Just a few months ago, in October, we were holding the western version of Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed, controversial series of Acquire which debuted for the first time in English on PS Vita e PlayStation 3, with the promise of a next-gen version dedicated to PlayStation 4, available through NIS America in retail and digital versions from February 6th. Let's find out together if this wait was worth it.
Otaku's Trip
Akiba's Trip develops in an interesting way, like one of those mid-season summer animeFrom a narrative point of view, little has changed compared to the version we had already had the opportunity to try a few months ago (to which we refer you for precise details). Nanashi, compulsive otaku lets himself be deceived, with the excuse of a job and the possibility of obtaining all the action figures he wants, from an organization that does not promise anything good from the first minutes. Chosen as the sample subject of an experiment for its particular qualities, Nanashi will be transformed into a Synthister, a kind of modern vampire. Almost on the brink of resignation, however, the boy will be saved by the sudden intervention of the mysterious and succinct Shizuku and he will cure us by making us drink his "miraculous blood". Thus begins the adventure of poor Nanashi, who will find himself having to fight against the organization of the Synthisters trying to hinder their expansionist aims and restore peace to the city.
While not shining with originality, the story of Akiba's Trip develops in an interesting way, remaining light and enjoyable for almost its entire duration, stylistically approaching the narrative of one of those mid-season summer souls, pleasant and never too busy.
we are faced with an otaku and fanservice version of Yakyuza
Akiba's Trip, although it represents a parody and exaggerated version of one of the most famous and populated neighborhoods of Tokyo, That of Akihabara in fact, in the game it is possible to enter its maze of streets, visiting the most famous places and shops in the entire neighborhood. A slice of life, made up of electronics, manga and video game stores, but also of curious figures, such as enthusiastic otaku and cosplayers, idols and the comely maids, the sweet waitresses ready to welcome us in their premises. From this point of view we are facing an otaku and fanservice version of Yakuza, from which it detaches itself from it in terms of themes and contents, but at the same time finds points of contact proposing itself as a slice of life. This aspect can be seen above all in the "outline of the game", in its secondary "social" missions that see us as protagonists of the most varied situations helping the strangest subjects of the city. Everything tastes so real, and that's the key that makes Akiba's Trip work perfectly. This link with reality, a fictitious but all in all credible reality, is made possible thanks to the presence of some details that help identification. We find for example Pitter, a Twitter revised and corrected where users talk about this and that, about the facts related to the story or the events organized in Akihabara, or the shops in the game, playful counterparts of the real ones, or the thousands of advertisements related to games and anime that they make the streets come alive, amidst the deafening sounds and the crackling of passers-by.
Twilight Yakuza
Akiba's Trip sketches a playful beat'em'up skeleton that tends to workWhile on the one hand we have a redundancy of content, between the main story and the secondary missions, on the gameplay front Akiba's Trip sketches a playful beat'em'up skeleton that tends to work, but after a few hours he risks sinking into the repetitiveness of his actions. Playing on the dualistic meaning of the title, we will have to use our forces in fighting the Synthisters, stripping them of their clothes to expose their skin to the sun's rays, eliminating them permanently. Each garment will correspond to a key on the pad, which when pressed will allow you to attack one of the three areas of the body (head, legs or torso). By hitting each part in succession we will slowly wear it down, until it is ready to tear. Essential for the player to create chains, real combos with which to maximize the experience obtained. Here, with a simple QTE which always sees the triptych of keys engaged Triangle, Circle e X, which if pressed with the right timing will allow you to extend the duration of the Chain Strip, managing to, after a certain threshold, completely undress all the enemies involved in the combo.
Il DualShock4 in this new version of Akiba's Trip will offer some exclusive features absent in other consoles. For example, the front touchpad will be used to quickly recall the map, as well as we will be able to set some parameters related to the game's voices to be reproduced through the speakers of the controller.
The control system also provides an evasive move that allows us to perform a short jump, with an attached flying kick, or to parry enemy shots and then use quick counter moves, which if performed at the right time can allow us to start a Chain Strip. . To accompany us in battle we will be able to bring one of the girls who will populate the story of Akiba's Trip, starting from Shizuku or his sister, with whom it will also be possible to start some timed sub quests. In addition to helping us in battle, they will join us in a powerful unison attack, which will be achievable once the appropriate bar on the screen is filled. Depending on the development of relationships with the members of the group, at the end of the game it will be possible to attend one of the endings dedicated to the heroines.
In Akiba's Trip we will also have a character development that introduces simple role-playing dynamics. By stripping enemies, we will earn experience points that will allow you to automatically level up, thus gaining an increase in statistics. In addition to this, it will be necessary to take into account your own equipment which must always be updated and enhanced, thanks to the fusion system that guarantees us to increase its qualities, whether it is a weapon, therefore the power of the attack, or a garment. , where we will talk about resistance and defense instead. The arsenal will be extremely varied and suitable for any type of situation and combat style, and can be found by both disarming enemies and purchased in stores. The same goes for the equipment, which will allow us to customize our character in the craziest and most curious ways.
Bigger, Longer & Uncut
Basically the base of the game has remained unchanged from the originalBasically the base of the game has remained unchanged from the original. Same story, same gameplay, even if here and there we find some additions linked to the relationship with the female cast. Compared to the PS Vita version, the controls respond more responsively, especially the button L1, used both to heal and to enter (or exit) the fight mode, and that on PlayStation 4 will not cause too many headaches. There are also some problems related to the lock-on of the enemies, not always accurate and easy to manage, as well as the camera which will often tend to go for the facts his making the overall vision complicated. This remastered version, however, also contains several new features compared to the title tested in October.
Among all the modalities Toybox. In this new game option we will be able to play freely on the streets of Akiba without the storyline, with the possibility of having access to any element of the title right away. This mode seems almost a palliative for the absence of cross-save, to allow those who have already had the opportunity to "enjoy" Akiba's Trip in one of the two previous versions of the game to pick up the title again. On the other hand, playing this mode "for the funTrophies will not be unlocked, nor will the progress made affect them in any way, leaving the player focused on the core side of the title.
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Acquire took a bit of experimentation with this version and you can understand this from the introductions made by inserting the visual Editor, a powerful tool to elaborate the final visual rendering of the game by altering an infinity of values, adding (or eliminating) graphic effects, filters or using predefined settings, creating decidedly psychedelic experiences.
As we all know, the new generation consoles boast the possibility of direct streaming via Twitch. Acquire liked this so much that he thought of inserting a function that closely resembles the experiment of "Twitch Plays Pokémon". In a scaled-down way, whenever we decide to broadcast our game, the spectators will be able to interact with us through the chat, activating various commands through the comments, all with pleasant and nice implications in the game.
This new next-gen edition contains all the DLC previously released in Japan on the PlayStation 3 and PS Vita, as well as the alternative models of the characters that can be used once the game is completed, as well as new extra content designed to celebrate the PlayStation 4 version
Doctor, give me a romance
the frame rate stabilizes at 30 fps all at a resolution of 1080pAlthough technically the game did not already shine in the previous release, the change of console still sees an increase in performance. Structurally it remains quite bare and gaunt, and the only visible difference in the polycount is with the polygonal models of the characters, now slightly more detailed and defined compared to the past. In general, it is the frame rate which stabilizes at 30 fps per second (which thanks to the between-frame technique gives the impression of running at 60) all at the resolution of 1080p. The greater computing power of the PlayStation 4 also made it possible to increase the number of NPCs on the screen, and perhaps most importantly, decrease the loading times of the characters that populate the streets of Akiba, reducing the pop-up effect which is still perceptible. Even the sound sector has not received any kind of revision, and is presented again as in the original version, well made and pleasant to listen to with a wide selection of songs deliberately J-Pop, with the possibility of dual audio for dubbing, as well like adaptation, available in English only.
Verdict 7.5 / 10 still a better love story than twilight Comment Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed returns a few months later on PlayStation 4 in an almost unchanged edition, bringing with it all the strengths and weaknesses of the original. The Acquire title, however, presents some pleasant news as well as a good dose of exclusive content designed for this next-gen version. Those who have neglected the title, perhaps due to the passage of consoles, this is the perfect opportunity to approach this series. Less positive, however, for those who have already played Akiba's Trip on PS Vita or PlayStation 3 will not have great incentives to pick up the pad and return to the streets of Akihabara. From this point of view, the absence of an option relating to cross-save, which would certainly have sweetened the pill, favoring its passage. Pros and cons ✓ New content and game modes
✓ The charm of Akihabara x Technically poor
x The problems of the previous versions remain unchanged