Adam Roslin can die. He could also die in Everspace, but with the guarantee of being cloned to immediately return to action. After all, roguelikes somehow guarantee the immortality of the video game, at least until the end of the game, but unfortunately Rockfish Games has decided to change course, that is, genre, and now the privilege of having infinite clones available to try their luck again in a procedurally generated space.
La Everspace 2 review This decision must be faced immediately, which completely changes the cards on the table, transforming the series into something more epic and structured, less trusting to the whims of chance.

The game begins with one of the last Roslin clones escorting an expedition searching for minerals on a remote asteroid aboard his space fighter. Entry into the game is quite immediate, favored by a Tutorials welcoming and quite exhaustive, which guides us in our first steps with great attention, making us immediately put into practice the concepts we have just learned in a protected context. Upon entering the asteroid, we learn to maneuver our spaceship, to use its weapons first to clear some passages of aggressive plants and then to confront the space pirates, who really want nothing to do with sharing the riches of the place with us.
The escort mission, which was supposed to be purely routine, turns into hell that will completely change our hero's future, ruining his plans to take advantage of the Grady & Brunt company pension plan to live forever in Eden-6. with his friend Ben. . All of which can be translated into a long one. single player campaign in which we will have to travel the length and breadth of the DMZ, or demilitarized zone, ending up entangled in a story that involves different factions, including space bandits, aliens from Okkar, colonial forces and Grady & Brunt herself, who as well multinational is only interested in profit. The objective? Following Dax Bashar, our new traveling companion, who promised us unprecedented riches with which to retreat into private life... if it were that simple, would they have made an entire video game about it?
Game structure

One of the first things you notice when playing Everspace 2 is that the equipment Now it is terribly reminiscent of a looter shooter: therefore the objects that we can obtain or recover during the game grow along with Roslin and have five different levels of rarity, ranging from common to legendary, as seen in many other focused titles. in collecting the loot. In reality, we hardly expected it, although the strange comparisons with Diablo that we had read had made us a little suspicious. Playing a little you realize that it is not only the equipment that has been inspired by that of hack and slash action role-playing games, but also part of the general structure, between secondary missions and activities to carry out that are useful in any case of gorging on equipment and experience points. In short, Rockfish Games' promise to overcome the first chapter, accused of being too repetitive, has been fully fulfilled, as well as that of creating an epic space game, with role-playing elements and a powerful single-player campaign.
Everspace 2 is actually many things. Meanwhile it is a open world intelligent, which prevents the Rockstar/Ubisoft model from focusing more on the splendid combat system, not very simulative and very direct. Furthermore, it is one of those titles that knows how to recognize its limits and manages to mask them without trying to exaggerate in any way. Therefore, the developers focused on spaceships and space, avoiding introducing superfluous systems such as direct control of the character outside of his vehicle. When we're not on board, we definitely see some interlude sequence done like an animated comic. We also soon discover that the story is better than we thought and that the cast of characters we will find ourselves interacting with is varied and interesting. Not that it's particularly important for a game so true to its objectives, but going from thinking: "oh, there's a story too", to "let's see what happens next", wasn't so obvious. pity for him dubbing not exactly exceptional and due to a decline in the final part. That said, we must applaud the intelligence with which the story does its job very discreetly, without ever representing a distraction from the combat in space.
Many things to do

We are in cosmic immensity, the distances to travel are enormous and the bullets to shoot are many. Having observed the nature of equipment in Everspace 2, we were initially afraid that we would be faced with the classic useless fair, where one weapon is just as good as another as long as it deals more damage than the last. Naturally there's a lot of junk to choose from, but the game soon gets you thinking about weaponry configurations, leaving the player the chance to experiment with the nine available starship classes and find their own style, without forcing them into any of them. shape. Furthermore, greater power alone is not enough, we must also learn to fight, studying the use of all available tools, if you want to prevail and continue. In terms of usable ships, the nine classes offer good variety and allow you to develop your own fighting style in harmony with your team.

It's a shame that unlocking the higher levels of planes costs a lot of money, which unfortunately somewhat reduces the desire to experiment and leads to the purchase of few ships, especially if you don't want to waste time completing missions just to collect credits or study trade routes with those who earn more. In total, we only changed a handful of ships throughout the game, always choosing the most expensive ones in each tier because there was no point in wasting time accumulating enough money to try them all.
Despite some small flaws, we really liked Everspace 2 because it was full of things to do and places to see. As we said, the game is a particular open world in which you travel through different relatively small areas of space, but all with their own peculiarities. Having focused on a strong design It allowed us to better characterize and make each environment more interesting, including flights in the atmosphere of some planets, space stations to visit, asteroid belts to avoid, etc.

Additionally, the focus on combat has made the side quests less oppressive, which, although very banal, never strangle the game. game because in the end they are seen as an excuse to fire off some shots and maybe try out the new equipment they just installed. There is also the possibility of wandering through the space on your own to visit areas never before reached, where you are sure to find something to do or see. That said, at a certain point the number of possibilities can become a little overwhelming, but fortunately it never leads to frustration in the choice (at least not in our case) and we do not regret the approximately forty hours it takes to complete the game. .
From the point of view technical Everspace 2 is a great title. More than anything it was done with great intelligence. As mentioned above, he knows how to disguise his limitations well, taking advantage of his strengths. So the developers worked hard to make space and space travel as beautiful as possible and to create splendid spaceships (not in vain they are the object that you will see on the screen for the longest time), paying less attention to some secondary elements, such as how the narrative sequences already mentioned. In certain situations you find yourself fighting in areas that take your breath away in terms of color and morphology of the scene, to the point that it doesn't seem like you are in a cosmic void. Even the special effects of the weapons and explosions are very well done and do not make you regret larger productions.
Tested version PC with Windows digital delivery Steam, epic games store, GoG Price 49,99 € 8.5 Readers (15) 7.5 your voteEverspace 2 works and very well too. Despite all the changes compared to the first chapter, or perhaps precisely because of them, it manages to present itself as a space epic, on the one hand, and as an exciting spaceship shooter, on the other. Even with some flaws, it's hard to advise against it... also because we have to somehow help poor Roslin and his dream of retiring into private life after having accumulated a lot of money. He didn't make it to Everspace, will he make it this time?
- A piece of the universe worth exploring
- The combat system is simple and attractive.
- The narrative works, despite its limitations.
- Mediocre dubbing
- There is little experimentation with starship classes, given the prices.