Game expansions Frontier Developments They tend to be quite predictable in terms of type and amount of content. Once you have chosen a topic, the English software works on it following a standard and well-established formula, slightly different depending on the title, which makes you feel as if you have not wasted money but at the same time lengthens the experience. enough to prepare for subsequent expansion. In your case, therefore, the important thing is not so much to understand what is new DLC has to offer, but only if the additions are to our liking or not. As we will see throughout Review, Planet Zoo: Tropical Package It doesn't change a comma from this point of view.
the new animals

Once Planet Zoo has started with the Tropical Pack expansion installed, we will have two possibilities to exploit it: in free construction, or in the scenario added to the career mode. The package adds five new species extracted from the tropical forests of three continents: Africa, Southeast Asia and South America, all of them recreated with the usual enormous care. Thus, now our zoos will be able to enrich themselves with the fossa, the lar gibbon, the red potamocher, the Indian water monitor and the variegated sloth, the latter as an exhibition animal. Don't expect big changes in terms of game systems, because there aren't any. The objective of each animal always remains the same: to rebuild its habitat, thanks to the approximately two hundred new dedicated objects, and to observe how it lives its life in a protected environment, perhaps making it reproduce, for our joy and that of the rest. zoo sponsors. Do you want to make the gibbon happy? Give him some trees to climb and you'll hear him scream for joy (literally). Do you want to know that your red potamocher wouldn't want to live anywhere else on the planet? Fill its habitat with mud so it can roll around as it pleases. Do you want to know what life is like on a video game editorial team first thing in the morning? Observe the evolution of the variegated sloth. Of course, feed everyone if you don't want them to die, including the editors. As you may have understood from the numbers, identical to those of the previous expansions, there is nothing revolutionary in the Tropical Pack, after all, it is normal that this is the case.
Bali Mission

As for the new scenic objects, Frontier Developments has chosen to be inspired mainly by the architecture and typical elements of Southeast Asia, probably because they are more distinctive and because in previous expansions it had already introduced African and South American elements. In particular, he resorted to the Balinese style, both in the structures and in the vegetation. So expect to build lushly vegetated habitats with wooden buildings and scenic elements that look like something out of ancient temples found in the forest, even when they might just be refreshment points for thirsty tourists. In general, excellent areas can be created, very beautiful to look at, which are fully exploited by the new animals, in particular by the gibbons, the most relevant of the group, due to their tendency to interact with multiple objects in the setting.
We talk about Bali not by chance, given that the new campaign setting It is located right on the island of Indonesia. Our objective will be the same as always: to fix a zoo that is in danger of deteriorating. In this case, the blame lies with a certain Tiffany, a rich and incapable heiress who made every possible mistake when managing the zoo that her father gave her.
It will be up to us to fix the situation and make her earn a lot of money, in addition to discovering what a character wants from her past (without giving spoilers, don't expect who knows what intrigues). The scenario is the best way to immediately enjoy the new content of the expansion, discovering it practically all at once. Fortunately, Frontier has abandoned the formula that intended new expansions to offer individual time trial maps, and has re-embraced the broader career enrichment formula, as it did with the Twilight Pack. a different weight to the entire experience and it doesn't feel like it's added just to breathe new life into the editor. In any case, the proposed challenge is the same as always, without any special surprises, to the point that the things to do are more or less what anyone who has played Planet Zoo since its launch (which dates back to 2019) will immediately recognize . Frankly, it was difficult to expect anything different, but there is little to complain about. In the end the question is always the same: taking into account that they are of the highest quality, are you interested in the added animals? Whatever the answer is, you know what to do.
Tested version PC with Windows digital delivery Steam Price 9,99 €
Readers (1)
your vote
- Expand your career a little
- The animals are very well done, as always.
- We are always there: if you like the setting you don't need a review to decide, since the game is always the same.