Animal Crossing: New Horizons it requires you to build yourself most of the tools you need, many of which are indispensable. Because of this, in this guide I will explain to you in detail how to get them all, also specifying the materials necessary for their construction and any prices at which you can buy them in the Nook's Shop. To find out more about the title, we recommend ours complete guide.
- How to unlock blueprints for tools
- The fishing rod
- The Retino
- The Slingshot
- The Ax
- The Shovel and the Jump Rod
- The Watering Can
- The ladder
How to unlock blueprints for tools
First bring 5 fish or insects to Tom Nook and wait for the next day for meet Blatero, the museum manager on the island. Unfortunately there won't be a structure yet, so you'll have to help him build one. Once its construction is completed and Blatero is settled, you will receive several projects you make
Luckily for you once you have built at least the basic version of them, Mirco and Marco they will begin to sell them, first to Residential Services and then to Nook's Shop.

At the beginning of your stay on the island, you can only craft simple objects, Which is they will break easily. Over time, however, you will find projects that will allow you to create versions all the time more robust.
Another piece of advice you may have is to buy therea Tool wheel at the Nook Stop, in exchange for 800 miles. It will allow you to select your tools quickly, without opening inventory every time. A real godsend.
How to get the Fishing rod
Fishing and selling fish is one of the fastest ways to collect Stelline and expand the Museum, so we advise you to get to work immediately. Go immediately in search of a fishing rod, with which you will spend (many) hours on Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
After you've finished the tutorial, go talk to Tom nook. The dear raccoon will invite you to participate in a DIY workshop, accept and bring him 5 branches.

Once this is done, use the workbench to build your own Fragile fishing rod, usable on any body of water for catch fish. The basic version is destroyed later 10 use, be careful.
How to get the Screen
The Retino will allow you to capture the insects scattered around your island, which you can donate to Blatero or sell for Stelline.
The chart will be delivered to you together with the one for the Fishing rod. Thanks to it you will be able to capture the great variety of bugs featured in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

You can buy the Fragile Net for 400 Starlets at Nook's Workshop, or build both that and the sturdier version yourself.
How to get the Slingshot
When you wander around the island, you will be able to see something special in the sky. A balloon with a gift package attached will float right above you, and all you have to do is make it burst. To do this, however, you will need one Sling.

You can buy it at the Bottega di Nook for 900 Stelline, or alternatively build it yourself. We remind you that unlike other tools, the sling does not deteriorate.
- Hardwood x5
How to get the Ax
Not only will it help you remove some pesky trees but it will also allow you to harvest wood, soft wood, and hard wood, all of which are very important materials for building other objects.
There are three types of Ax that you can create: theFragile Ax, the Stone Ax and l 'Ax.

In order to create an Ax you must first get hold of the Fragile screen and the consideration Fishing pole. When Nook asks you to deliver any fish or insect specimens, bring him two to unlock the Fragile Ax blueprint.
Unlike the other two, theAx can to break down trees. This tool will be very useful for you to replan the space inside your island, but be careful not to confuse yourself with the others, as the trees felled they do not grow back.
If you prefer to buy a Fragile Ax instead of crafting it, it will cost you 800 Bells.
How to get the Shovel and the Jump pole
You will get the Shovel and the Rod once you are convinced Blathers to move to the island.
You can use the shovel to perform various tasks. You will be able to unearth the fossil, remove tree stumps and create traps.

THEJumping pole instead it is an object that does not deteriorate and you can use it to cross waterways, on any island you are.
How to get the watering can
To get the watering can you just need to capture at least 4 insects and / or flowers and deliver them to Tom nook. Once this is done, he will reward you with the project for theFragile watering can.

You can use it to water your flowers as well speed up its flowering. It will therefore be a very useful tool to start crossing the various types of flowers you have.
How to get the ladder
One last tool that will be essential to explore all parts of the island will be the Ladder. This can be obtained during the construction of the first 3 spaces per inhabitants, and will allow you to reach all the raised areas.

I leave you with the materials necessary for the construction, but if you want more information, we refer you to our guide on ramps and stairs, which really explains everything about it.
- Normal wood x4
- Hardwood x4
- Soft wood x4
It is also possible to enhance what you have and create so-called gold tools.