:
Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem, ARPG in CryENGINE sauce
At the beginning of the game, during the character creation phase, it is necessary to choose one of the following classes: Melee, Archer and Mage. The class Melee allows you to fight body to body through an impressive array of weapons ranging from war hammer two-handed, up to a couple of fast daggers. The class Archer instead, it prefers a ranged combat through strings, crossbows e guns. Finally the Mage obviously takes advantage of the magic, through long sticks decorated and catalysts (magical items such as skulls, censer and amulets that hang from a chain and occupy a weapon slot). But this initial choice does not absolutely affect the evolution of the character. The player during the story will be able to change your class at will through the construction of the build, being able to create even more ibride.
In fact, with every level increase, they are given to us 10 points experience to be assigned to four different statistics, plus a node to be unlocked along the skill tree of passive skills (skills that do not require limited duration activation but which once unlocked will be part of the characteristics of our character). The mechanics of active skills instead it is more peculiar and allows their use only if found in the rewards of the enemies or bought from a special merchant.
Ferocity, Thoughness, Agility and Wisdom
At each level up, they can be assigned 10 experience points to four different stats. Ferocity increases the chance of critical damage from physical and magical attacks. Thoughness increases the maximum health and shield of our character. The statistics Agility instead, it increases the speed of melee attacks and magic casting. Finally Wisdom increases the likelihood that our physical and magical attacks cause the following status problems:
- Shock (Lightning)
- Burn Energy Drink (Fire)
- Bleeding (Rend)
- Poison (Toxic)
- Stasis (Aether)
- Cursed (Shadow)
- Weakened (Sacred)
To build a correct build it is advisable to have the highest scores only in one or two of these four statistics, increasing the others less frequently. Finally, you must try to equip weapons and armor that increase these statistics in a manner consistent to the build you are building, otherwise a stat that you want to keep tertiary can, thanks to a sword or armor, become primary, thus breaking the created balance.

Passive skills
After passing to the next level you can unlock only one knot of the skill tree of passive skills. It is made up of 21 classes distinct that present minor knots, connecting, e major knots. The latter have a specific name and allow you to unlock passive abilities from the effect devastating e immediate. We find for example the Soldier class, to which the node belongs The Wild Card which increases the chance to deal critical damage by 60%. Or the class Sentinel with its knot Blackline Rider, which increases attack speed and spell casting speed by 50%. At the beginning, a total and complete knowledge of all the nodes and the best path to trace in the skill tree results in areally frustrating activity. So, at least for the beginning, it is advisable to follow one of the many builds proposed online and then, with experience, customize them to your liking.

Active skills
The learning mechanism of active skills is peculiar. They are learned through the consumption of artifacts, which can be obtained from enemies or by purchasing them from special merchants. If you consume artifacts containing skills already learned, it will be increased by 100 points la Primardial Affinity, which is a substance that allows merchants to increase the level of a skill of our choice. Yes, because the active skills based on their use in battle, or precisely through the consumption of the Primardial Affinity, can increase in level. This allows them to unlock several modifiers, which will enhance and change the nature of the ability itself. We have for example the active skill Sovering Shout which, through a powerful scream, considerably increases the speed of attack and the casting of spells. It at level 29, for example, allows you to assign 5 points modification. Each modifier, based on its impact on the ability, has 1, 2, or 3 modification points. A Sovering Shout modifier, for example, allows you to stun surrounding enemies for a few seconds.

Build Melee, Archer and Mage
We present now three builds, one per class, among the most used and common, which guarantee a good balance between power and playability. However, there are many others in dedicated forums, both to play in solitaria in that co-op with friends.
Melee Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem build guide
The melee attack build has two main stats, namely the Ferocity and Toughness, keeping the tertiary Agility.
Active Skills:
- Juggernaut: creates three shields that rotate around the player and absorb damage. They explode when consumed;
- Bladestorm: summons two blades of magic instead of weapons and allows you to quickly attack the opponent with them;
- Bleeding Edge: throws a giant ax around the player causing area damage;
- Sovereign Shout: boosts the damage and attack speed to the player and his allies;
- Wings of Ishmir: allows you to jump into the midst of a melee of enemies with a giant spear causing area of year.
Passive Skills:
- Merciless Lethality of the Assassin class: increases critical attack damage but decreases normal damage;
- Backline Raider of the class Sentinel: increases attack speed;
- Feast for the Crows of the class Warmonger: increases the subtraction of global life;
- Gods Amongst Men of the class Warmonger: increases material damage but makes you unable to create other types of damage;
- The Wild Card of the class Soldier: Increases the chance of a critical attack.
Archer Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem build guide
Agility e Ferocity are the main stats of the Archer class, which makes movement and rolling its winning weapon.
Active Skills:
- Mark of Impurity: increases the damage done to the target by cursing it;
- Wailing Arrows: release a series of arrows in a circular area;
- “Avenger” Autoturret: provides cover by summoning a turret;
- Phantom Blades: throw two swords in front of you;
- Duskshroud: provides invisibility by leaving a shadow on the floor.
Passive Skills:
- Meditative Focus of the Ranger class: increases the damage if you are more than six meters from the enemies;
- The Wild Card of the class Soldier: increases the chance of a critical attack;
- Merciless Lethality of the Assassin class: increases critical attack damage but decreases normal damage;
- Safe from Afar of the Ranger class: bullets have greater damage if you are within 15 meters of enemies;
- Tethered Shade of the class Duskglaive: rolling damages enemies and leaves a bait;
Mage Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem build guide
The Mage class prefers statistics Wisdom, with Agility e Ferocity in second and third place.
Active Skills:
- Anomaly: summons a vortex that has two areas with different effects. The first, smaller, deals damage, while the second, larger, attracts enemies to the center;
- Infinity Blades: attacks the enemy many times in the same combo, generates Willpower for each enemy hit;
- Plagueburst- Summons an area that detonates enemies upon death, dealing poison damage;
- Tears of Etheliel: creates a mass of ice above the enemies that after a few moments falls, inflicting area damage;
- Light bringer: Loads a spell that creates area damage and teleports the character. With each reload, the area and damage increases.
Passive Skills:
- Scholar: Atruttion Strategist, Thirst for Knowledge
- Warlock: Resilience to Corruption, Reining in the Darkness, Duty to Exterminate
- Plaguebringer: Toxic Emantation, Undertaker
- Soldier: The Wild Card
- Cabalist: Immortal Offering, Power of the First Men
As we have just seen from this one Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem build guide, the Wolcen Studio game does not feature a complex progression system. We have tried to report all the information in a simple and complete way, but there are many facets that the builds of this game have to offer. If you are interested in the title and want gods clarifications, or would you like to bring some deepening about what is presented above, do not delay to write it in the comments below. See you in Stormfall!