All the challenges of Fortnite Week 8 are finally available. After seeing the solution of the previous ones, we can find out where to rekindle a bonfire, consume a harvested apple and consume a harvested mushroom. There is obviously a specific way to complete this mission: so here is a mini guide that will help you find the right place.
Precisely, within Fortnite, there are two locations where you can rekindle a bonfire, consume a harvested apple and consume a harvested mushroom. Our advice is to face this challenge in Team Rumble mode so as to have fewer threats around you and to be able to complete the mission before being eliminated. The first place is north of Frantic Farm: you can see the image below. In yellow you will find the bonfire, in red the apple and blue the mushroom.

The image also indicates the second useful place to complete the challenge: rekindle a bonfire, consume a harvested apple and consume a harvested mushroom. You have to go to the Frignante Forest and look both inward and slightly to the east. Finding the apple is not easy in this case, so we recommend the first place.
To be able to rekindle a bonfire you must have 30 wooden units and interact with the bonfire. We also remind you that in order to consume an object of care, such as an apple, you must have suffered damage: to do so, you just need to create flights of stairs and fall from above; then you can consume the item.
Having done all three actions indicated by the Challenge, you will have completed it successfully. Thanks to these indications, you will certainly be able to make it in one game. Tell us, what do you think of the Fortnite challenges?
If you are big fans of Fortnite, you will not want to miss this PS4 Pro bundle with special contents of the battle royale: you can find it on Amazon, precisely at this address.