When you mix the building potential of Minecraft with the aesthetics and gameplay of Doom Eternal, you get Meet Your Maker, a game that could become the standard for all sandbox experiences in the future. The story, very light, and the few errors found do not in any way hinder the future of this title that promises infinite replayability and high-risk emotions.
Made by interactive behavior, the developers of Dead by Daylight, this game will put you in the role of a Keeper, a robot in charge of attacking outposts created by other players spread throughout a post-apocalyptic world with the aim of recovering genetic material with which to save The humanity. . Your mission will be to gather resources and then build your own outpost so that the other Guardians can attack.
In this Review of Meet Your Maker We tell you about Behavior Interactive's plan to replicate the popularity of its previous title thanks to an exciting, attractive and solid formula. Games like Roblox, but also Mario Maker, have shown that success can be achieved by giving the community the right tools to create wonders and now Meet Your Maker seems to be on its way to becoming a haven of creativity.
Raid, die, build, repeat

La play again It is one of the most important metrics by which the longevity of an experience can be measured. Meet Your Maker, if its developers continue to introduce new features periodically, has the potential to keep us company for a long time with its gameplay halfway between a first-person shooter and a sadistic dungeon builder. Humanity is on the brink of extinction after a mysterious virus corrupts everyone's genetic code, sparking nuclear wars on a global scale. Now the most important resource on Earth is MatGen, that is, the genetic material prior to the collapse and, therefore, not contaminated by the virus.
Players will take the role of a Guardian, a robot designed to protect a Chimera, a strange being whose origin is unknown, but who asks us to go steal the MatGen from other players to produce a cure that will save humanity. Thus begins the ingenious gameplay loop of Meet Your Maker. First you will have to assault the enemy outposts, collect the MatGen and deliver it to the Chimera. By exploring, destroying and defeating enemies, you will earn resources that you can use to upgrade your character or start building an outpost. Once published, this structure can be attacked by other players who, with each death, will leave you extra resources. It may seem repetitive, but the creativity of Meet Your Maker users blew us away and demonstrated the potential of this game.
One shot is enough

The premise of Meet Your Maker is simple: one shot is enough to die and kill others. At the outposts you will attack. cyber traps and guards They take a moment to take you back to the starting point, but it's almost impossible to resist the challenge that other users throw at you when they make their outpost available. The ammunition for your main weapon, then, is only two, but you can recover and reuse them. For everything else there is a very useful sword, but to use it you will have to get very close to those who want to kill you.
Storming an outpost is not an exciting experience just because your life is at stake. The enemy base, in fact, can also be an artistic experience that required dozens of hours to perfect or the reconstruction of a real Doom Eternal level, with a room full of enemies and half the floor made of lava. As it stands, the arsenal available to Keepers is very limited with two main weapons, two swords and a shield, but Behavior Interactive has already published a roadmap of content that is part of the development of the live service and there are many tools of futuristic death.
Each outpost has a collector, a small four-legged robot, who shuttles back and forth from the MatGen container at the heart of the facility to the assault starting point. Arrive deep in the outpost Just follow him, it will be up to you to avoid the dozens of traps and humanoid guards that the creator has scattered throughout the structure. In addition to the main weapons, you will also have gadgets at your disposal including a grenade, a rebirth point, a barrier and a stimulant syringe to improve mobility.
Question of resources

The other half of Meet Your Maker (although you'll spend proportionally more time attacking than creating) is the building your own outpost. The system created by Behavior Interactive is not exactly full of customizations but, according to the developers' plans, it has the potential to become the rightful heir to the Halo 3 Forge. Build walls, corridors, sky-defying towers or Dungeons to Nightmare in the Dungeon is simple and intuitive even with a controller. The requirements for each base you set up are: to have an uninterrupted path for the collector and to have a minimum number of traps or sentries to block the passage of enemies.
To build complete structures with materials other than basic rock, however, you will need quite a few in-game resources, especially if you have in mind a very intricate and brutal maze in which to test the other players. Each outpost you build will have no disadvantages for you. You won't lose MatGen if other players complete it, and the longer you stay online, the more MatGen you'll receive through the mining process. When this ends, the outpost will become inactive and you will need to reactivate it by using your resources or building it so that it kills enough enemy guardians to become prestigious and therefore self-sufficient. Another way to keep your outpost alive is through praise that the guards who beat him can give him. He can be rewarded for brutality, cunning, artistic spirit, or simple fun, a feature we really enjoyed and which added more joy to our endings because we had a way of letting the author know we had fun.

For those more dedicated to conquering the wastelands of Meet Your Maker, there's Overdrive mode where the risk-reward ratio gets more serious. If you choose to put your outpost in this mode, your MatGen earnings will increase by 100%, but every time a Guardian manages to defeat it, you will lose 300 units of the precious resource. There are three levels of difficulty: normal, dangerous and brutal, the first requires an average of 4-5 attempts to overcome, the second 10-15 and the third a minimum of 20. This is because it is possible to design your outpost with traps that activate only after the MatGen core It was stolen, so the exit is almost always as dangerous as the entrance.
The joy of company

Raiding and building are fun on their own and epic when combined. Now that Meet Your Maker is included in the lowest tier of the Playstation Plus subscription, if you have friends on the Sony platform, invite them to play because not only will the most difficult experiences become easier, but also because two of you will be able to create your own. own creations. own torture and frustration chamber For other players it is very simple. The building system in this game is really intuitive and tackling the most brutal levels in two will be an excellent source of inspiration for your outpost. There are dozens of ways to be bad at cheating, but the more you play, the more patterns will begin to repeat and your level of mastery will increase.
Meet Your Maker is a kind of PvP game between a player armed with patience and the perverse mind of a designer who tried to build the cruelest underground cave or Tower of Babel that exists. The icing on the cake of this game, then, is the garra with which to begin experimenting with mobility techniques and high-risk hand-to-hand combat. There's even an entire exoskeleton for your Guardian dedicated to melee weapons, and it takes a while to unlock. So every aspect of the game, from traps to guards to weapons and gadgets, can be improved with the resources you have, even if, after about 25 hours of play, we hit a progression wall that only new content can overcome. break down.
Tested version PlayStation 5 digital delivery Steam, playstation store, Xbox Store Price 29,99 € Holygamerz.com 8.0 Readers (5) 8.3 your voteMeet Your Maker is an addictive title thanks to its excellent gameplay, which combines Doom-style action and Minecraft-style construction with a touch of sadism. Taking on enemy strongholds is an ever-new challenge and upgrading your base using tricks learned elsewhere has always been satisfying, especially thanks to being able to see replays of the deaths of other players who have faced your outpost. The daily and weekly reward system works and encourages returning to the wastelands to raid and build. Now the ball passes to Behavior Interactive, who must commit to adding new weapons, new traps, new guards, and new ways to build to keep the most avid players happy and create a community of enthusiasts who continue to populate Meet Your Maker with dungeons each time. badder. If they put the same care into this game that they put into Dead by Daylight, we'll have one of the best and most potential sandbox experiences out there.
- Infinite replayability
- Precise construction system
- it never gets boring
- Few weapons and enemies at launch.
- Unknown future support