Greg Ellis, voice actor of the character of Cullen Rutherford in Dragon Age: Inquisition, ended up in the eye of the storm after publishing a video on Youtube in which, through the character of Cullen, he invited fans of the character to defend him from the attacks of Social Justice Warriors, feminists, and the American left. Ellis then reiterated his support for US President Donald Trump, and concluded by welcoming "a new era of courageous enlightenment".
Mickey Mouse goes to Berlin
During the Second World War, it could be seen Mickey & Co. appear on gods posters in which he invited the Americans to support the war effort, donating gasoline and scrap metal, and buying the bonds needed to pay off the US public debt. During the Cold War, Marvel publishes a comic in which Captain America fights against the "communist hordes", represented by a green being with a hammer and sickle on his chest. It doesn't take long for Iron Man and Thor to join the fight against the "Red monster".
Daffy Duck, in an episode not too distant in time, he ends up enlisted in the American Navy Seals, and free Bugs Bunny from one in a nighttime assault Albanian prison.
Since the world began, the characters most loved, most iconic, and most delicious cartoons have always become object of propaganda, inviting the civilian population to help their country, fight the enemy, and serve in war. Politics has always sought the perfect spokesperson to carry on their battles, and who better than a one children's cardboard, which represents by definition good?
Cullen Rutherford voted for Trump

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It must be the same as Greg Ellis thought too, because the voice actor of the character of Cullen Rutherford in Dragon Age: Inquisition decided to post a video on Youtube (now private) in which Cullen - yes, Cullen, not Greg Ellis - invited his fans to defend Greg (himself) against the allegations of SJWs, feminists and "cancel culture". In addition, he specified that his support for the President of the United States <br><br>Donald Trump he was absolute, and that as Americans, his fans too they had to do the same.
Ellis therefore decided to use a much loved character of Dragon Age, so much so that it gave birth to a group of die-hard fans who call themselves "Culleniti ", to fight his personal and political battles. Cullen fans they weren't very happy to hear him talk like that of feminists and LGBTQ, however, also and above all because the character in question, in the videogame, he is (also) homosexual.
Greg Ellis never tried to hide that he was Conservative, and this, among other things, had put him very much in conflict with some executives of Bioware, the company that owns the Dragon Age intellectual property, who had invited him, in order not to damage the brand, not to be too political on social media.
In response, absolutely without no authorization on Bioware's part, Ellis has decided to post a video in which he plays his character, and does take a stand regarding issues such as LGBTQ, SJWs, feminism, Black Lives Matter and presidential elections, putting very serious difficulty the development house.
The war of the two roses
After the publication of his video, Greg Ellis received numerous criticisms and condemnations by all those fans who believed that the voice actor had no right to use his character for personal purposes, especially without Bioware's permission.
In response, Ellis launched himself in a firefight on Twitter with the executive producer of the Dragon Age series, Mark Darrah, after the latter announced his resignation from the company
Ellis called Mark Darrah a character "infidel and double agent"And continued adding that his resignation is a" victory for Bioware "
Mark Darrah responded by pointing out that for a long time he and the company they had let behavior pass that they deemed inappropriate of Ellis, and concluded by asking Ellis if "imagine a day when her behavior towards him [Darrah] and towards the community would never led to being hired again for Dragon Age"
Bioware in the crossfire
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The Canadian development company has always been very careful about don't hire controversial characters, to surround himself with one cohesive community and to try to show the highest possible inclusiveness. In addition to Cullen Rutherford, in fact, numerous characters in the Dragon Age series and Mass Effect they are openly homosexual, and in romance choices the player can very often choose a same-sex partner.
Additionally, Bioware is very attached to its fan base and personal image, even holding annual celebrations such as Dragon Age Day (the 4th of December) and the Mass Effect Day (November 7th - as N7), to cultivate a tight community around some of his own leading brands.
A story of this kind, therefore, caused by a single media personality who appropriated Bioware's intellectual property, using it to voice positions that the Canadian company can not support, has caused serious damage to the company, especially in terms of image
What is more, a critical moment as the handover of the management of the Dragon Age franchise was transformed into a tomato throwing stage, in which the former executive producer and Ellis spared no blows, in a way very unprofessional.
Donald is a communist
Put simply, this is not Walt Disney who decides to support the American war effort during the world conflict, and not even the Warner Bros who decides to show that too Daffy Duck serves his country.
This is Donald Duck who, surprisingly, pulls out the hammer and sickle from under his shirt, while mickey is saluting the stars and stripes flag.
Yes, because the character of Cullen Rutherford, on his own initiative, is lined up against a good part of his fans and his community. Greg Ellis, the voice actor, jumped to the throat of the Dragon Age executive producer, using a Dragon Age character.
An LGBTQ character in Dragon Age admitted to having voted for Trump.
What do I say Donald Duck? This is the frankenstein monster, who without warning turns against his own creator. A puppet that is forced by the hand that moves it to insult the children in front of the theater, and to sing "my puppeteer is the most beautiful of all".
A simple voice actor, who takes the right to make a character say what he wants created by someone else, devised by someone else and - apparently - loved by someone else. A theft of Cullen's identity by his own voice actor.
And unfortunately, although they seem isolated cases, such things have already happened, and continue to happen.
Greg Ellis hijacked Cullen Rutherford's voice, making him say things he would never say - or who knows - maybe he would even say. The fact that Ellis took the trouble to decide for him, however, is an insult to the character, the fans, and Bioware. This kind of thing is pathetic, ridiculous, and not at all professional. It's not up to Ellis to make Cullen say what's right or wrong. If anything, the government will take care of that.