It is not the first time that we find ourselves talking about a DLC for an important Pokémon: the Game Freak story is full of additional content in which to expand the setting, the cast of characters, the Pokedex and the curiosities of the worlds created from from time to time by the team. If a leap forward was expected in the explanation of the phenomenon of teracristal, know what "The turquoise mask", la primera parte de la expansión de Pokémon Escarlata y Violeta, El Tesoro del Área Cero, el equipo ha optado por arrojar algunas pistas, creando un saludable tejido de misterio que estamos convencidos se explicará en la Parte II: El Disco Índigo. El paquete de contenidos de Game Freak tiene su peso, en todos los sentidos, incluido el económico: está claro que cualquiera que adorara a Scarlet o Violet estará ansioso por volver a ese ambiente, probablemente la característica que más que otras sigue atrayendo y manteniendo a los fans.
Yes, because we are convinced that Game Freak's most obvious philosophical turn is not to be found in the gameplay or in the overall offering, only slightly improved, but often with slow and cumbersome progression (see open world approach). The element that the team has decided to focus on for years is to propose an ecosystem of brands, a place and an atmosphere immediately identifiable with Pokémon, recognizable, that makes players feel at home and keeps them there while the team searches painstakingly how to keep the game up to date.
As you will read in reseña de la primera parte del DLC Pokémon Escarlata y Violeta, El Tesoro del Área Cero - La Máscara Turquesa, this content only confirms our hypothesis.
The road to Nordia

Pokedex actualizado y listo. nordic, a land decidedly smaller than Paldea, but full of mysteries, legends and places of interest. Norddivia is where you can expect to spend a good handful of hours: a new area, slightly different from Paldea thanks to a competent combination of meadows, mountains, caves, cities but also rice fields and orchards. Here the entire geological and social mix also returns, with the difference that you will participate in a school trip with a teacher from the Mirtillo Institute named Rea. It is a fairytale and legendary undergrowth that permeates La Maschera Turchese, takes you by the hand and accompanies you on a journey in which exploration remains the playful cornerstone of the experience. That's why you will soon meet the three Beniamici and Ogerpon, the bad ogre, as well as your new traveling companions Rubra and Riben.
Riben is cheerful, cheerful but very shy, while Rubra is haughty, a little haughty. Going back to what was said above, Game Freak wants you to stay in a comfort zone of secondary characters outlined thanks to fairly sober personalities and a flow of events that point more towards the exploratory direction than towards the relational one. It is a trademark of the series and this DLC does not move away from the trend. In its desire to be a mix of adventure and combat, The Turquoise Mask fully takes up the structure of Scarlet and Violet, oscillating between a turn-based JRPG. quite accessible and the pleasure of wanting to fill the new Nordia Pokedex.
Selfie and wild hunt

If from a gaming point of view this first DLC inherits all the gameplay of the main adventure, we must highlight the (few) new features included in the list. Let's start with new clothes and clothes for your character that are added to new hairstyles, to better convey the idea of visiting a new area. Therefore, there is a greater emphasis on Customization, but it doesn't end there: the Rotoselfie stick, which is easily understood by its name, is used to take photographs of oneself, useful for doing a kind of treasure hunt using signs around the map to be photographed. We conclude with Ogre Hunt, a simple minigame in which you jump on the back of Koraidon or Miraidon and go out to look for berries. That's right, berries: you will have to collect and deposit colored berries in a limited time while running with your Pokémon, with varying difficulty depending on the area of Nordvia in which you play.

Además de permitirte una actividad diferente a la habitual, la caza te presenta objetos útiles para el juego competitivo: nada impactante, pero es una digresión bienvenida de la historia principal. Bienvenido y necesario, dado que la trama no es larga, termina en un puñado de horas: tú decides cómo integrar la experiencia, ya sea explorando, encontrando Pokémon, compitiendo o simplemente luchando contra los nuevos animales incluidos en el DLC. . Una nota de mérito, dado que es imposible dársela al aspecto técnico, todavía debilitado por errores y fallas de marco, we decided to assign it to the sound sector, again pleasant and non-trivial, excellently integrated into the adventure.

You already know the answer to your question: is it worth returning to the world of Scarlet or Violet? If you enjoyed Game Freak's open world, the answer is yes. If you are fans de la serie, affirmative also in this case. This DLC will not incorporate a single new user, but that's okay, it's the style of the new Game Freak and perhaps it's right that they continue down this path, more experiential and less playful. Of course, the requested donation is important: €35 is not a small amount and La Maschera Turchese basically offers more quantity than creative ideas. We are curious to see how the second DLC will complete the picture, whether it will throw some new ideas into the cauldron or if it will actually be the consecration of a particularly conservative Game Freak approach.
digital delivery Nintendo eShop Price 34,90 €
Readers (14)
your vote
- A new Pokedex to complete
- Nordivia has an interesting fabric of legends
- The plot manages to keep you hooked.
- Pequeñas noticias reales
- Technical aspect still to be reviewed