Naughty Dog's new work, The Last of Us Part II, has just come out, and many people have already decided to venture out in search of everything that the game actually has to offer, in addition to the simple narrative sector.
In this game the biggest challenge is indeed to collect all collectibles present in the game map, which are certainly not few. During the course of the game there will be 268 collectibles, with precise positions throughout the course of the game.
For a full plot summary of The Last of Us Part 2, the videogame incorrect rece of Holygamerz is online.
All collectibles - How they divide
As I said in the introduction, there are 268 collectibles, and they are divided into 8 categories very specific.
Most are simple artifacts, that is, real "collectibles" that you will find by following their positions or simply looking around. The same goes for cards, coins, journal entries and training manuals.
Artifacts, journal entries, cards and coins
For all of these, you can simply follow the video above for a long playlist that collects the location of all the ones you'll need. I think it is better to see a video directly in these cases, given the amount of collectibles present! You can also go directly to our Training Manuals guide.
Regarding this category, we have a guide on safes that covers everything in detail. Each safe has one precise location within the cities that you will visit during the game, and you will have to use a specific code to open them.
Also, sometimes you will have to go to some safes to get well-hidden weapons or artifacts, such as thecarved ring, which is used to obtain one of the objectives of the game.
Weapons and holsters
When it comes to weapons, too, we have one guide dealing with weapons and talks about the position of each of them. Along with these, you will also find details on their operation and holster positions present in the game, very useful during the fighting sessions of the game.
Work benches
Similar to safes, these too will be scattered in precise locations in the map, and are used to allow you to create different objects with the materials you will find around.
These can be very useful both in your game and to get platinum (one of the achievements requires you to create all the items in the game).
Some final notes

To learn more:
The Last of Us Part 2 between politics and reviews
For all the collectibles we've told you about in this guide, you won't need to be careful during your first game (although it might help).
In fact, you have the opportunity, once you have finished the entire plot and have enjoyed the story of Ellie, of select chapters in which you are missing collectibles and start over from there, and therefore there is no need to start a New Game + to satiate your thirst for collecting. This option will allow you to save a lot of time!