Enough, I'm fed up with 2.0 reviews. Let's go back to those 1.0.
The old fatigue of Suda51 No More Heros lands on Nintendo's flagship, the Switch, and shows itself in what everyone has called “a real act of love for the video game”. Before moving on to the review, however, a bit of history. No More Heroes (ノ ー モ ア ★ ヒ ー ロ ー ズ Nō Moa Hīrōzu) is an action video game initially launched as an exclusive for the Nintendo Wii console, later an HD remake (with optional PlayStation Move support) was made for the Sony PlayStation 3. It was directed by Gōichi Suda (also known as Suda51), developed by Grasshopper Manufacture and published by Marvelous Interactive Inc., Ubisoft and Rising Star Games. The game was previously simply titled Heroes. Source Wikipedia. Well, it's time to embark on this No More Heroes review!
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The interview with Marco Crepaldi, the founder of Hikikomori
History has as its protagonist Travis Touchdown, typical otaku - his motel room is decorated with posters and action figures of wrestling wrestlers and anime characters - lives in semi-poverty at the No More Heroes motel in the fictional town of Santa Destroy. After winning a beam katana in an internet auction, he becomes a paid killer. Finding himself short of cash to buy wrestling video games and videos, he accepts a job to kill Helter Skelter, also known as the Drifter, which allows Travis to earn XNUMXth position within the United Assassins Association, an assassination organization.
Realizing that he himself has become a target for other would-be assassins, he begins to take action to earn the coveted top spot in the UAA rankings. Always source Wikipedia. A simple plot, perfect for us hardcore players, which will allow us to identify with the character and live his amazing adventures!

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No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise
What the hell is this stuff? How boring! No, sorry, it's worse than that, the third killer. How bored I got to take out that old crone. He even kissed me, yuck, yuck. But this is too much. Ah, who am I? I'm Travis Touchdown of course, and I'll take out this supposed cheap writer. Fortunately she is not a beautiful woman. Mentecatto. My story it's not a story to rememberindeed, it is a ball. I was there getting drunk and this beautiful blonde shows up and offers me some money to kill a guy. All very beautiful, the lust for blood and the tapes from the video library that I appropriated.
But all that glitters is anything but gold. I wanted to be number one and it was all a lie. Crazy killers were there waiting to be quartered. No reaction. No real man. How does this guy who passes himself off as a journalist talk about my story without telling what I had to go through to get to those crazy armed men. Boredom in pixelated graphics. Here is the real story.
I, Travis, tell you: No More Heroes has a boring story, and in boredom it finds true beauty
Um ... We said. Let's move on to the graphics now! No More Heroes, despite its age, has amazing graphics! With its bright colors and comic-like graphics you will always feel like you are reading a comic. And the HUD is no exception! We immediately see that it is a desire to declare to be a video game. In fact, life will be indicated by a pixelated heart and also the battery bar of the beam katana. In short, fight or turn to Santa Destroy it will be a pleasure for the eyes! Just think, every car is different and is also full of people to invest with the bike! Really, the years will seem like they just haven't passed.

To learn more:
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes - The Return of Suda51
God, what my eyes must see. This is all bullshit. The graphics it sucks, and God forbid, it's a 2008 game, how could it be otherwise. Then on Switch these geniuses brought the worst version. But who does this here write? Where did you see all these colors? Everything is dull, dead, gray. The streets are populated by two people on the cross who are all the same and, if invested, they will disappear into thin air.
The cars drift like in Crazy Taxi and come out of nowhere making you fall off the bike, which often gets buggered. Come on, go through that Santa Destroy sewer it's the most boring thing you can imagine. I couldn't wait to get back to my filthy Motel to kick back on the couch and watch wrestling. That's a sport. Barrel and blood. There are true colors there. Did I tell you I have some masks hanging in the bathroom too? I'm really cool.
I, Travis, tell you: No More Heroes has boring graphics, and in boredom it finds true beauty
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At the edge of the world: where the open world begins.
Ok… Let's move on to the gameplay. The main character of the game is Travis Touchdown. The game consists of a world that can be freely explored (free roaming) allowing Travis to move around on foot or on his motorcycle called Schpeltiger. The game mode is open with the constraint that the player must kill the top 10 assassins belonging to a special ranking in order to continue the plot of the game. There are numerous part time jobs that can be done to earn money that can be spent on buying guns, workouts, clothes and video cassettes.
Most attacks are done using the A button while certain other moves, including death blows, are performed following the on-screen instructions. Since Travis's sword runs on batteries, it needs to be recharged every now and then. The beam katana can also be upgraded and replaced during the game by visiting Dr. Naomi's shop. In addition to sword attacks Travis can throw punches and kicks and, while the enemies are confused, he can perform a number of Wrestling moves.
Travis can also act in a secondary mode called Dark Side which is accessed when three icons line up in a slot machine after a death blow is performed correctly. Source slightly reworked, but still Wikipedia. Gameplay is fun to say the least! Of course, the fact that we will have to earn money with part-time jobs is a bit annoying, but it won't bother you! Indeed, it will be a pleasure being all always different and exciting!

Incorrect video game:
Travis Touchdown reviews Travis Strikes Again
Well, are you done with this fanfare? Great. Now let's throw everything this idiot wrote and let's start from scratch. Splitting No More Heros like this makes no sense. Nobody. Do you know why? Because the gameplay is boring too. Wandering around Santa Destroy doing useless and repetitive missions, to scrape together those two change for the mission, is frustrating. Not only that, but the mission will be all about mangling enemies up to the boss without difficulty. The bosses, then, are all exceptional. It must be said.
Hell if I had fun taking them out. Each unique, with a personality so great that it invades the arena in which it is located and the ways in which to face and defeat it. I would face them all again. one by one. Then, however, you return to that bathroom to rescue and again to do boring side missions like harvesting the coconut. This is why No More Heroes cannot be broken down, because you would not notice that those defects are its value.
Oh yes, factory scraps that you are nothing else, without boredom No More Heroes would be a repetitive mangling. But no! Suda51 throws this critique of a spectacular society that exalts you in your face the heroes outside the canons but that you forget about everyday ones. A company that forces you to take refuge in video games because it's everything outside dark and gray e life sucks. No more then No More Heroes makes me suffer with you, puts me in your shoes and makes me feel truly a hero when I pick that coconut and denigrates me when I fight another man. No More Heros puts me all bosses bored, drunk, tired of that life made by the first in the standings, that they just want to be loved by someone or have a nice dinner with their daughter.
For this No More Heros is a masterpiece. Because it makes you sweat (51) even outside. Because it screams in your face that all those video games that show useless missions, just to stretch the soup, are garbage. Your life is as important as mine, and it is right that I live like you. So, stop reading this kind of nonsense, put on the joy-con and come with me to bore you.
I, Travis, tell you: No More Heroes is boring, and in boredom it finds true beauty.
Verdict 8/10 No More Heroes finds its beauty in boredom Comment The stylistic chaos conceived by Suda 51 for No More Heroes follows a retro arcade path that leaves no room for second thoughts ... Stop stealing texts from other sites (SpazioGames) and tell it how it is. Hi, I'm Travis Touchdown and in this review (the one above) I'll explain why No More Heroes is a boring game. Don't be like this idiot here who steals from others out of laziness and queues to read. Before I walk you through with my beautiful chick. Pros and cons ✓ La noia✓ Wrestling
✓ The beautiful women x La noia
x Wrestling
x The beautiful women