It's strange to note that no one has stolen Nintendo's secret on how to create a perfect kart game for 30 years, and yet even the Kartrider review: Drift it only certifies this situation. It is not a question of zeal or amazement, because at this point it would also be anachronistic to want to defend at all costs the superiority of Mario Kart over the rest of the offer that is now beginning to be substantial, but it is a simple truth: there have been projects interesting, quite valid alternatives that have also managed to gain a certain number of followers (like Crash Team Racing), but in all cases we are talking about looking at Mariesco racing in all its splendor from the bottom up.
We're not really talking about an upstart here: KartRider Rush, the first chapter in the series from Korean-Japanese giant Nexon, has millions of users around the world and a similar fate will probably also befall Kartrider: Drift, if only for by virtue of its free distribution.
In fact it is a free-to-play which does not have particularly aggressive monetization policies (although we can at least notice the push towards the purchase of paid premium battle passes) which can quickly lead to a very large user base. And this seems to be ready, considering the ease with which it is possible to find ready-made online games in any game mode and despite the fact that the title has not yet been officially launched on consoles, being currently only available on PC and mobile platforms. .
There is certainly a substantial production behind it, which is reflected in interesting characterization and a good amount of content, but at the moment Kartrider: Drift is still far from the best standards of the genre: even without disturbing his majesty Mario Kart, we can Easily turn to the Sonic All-Stars series for a game with a more satisfying driving model, or Crash Team Racing for a more sensible integration of power-ups and racing. Nexon's title, however, has the ability to be downloaded for free and easily played even on mobile platforms, which can make it a highly accessible and widespread title.
The basis of the kart racing arcade.

Il game It is based on the fundamentals of arcade-style kart games, namely fast and very unrealistic driving combined with the tactical use of power-ups. The driving system follows what has now become standard, with the choice of the right moment at which to accelerate at the initial traffic light to obtain an additional push, the track effect that we can obtain by staying behind our opponents and the inevitable skid. . capable of giving extra acceleration if done correctly. The problem is that each element of the driving system appears as a kind of general simplification of the principles of Mario Kart: the starting sprint does not change depending on the characteristics of the driver or the vehicle, the drift system is quite convincing but mortifying The design of Track is usually too simple and the fact that characters and cars are the same, except for the aesthetic aspect, significantly reduces any tactical element.
All these aspects make it a game particularly suitable for mobile use, to the point that Kartrider: Drift can also be played semi-automatically, leaving the player the only task of steering and using power-ups, but even in this mode it is difficult to compete. with the charisma and immediate playability of Mario Kart Tour, which also represents in itself a notable simplification of the formula. Driving system and powers., on the other hand, derive directly from the tradition of the genre, both in the behavior of the vehicles and in the effects of offensive and defensive weapons, with some sporadic original introductions.

In general, even in the modes most focused on the use of power-ups, these are only partially effective and never change the race layout too much: this could be an element in the game's favor, if only the design of the tracks. and the driving system seemed a little more stimulating and capable of letting the players' skill prevail more clearly.
Kartrider: Drift is certainly designed with the mobile platforms and from this fundamental point also derives the simplification of the driving system and the roads. The semi-automatic control system works quite well on smartphones and tablets, although it is less intuitive than that of Mario Kart Tour, but it is above all the good responsiveness in terms of loading and pairing that makes it a particularly fun game to move around. .
Mode and progression

The amount of content is a characteristic in favor of Kartrider: Drift, which in each game presents us with a notable variety of activities to participate in, integrated with the objective progression system. In the game we can participate in standard races based on speed and improvements, focus on challenges based mainly on speed, participate in timed races, organize custom games or dedicate ourselves to unlocking the different "licenses" that allow access to new levels. Everything's fine way It then contains variants depending on the type of multiplayer, with the possibility of choosing between total battle or team play, which results in a considerable number of possible combinations that determine different game experiences, although all of them set according to the same game mechanics. .
This branching structure is integrated with the progression system, as is often the case in free-to-play games. Also in this case we are faced with a battle pass (appropriately called here race pass) with progressive objectives, divided between free and paid, the latter being obviously richer and more interesting than the other. This difference seems quite evident compared to the first games, given that the standard objectives run out quite quickly, which evidently shows a much greater attention to the paid battle pass (whose prices start at 6,99 euros for the standard premium ). Rewards refer exclusively to cosmetic items and have no influence on gameplay, however, it is clear that they represent an effective boost to progress, which is why their achievement is considered important in the game's economy. In any case, the structure seems less predatory than what we have seen in many other titles based on similar models (even from Nexon itself).
Characterization, graphics and design.

La graphics by Kartrider: Drift is simple but at the same time clean and pleasant, thanks to an anime-style child characterization that always works very well in this type of game, which is also aimed at a very wide audience. This is also reflected in the excellent design of characters and vehicles, which are functional to the entire progression system based precisely on the customization of the drivers and vehicles to be deployed on the track. Although everything seems a bit anonymous compared to other karting games, at least it is refined to the point of pushing us to want to unlock new content to show off in the race, and this is no small feat considering that the entire system is based on this .of game.
Despite the pleasing appearance, perhaps the weakest element of the package is the often banal and uninspiring track design. One of the characteristics that has contributed the most to building the myth of Mario Kart, the construction of the tracks is of fundamental importance for the playability of a game of this genre, but in this case we are faced with quite banal and flat solutions. Although the scenarios are varied, colorful and well designed, in general they contribute strongly to that general lack of charisma that characterizes all of Kartrider: Drift, with the aggravating factor of negatively influencing the gameplay itself, in this case.
Tested version PC with Windows digital delivery Steam, app store, Google Play Price Free 6.5 Readers (1) 9.1 your voteAs a free downloadable title, Kartrider: Drift is definitely worth a trial download, if only to gauge whether the pleasing characterization can suit your tastes and thus possibly drag you into the vortex of progression through the game pass. career. In absolute terms, we are facing another Mario Kart clone that, however, moves decisively away from the paradigm, as well as other more successful imitations such as Crash Team Racing or Sonic All-Stars Racing. The advantages of the Nexon game lie above all in the free-to-play distribution and in its setting especially adapted to mobile use, factors that can allow it to conquer a very wide audience, but if you are looking for an arcade kart For a racing game that be a deep and structured minimum, it is better to look elsewhere.
- Good characterization and technical realization.
- Immediate and fun gameplay, at first.
- Many unlockable modes and content.
- The layout of the tracks is quite flat and anonymous.
- The driving model based on drifting does not find much expression on the tracks
- Touch controls, although simplified, are still not comfortable