Forget fixed console chapters, because the king of mini-games is back.
Wario and his clique of associates last single-handedly appearance was in 2013, on the Nintendo Wii U, with the ill-fated Game & Wario. In almost ten years of Nintendo 3DS, WarioWare has never crossed the threshold, limiting itself to a virtual console version of the first chapter. Until last weekend, the day when Mario's chubby rival made his triumphal entry into digital and physical stores.
WarioWare Gold couldn't make a louder debut with over 300 mini-games and a Spanish dub.

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Downgrade: WarioWare Inc. Mega Microgames
WarioWare Gold implements a process similar to Rhythm Paradise Megamix, drawing (or since we are talking about Wario, stealing) from the old chapters and adding about fifty unreleased mini-games.
Will it be worth keeping our 3DS alive this hot summer with the WarioWare Gold cartridge?
WarioWare Gold Fortunately, he abandons the path taken by the previous chapter, reintroducing the crazy mini-games for a few seconds. A move that turned out to be decisive and successful.
From the very first moments of the game (which you can try in the free demo) you can breathe the air of WarioWare Touched. It is no coincidence that the new IntelligentSystems title steals with both hands from the portable chapters of the brand, limiting the games of the two to fixed consoles in cameos and unreleased.
In the approximately three hours it takes to complete the story mode, you will be introduced to the three different macro-categories of WarioWare Gold. Each class contains several mini-games based on a 3DS feature. Pigiatutto will use the directional cross and the A key, Rotatutto will use the gyroscope while touching the touch Screen. Then there is a fourth category, called Ultra, which collects the other three and also adds mini-games with the microphone.
As per tradition, it is not important how long the story lasts, but what comes after it.
Let's not hide behind a finger: WarioWare campaigns have always been a filler. An excuse to show us fifteen of the games, make us laugh at the misadventures of Wario's friends and then get thrown into the endless mode on the hunt for the latest record. It is therefore useless to complain that the story mode of WarioWare Gold ends in an afternoon.
Especially this time it is really animated, and even dubbed in Spanish.
It matters little if after stealing a national treasure, the noisy Wario decides to use video games to pluck the inhabitants of Diamond City. He then indexes a mini-game tournament, where the winner will be able to take home ten million coins, but to participate he will have to pay ten thousand. Lazy as usual, to devise the challenges he calls the whole gang together, each one busy with their own secondary story as the backdrop to the tournament.
An approximately three-hour cartoon, which is dubbed in every available language. If we can enjoy Charles Martinet in English, it is curious how finally Wario also has a Spanish voice. And Paolo Marchese is practically perfect for the role. Pungent and mischievous at the right point, it's just the tip of a cast that really manages to convey every single personality of the WarioWare cast.
The only downside is some oversight on the adaptation, especially in the tutorials, where in the original Martinet treaded on the player's stupidity in recognizing the buttons.
For the insatiable, WarioWare Gold allows you to duplicate every single scene, a fun extra, except that the 3DS microphone fails to clean out the sound, leaving an annoying background buzz.
Voice acting is just one of the many extras of WarioWare Gold. In fact, once the story is over, a world of possibilities will open up, as per tradition for the series.
Completionists can aim to unlock each of the more than 300 mini-games. It starts from the classic toilet paper unrolling, up to completely new challenges based on the great Nintendo classics such as Fire Emblem and Ocarina of Time.
All obviously in WarioWare sauce
With increases in speed and difficulty gradually more and more difficult, and with the unique grotesque verve of the series as a fruit ninja with cats. Record hunters will be able to commit to establishing an astronomical score not only with the different stories, but also with specific endless ones. Among them, the most intriguing is certainly Wario Stops where all the mini-games are included, but the mustachioed baby bump will make sure to get in the way of getting our screen dirty or filling it with foreign objects. A welcome return also for Secretly, two challenges in one, in which 9-Volt will have to play on his New 2DS XL without being discovered by Mum.
Don't have enough yet? Of course it's not over yet!
In addition to the additional single player modes, there is also a two-player challenge mode, which unfortunately requires a second cartridge and does not take advantage of the download mode. But the real treasure is the avalanche of collectibles that close the rich offer of WarioWare Gold.
In addition to the alarms dedicated to each character, the classic telephone and the voice acting that we have already talked about, the latest chapter of WarioWare will allow you to get up to 14 other arcade mini-games. From the classic Pyoro (the long-tongued bird always present in extras) to a shooter starring Ashley, to Bowling and the compulsive reproduction of an autograph. All this will reward you with other coins to spend on other collectibles, in a continuous cycle that will expand your collection and keep your sultry afternoons busy.
Unlike Mario Party: The Top 100, WarioWare Gold doesn't just take up the legacy of its predecessors, it expands it, offering new materials even for the brand's historical fans. The hope now is that the next chapter will maintain this standard, bringing the Nintendo Switch madness at tempor which is signature of the IntelligentSystems series.

On amazon: 28,99 € buy Verdict 8.5 / 10 You feel Wario's touch Comment The only reason not to buy WarioWare Gold is to have more to play or not to appreciate the tsunami of minigames without too much depth. For the rest, despite coming out after 9 years from the debut of the console, WarioWare Gold is rightfully among the must-have games for the old and immortal console of the Kyoto house. Crazy, varied and even dubbed in Spanish, WarioWare Gold is a furnace of content that goes beyond the three-hour story. The sad times of Game & Wario are now a sad memory, and we hope that the chapter for the Nintendo Switch does not keep us waiting long. Pros and cons ✓ The same feeling as the portable chapters
✓ Perfect for brand newbies
✓ Excellent dubbing ... x ... a little less adaptation
x Not suitable for everyone