He probably didn't need such an advertisementbut we're here now. On the occasion of the launch of God of War Ragnarok, Sony decided to take the New York subway and brand every single themed station in the game. A decidedly aggressive marketing campaign, which demonstrates once again how Xbox is behind on every single point, at least as regards such aggressive advertising.
Already in the past, thanks to the launch of PS5 in Europe, Sony had adopted such a solution, going to change the appearance of some London underground stations, replacing the classic logo of the transport system with the four buttons of its dedicated brand to gaming, i.e. the Circle, the Triangle, the Cross and the Square. Today history repeats itself, perhaps in an even more elaborate way, but the moral is always the same: there are those who push, just like the Japanese giant, and those who limit themselves to doing very little.
Over the years Xbox has always come under fire for its little aggressive marketing towards its exclusives and its consoles. If it is true that 2022 has been a relatively quiet year for Microsoft consoles, it is also true that the Redmond giant has always had a very sober attitude with regards to advertising. The maximum was reached on December 8, 2021, when a real painting was created on the occasion of the launch of Halo Infinite, exhibited in London.
A rift to the nine realms has opened in New York City. #GodOfWarRagnarok pic.twitter.com/S1defOoyFV
- PlayStation (@PlayStation) November 8, 2022
If there is a criticism that can be moved to Xbox it is certainly the marketing side. If the Redmond colossus dared more, perhaps, the perception of the players could radically change. For now, however, we can only admire the beautiful marketing campaigns of the other publishers and producers, obviously including that of God of War Ragnarok launched on the occasion of the game's release.