There are few MMORPGs that, after 9 years of life, still manage to surprise their players by offering content that exceeds expectations. The Elder Scrolls Online proves that it belongs in this small circle with its latest expansion: Necrom.
This new adventure in the vast world of Tamriel is a real twist for players who, after the last expansion, were now very discouraged and disappointed by Bethesda's work. However, with Necrom they will be faced with a completely new and compelling experience, which will allow them to save ZeniMax Online of the shameful accusations made by the community of no longer being able to create something interesting capable of satisfying the needs of the players.
We explain why in ours The Elder Scrolls Online Review: Necrom.
The context

With two new maps To discover, the Zenimax team expands the game's already vast universe, offering players a wide range of fascinating locations to explore. Our adventure begins in front of the walls of Necrom, the City of the Dead, capital of the Telvanni Peninsula, one of the most remote areas of Morrowind, ruled by the Telvanni family.
Necrom is the place where Dark elves They venerate the deceased and consider it a meeting point between the mortal plane of Nirn and the spiritual plane of Aetherius. For this reason, both the rulers and the inhabitants of this region are completely uninterested in the politics and events of the outside world.
But the real gem of the new expansion is represented by the new class introduced: the Arcanists. Possessing abilities drawn directly from the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora, the Lord of Knowledge and Memory, these powerful wizards embody the very essence of magic. Experiencing the power of this new class is an exhilarating experience and highlights the exceptional flexibility of the Elder Scrolls Online gameplay.
La historia de The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom, sin spoilers

Given the premises, to better immerse ourselves, we decided to start our adventure with a character of the Dark Elf race (Dunmer) and Arcanist class. The new chapter of ESO, in fact, like all the previous ones starting from One Tamriel, can be played without difficulty from characters of any level, even newly created.
Our mission will be to thwart one. conspiracy put carried out by the daedric princes Vaermina (Lady of dreams, nightmares and bad omens) and Peryite (Lord of Plagues) against Hermaeus Mora with the aim of blocking his sight. For this reason we are contacted by Leramil, a high elf, agent of the Lord of Knowledge and by Hermaeus Mora himself, who inform us of the plot whose consequences could destroy the very reality in which we find ourselves. During our adventure we were accompanied by one of the best characters (to date) in the game: scrutinize, a little Watchling with a very austere and contemptuous attitude but who, despite this, made us immediately fall in love with his figure and his company.
The story almost immediately catapults us into the second area introduced in this chapter, namely the mysterious kingdom of the apocrypha, one of the kingdoms of Oblivion formed by Mora filled with infinite libraries that extend in all directions and contain all the knowledge of the universe. Apocrypha is where a good 60% of our adventure takes place and it's also where the developers at ZeniMax gave it their all. The map, in fact, has a visual and immersive impact that caught our attention, especially if we compare it with the previous chapters.
Another aspect that we really appreciate is the variety of types. enemies which we find are not limited only to those who had already appeared in Skyrim Apocrypha. This realm of Oblivion is, in fact, full of terrifying and terrifying Alien-style creatures, some of which literally blew us away as soon as we first encountered them. One of the creatures that caught our attention the most is undoubtedly Mind Terror, a spider-like alien monster with spear-shaped arms and numerous horns, capable of intimidating even some of Diablo's monsters.
Two new colleagues
During our adventure we came across one of the main novelties of Necrom: the two new Companion. In fact, in Elder Scrolls Online, starting with Blackwood, it is possible to play your own adventure alongside NPCs whose aesthetics, but also skills and equipment, can be customized. With Necrom we were introduced to Sharp-as-night, a Warden-class Argonian mercenary with no memories of his past and our favorite: Axander, a Red Guard Arcanist who seems to be a perfect mix between Albus Dumbledore and Willy Wonka.
the arcanist

The news that no one expected and that generated expectation for the new expansion was the introduction of a new Class, a hypothesis that had now been discarded by many and that made a large number of people return to play. Iarcanist It is presented as an extremely fun class to play and visually certainly on a different level compared to the others, as it features unique and much more "flashy" animations compared to the abilities of the other Classes already present in the game.
In the development of the Arcanist you can see all the effort put into it by the Zenimax Team, especially in the attention to detail and in the study of his abilities. This Class, more than others, currently seems to be truly adequate to be able to effectively cover all the classic final roles of any MMORPG (tank, healer or damage dealer).

Playing the Arcanist was that a breath of fresh air which was necessary in a game as long-lived as The Elder Scrolls Online and lends itself very well to being efficient even in the hands of less experienced players.
The Arcanist, like the other Classes, has 3 exclusive Skill Lines:
- Herald of the Tome: dedicated to damage
- Apocrypha Soldier: dedicated to the role of the tank
- Healing runes: dedicata all'healing
The peculiar feature of this class is the system of "quid". By using skills, in fact, we will be able to create or consume Cruxes and, depending on how many we consume, our skills will have improved effects. For this reason, at the beginning, it was perhaps a little complicated for us. To understand how the skills fit together well , we tried to build the 3 Cruxes needed to use the main damage skill at full power, but despite making mistakes more often than not, we managed to deal a large amount of damage during our adventure.
What happens at the end of the game?

Among the new features introduced with Necrom, something new could not be missing raid endgame, the Test or a Dungeon that must be faced with groups of 12 players. Sanity's Edge is the new challenge that veterans must face in order to obtain the new End Game equipment. To play it we contacted the guys from the Order of Shor with whom we explored this interesting adventure and who explained all the mechanics to us.
The stage of The edge of sanityand it is certainly innovative: we do not find ourselves in a physical place, but in the mind of a wizard who is having a horrible nightmare because of the daedric princess Vaermina.

The Trial features three bosses with mechanics that test all players in the group. Coordination is key as is a good combination of classes within the group. In Elder Scrolls Online, in fact, each Class has a passive ability that gives the rest of the group a unique Buff that, in the most difficult challenges, becomes extremely necessary.
Playing this test was extremely interesting and we certainly wouldn't have been able to complete it without such a willing group to explain the mechanics to even those with less experience. Sanity's Edge has one quite high difficulty, but still inferior to the Trials introduced with the previous two chapters of Elder Scrolls Online, despite having much more dynamic and fun mechanics to play. A point against this challenge is represented by the final loot. Apparently, at the moment, of the final four sets that can be obtained in the Trial, only the Healer's looks really effective.
For now, Necrom has managed to conquer us and we can surely tell you that it deserves a chance. The best advice we can give you to enjoy the adventure to the fullest is to immediately join a guild of experts like we did. You will find a complete list for each gaming platform on
Conclusions 8.0 Readers (6) 8.3 your voteNecrom was presented as an exceptional expansion, with a story taken care of down to the smallest detail and capable of offering an emotional involvement and a sense of discovery that only Elder Scrolls Online can offer. The introduction of the unexpected Arcanist, the addition of two new Companions and the new challenge of Sanity's Edge have entertained and amused us in a way that we did not expect from a game that is already 9 years old. In short, after the great disappointment of High Hisle, it seems that Zenimax has understood that players expect real news. We will continue to follow its evolution given that the Necrom chapter, as Zenimax usually does, will continue to be developed for two more DLCs that will be published during the year.
- Captivating story, full of characters with particular personalities.
- New Class, completely different and with a modern design
- Immersive and detailed environment and enemies.
- Presence of some bugs that have not been resolved for years.
- Interesting essay, but perhaps it has a shorter longevity than the previous ones
- Virtually zero open world difficulty