Please note:
The solution is based on the American version of the game, so there may be differences with the Spanish one.
Atto 1: Exhibition
Scene 1
After exiting the car, hit the opponent with your melee weapon, then pick up the gun and climb up. You will notice an opponent also equipped with a firearm, forget it for now. Return to the entrance and go through the door on the right. Once inside the kitchen you will meet another opponent, take him out and wait for his partner to get up to make him do the same end. Go left and take the door below to meet another victim, then reach the room above to meet two more enemies, once they are killed go right. The last opponent is to the right of the stairs, he is equipped with a firearm, but you can simply run towards him before he opens fire, once eliminated, throw away the melee weapon, take any firearm and go upstairs. Once in place, eliminate the enemy at the stairs, the noise caused will attract his companions, shoot him while they run towards you. Other noises will attract other enemies, so take them out until they stop appearing. In the rooms to the left and right you will find an opponent armed with a firearm, while his companions will control the corridor. You can choose to wait for the enemies at the stairs and shoot them as soon as they appear, or take care of the enemy in the room to the right right away. Either way, the noises will alert enemies in the area, so hide from those with firearms and eliminate everything else. You can also deal with the enemy in the left room first to pick up an automatic rifle on the table in the upper right corner. The last two enemies will be on the lower floor, compared to the one you are currently on. Enter the door on the right and try to stun one of the enemies with the door itself, otherwise go inside and hit the one closest to you. Otherwise, you can drop your firearm and equip the hand-to-hand one, appear for a moment beyond the door and retreat around the corner, in a short time both enemies will follow you and you just have to hit them at the right moment. Once all the enemies have been eliminated, return to the car.
Scene 2
Approach the trunk of the car to get the shotgun, then enter the building, on the left you will find your first opponent, if he sees you shoot him, otherwise go right. You will find a man aiming at the wall, take him out and go up the stairs. Above the man you just killed, you will find two other enemies, one of these is in possession of a firearm while the other is in hand to hand, stay behind the cover and exit only to shoot and be followed by the enemies to eliminate them easily when they are close. Alternatively, you can shoot one of these and stun the other by throwing a weapon, in this way you will receive more points. Switch to the melee weapon and enter the room through the upper door, kill the first enemy and approach the left wall, exit the corner and run towards the new opponent to eliminate him quickly; if you are unsure of this move, you can use the firearm taken from the first enemy. Pick up the new weapon and climb up, get out of cover and shoot the first target, then do the same thing with the second one until he is alerted by the noise. If you killed the enemy at the entrance at the beginning, you can enter the elevator, otherwise check to the left of the game map. The last opponent is in possession of a melee weapon and shouldn't cause you much trouble. Collect the weapon with the most ammo and take the elevator. Once upstairs shoot the first opponent, the noise will attract more enemies, so hide around the corner and shoot everything that appears in front of you. Once you have made a clean sweep, go right. Wait for the enemy armed with a firearm to stand behind the door to open it and stun him, shoot his two companions, then take out the stunned one on the ground to pick up his weapon. Look down, there should be two more opponents around. You can hide and exit around the corner to hit enemies or lure and eliminate them at the right time in complete safety. Once done, clean sweep again, go downstairs and take the last door, eliminate the enemy and watch out for his companions who will be attracted by the noise. The last two targets will be in the nearby room, you can decide to break inside and eliminate them together, or wait for one of the two to be behind the door to stun him by opening it and finish him after eliminating his friend. After killing these last two enemies, go back downstairs, talk to the police and get into the car.
Scene 3
As soon as you enter the building, take the elevator to the right. Once upstairs go right and enter the room to exit immediately. The opponents will follow you, stun them with the door or eliminate them with your fists; Pick up the melee weapon and eliminate the survivors by staying as close to the south wall as possible or, even better, in the next room. Follow the wall to the left and watch out for the window through which they might shoot you, immediately enter the room and kill the enemy with your firearm. If you have used the melee weapon, you will go unnoticed by the rest of the opponents, otherwise you will soon be in hostile company. Enter any of the rooms and wait for the enemy with the firearm to be near the door to stun and kill him. Take the weapon from the opponent you just eliminated and go down to the lowest floor of the room aiming to the left with your weapon.

The room will be controlled by two enemies with firearms, after eliminating the first one go down and shoot near the window for a chance to eliminate the second one, otherwise you will attract his attention, be careful. Go left through the windows, you will be spotted by the guards in the upper room, have your weapons ready and take them out. Open the door and take out the enemies with your firearm, then grab a weapon from one of them. Go upstairs, the corridor will be controlled by an enemy with a firearm. Go through the door aiming to the right and shoot inside the corridor, one of your bullets should reach the guard. Once the last two opponents in the room to the right are also eliminated, grab a new one with the most ammo. Once upstairs, kill the first and second enemy, enter the room on the left and take out the man with the gun. The noise could attract other enemies, so be prepared. Grab your firearm and shoot the opponent from the window on the other side of the map. Go to the room on the right and do the same thing, just be careful of the enemies that control the surroundings. You can also decide to attract the attention of enemies and hide inside a room by holding your weapon from hand to hand, remaining hidden you will be able to perpetuate a real massacre. Sooner or later you will have eliminated all the enemies equipped with firearms and only those with close combat weapons will remain, you can decide to attract their attention and eliminate them in close combat. The last opponent hides in the room at the top of the level, open the door and fire at him immediately. Go back downstairs and take the car.
Scene 4
Wait for the short cutscene to end, then approach the first cop and open the door. Pick up the bar and kill the other cop, then go left. Once you get to the new map, you will find yourself facing many policemen who control the area, some of them are in possession of firearms. The best strategy is to start your kills from the bottom up. Take the ladder and run to the wall, then pop out behind it and let the enemies see you so they can follow you and kill them in peace. Grab a firearm and kill the cop in the passage to the right, the noise will attract more enemies, wait for them where you are and eliminate them too. Stay by the stairs and look up, the other patrol should be close, if you aim well and shoot at the right moment you can eliminate both cops. Go upstairs where you will find another enemy armed with a firearm, eliminate him and kill his partner who will be attracted by the noise. Change weapons and go right, some policemen will be in the various rooms and others in the corridor. As soon as you start shooting, you will attract the attention of all the men on the floor, keep going to the right and eliminate every enemy, paying particular attention to those with firearms. On your right you will find two rooms, in each of them there is a policeman with a melee weapon, eliminate them both. Start with the top room and take out the enemy below. The upper room has no door, so you can't stun the cop outside. Once you've cleared up, remember to pick up a new firearm and head to the new area. After the cutscene is over, approach the window and shoot the cop behind it, then do the same thing with the other two as they run towards you. The shots will attract other enemies, wait for them and take them out, then pick up the shotgun from one of them. On your right there will be some enemies and one of them is considerably more powerful than the others, each of your shots will only stun it and you will have to finish it. The animation of killing the most powerful enemy will be quite long so it is advisable to eliminate the other enemy first. Go right and take out the two enemies at the top right of the map. One of these was in possession of a firearm, keep shooting to attract the attention of the enemies in the kitchen, one of them is going to be really big and you will have to keep shooting at him while backing away. Under the kitchen you will meet two policemen, one of them armed with a firearm. Once you have made piazza polita, you will get the instructions on how to collect the keys, you will find them on the policeman with two guns, you will have to notice the arrow. Once you have the keys, go to the room with a woman inside and open the door.
Act 2: Rising
Scene 5
At the beginning of the mission, approach the bodyguard on the right, you will start a conversation and when it is finished, approach him again to hit him until he bleeds, you will try to revive him without success, then enter the palace. Go left and let the two opponents with the melee weapons see you at the door, take them out and get their weapons then take out the opponent with a firearm as well. An enemy will come from the top floor and the first two will get up. With the stick eliminate everyone and remember the rifle. Go right and enter the room on the other side of the floor, follow the same tactic to take out the enemies and if the one armed with a firearm notices you, back towards the wall and have him approach to take him out. Remember also in this case to destroy the firearm and pay attention to the opponent who will come from above. Go upstairs where you will meet a gun-wielding enemy around the corner, run up to him and kill him, then face the man with the knife nearby, smash the gun and go left . You will reach a door behind which an enemy armed with a firearm is hiding, attract his attention then retreat into the corridor to eliminate him more easily. Go back to the entrance going around the whole floor, run towards the enemy armed with a firearm and eliminated him, break the weapon near the stairs. Once upstairs run to the room opposite the staircase, eliminate both opponents inside and switch weapons. Wait for the first patrol to approach your position, you can lure it inside or spread the first of them with the door, once the patrol is eliminated break the weapons. Upstairs there will be another patrol, go to the room on the left, take out the enemy inside, then go back to the first room and also take care of the patrol to destroy their weapons. Eliminate all the opponents inside the rooms and clear the entire game map. Go to the sauna, watch the cutscene and return to the car.
Scene 6
Reach the upper floor, along the way you will meet two opponents equipped with a melee weapon, kill them and take the weapon. Near the stairs you will find an enemy armed with a firearm, kill him and take his weapon. Upstairs kill the first enemy on the left, he will have a firearm, so immediately kill the one on the right as well. It is possible that the noises will also attract the enemies in the room to the right, take them out too in the case and take your weapon in close combat. Enter the room on the right, go through the bathroom and go downstairs to take out the enemy with a gun. Exit the corridor and go right, kill another enemy with a firearm and if you are lucky, you can stun his friend with the door and then eliminate him without problems. Go left and take out two more opponents. Approaching the enemy armed with a firearm, cover yourself with the door before he spots you, take him out and grab his weapon. Take out the enemy in the corridor and his partner in the room on the left, the shots could attract other opponents so be prepared for any eventuality. Another target awaits you in the lower left corner of the map, he has a firearm, so it is advisable to eliminate him with fists or a close combat weapon. The last enemy is to the left of the stairs, is in possession of a melee weapon and won't be a big deal. As you approach the stairs, pick up the weapon. Upstairs, take out the guard and take out the one with the gun while you run, grab his weapon and shoot inside the corridor, with a little luck you will be able to kill one or two enemies. Go downstairs and along the way keep an eye on the passage to the right, sometimes an enemy with a firearm may be hiding and will see you immediately. Go downstairs, inside the corridor you will meet two enemies including one with a firearm, eliminate them and if you run out of ammunition, pick up the one of the enemy you just killed. In the corridor to the right there will be two dogs, one of which controls the room upstairs. You will be able to attract animals with the noise and eliminate them without problems before moving forward. There will be four enemies in the room that are best eliminated by shooting them from a distance. The fifth enemy is in the right room, you can kill him first then deal with his teammates with a firearm. Go back into the corridor and go right to meet an opponent with a melee weapon to be eliminated with a bullet. Shoot towards the corridor, if you are lucky, you will eliminate one or two enemies, otherwise approach them with caution as one of the two is armed with a firearm. Once you have taken out the last enemy, go back to the large room with several opponents equipped with firearms, reach the top, where you will meet a girl with whom you have to talk.
Scene 7
Enter the room and shoot the man on the left, you will be in possession of a silenced weapon so you will not alert other enemies. Go right, on the stairs you will meet two guards and another one at the pool table, wait for the first one to appear and shoot them, then wait for the other one or enter from behind the corridor to hit it. The third guard will wield a hand-to-hand weapon and will not pose a major threat. Don't worry about the windows in the lower part of the room, no one will be able to see you. Stay on top of the billiard tao lo and shoot down, this way you should catch an enemy at the bottom of the map.

Go down the stairs near the sofa, you will encounter two other enemies with guns, come out from behind the corridor and take them out both. There will be two other opponents on the left, if you are using a noisy weapon they will already be on you while you were eliminating the previous two of their companions; otherwise they will be waiting for you and you can eliminate them with a long distance shot. You have cleared the entire floor and you just have to move to the next part of the level. At the entrance, go down and take out the two enemies wielding melee weapons. At the car you will encounter two other enemies holding a firearm, shoot them or lure them around the corner to take them out with a stick or punches. Remember to shoot the opponents in the room on the left and if you keep the right distances you will not be noticed. Go upstairs and if you did everything correctly you will find only corpses, if not, be prepared to face one or two survivors. On the left you will encounter three other opponents armed with firearms. One of the enemies is controlling the area near the door while the other two will be on the left. Eliminate them by shooting through the door and, in case anyone survived, lure them to the door. In this level there should be only two enemies left alive, two of them have firearms and you will find them in the room to the left, take them out keeping a safe distance. The last enemy is in the lower left room, it is possible that he is already dead while you were shooting his colleagues, otherwise hit him through the window. Return to the first map and go right. Once in the new area, go upstairs and kill the enemy with a gun, then turn down and take out the dog too. The noise will attract nearby enemies, take them out and replace your weapons. You will find other opponents in the room to the right, there will be a dog and a man facing the wall. Take out the animal and beware of the first enemy with your firearm, then take out the other from a safe distance. The lower part of the map is controlled by a dog, in the room behind the window you will encounter several enemies. Lure each opponent outside with your firearm or shoot through the window and wait for them to come towards you. Enter the room where you took out the last group, go right, stun the first enemy with the door and shoot his colleague. Once it's cleared, go to the last room and take out the man at the safe to get the bag. Return to the car and, before the mission ends, you will have a little conversation with the remaining bandit.
Scene 8
Break inside and head for the wall, grab the attention of the first enemy, take him out and drop down to do the same thing with the enemy armed with a gun to get his gun. Clear the room on the left by breaking into it and shooting wildly. You will meet two other enemies in the lower room, you can decide to keep them for later or kill them now, both of them are equipped with melee weapons. In the room to the right there will be four enemies including one with a firearm, take out the first and the others keeping a safe distance just exiting around the corner. With a little luck you will be able to hit the bandits in the next room as well, approach and take out the survivors too. Grab a loaded weapon and go up the stairs. Behind the first door go right, shoot the guard on the left, the sound will attract many enemies, stay in place and take them all out. Go left and shoot the other opponents, do the same thing with those in the room below, then go up the stairs. Shoot inside the corridor, with a little luck you will be able to eliminate both opponents who are in that place. On the right you will meet three other enemies, come out around the corner and hit them to hide immediately and wait for the companions to join you. The last enemy is in the lower right room of the map. Once the level is cleared, go back to the ground floor and go to the central room where the rest of the gang is waiting for you, enjoy the cutscene.
Act 3: Climax
Scene 9
At the beginning of the mission you will be asked to choose your weapon between an automatic and a rifle, choose the one you prefer and go upstairs, you will have to go through a jungle. After approaching the structure, go down and open the door to shoot the burly enemy, kill him on the spot or you'll have a bad end. The noise will attract a large opposing group, get ready for their arrival, you can decide to shoot but, in this case, it is better to use the knife, in fact, the enemies will walk in a column and it will be easier to eliminate them all. Not all opponents will have reacted to the noise, reach the room above and eliminate the survivors. You will encounter the last two enemies at the exit of the map, they will be too far for the knife and it is therefore advisable to shoot while coming out of the room. Once you have made a clean sweep, leave the map. Reach other structures, open the door and hit the first enemy, wait for his companions to arrive and take them out. Downstairs you will meet two opponents equipped with a hand-to-hand weapon that you can kill with a knife. Shoot through the window to take out the burly enemy, you won't be forced to kill him but you can just make him bleed and let him die in no time. Eliminate the other two enemies also by shooting from the window. The last enemy hides behind the sandbags, you can shoot him but it will be easier to reach him on the spot and take him out with the knife, leave the map. Once in the last area, exit around the corner and shoot to attract several enemies, wait around the corner and kill everyone with the knife when they are close. Enter through the door above and then into the room on the right. Calmly open the door and shoot the first enemy you see, otherwise you can eliminate his colleagues with the knife. Go left and take out the remaining enemies, and if the noise doesn't attract them, take them out of a safe distance. Once you have made a clean sweep, leave the map by the only possible way.
Scene 10
The first enemy on the left is in possession of a melee weapon and the next a firearm, you will be able to take out both of them with your bare hands. There will be two more enemies on the right, one of them holding a firearm. In the room you will find a burly enemy, make sure you have enough ammo to take him out. You will find the last two targets in the lower right, one of these will be stationary while the other controls the area, inside the room you will meet a man with a firearm to be eliminated as soon as possible. After the chat with one of the gang members, go down to the sewers. Eliminate the enemy that is controlling the area on the right and go up, you will encounter two opponents with melee weapons and a dog, in case hide around the corner. Further on on the left you will encounter two enemies with firearms, the first controls the corridor while the other the recesses on the left. The best strategy is to distract them one by one and wait for them to approach you. Also in this part of the level you will find a guard with a dog, kill him. The last two targets are in the corridor to the right. Climb up and kill the enemy that is near the door and face another dog, you can use the firearm and leave the burly enemy for last. In the upper corridor, there will be several opponents and a dog, some of them have a firearm, come out around the corner and have them approach you. Grab the weapon from one of the corpses and check the room to the left where you will find some opponents controlling the area including one with a firearm. Take out the enemies from a distance and watch out for the dog that will come from behind your position. Go down and in the large room you will encounter other targets that are best killed with a gunshot. The last group of targets will be in the lower right part of the map, they will be too far away to be eliminated from the safe distance. In the room above the previous one you will encounter the last of the enemies, replace your weapon with a load of ammo and eliminate them remaining under the entrance. The noise could attract all surviving enemies. Once you have made a clean sweep, go back to the car.
Scene 11
Get out of the car and go left then up to the bridge. As soon as you enter the new map get ready for the first enemy, knock him out and grab his weapon. Two more targets will be waiting for you higher up, approach and kill them, then return to the first enemy and finish him off once and for all. Go right and keep hiding behind the containers, plan your movements well so that you end up on the left of one of the containers. Along the way, take out all the enemies with your melee weapon. It is advisable to start from the top and go down. On the right there will be five enemies armed with firearms waiting, all of them will be hidden behind comfortable covers and will start shooting on sight, the problem is that you cannot hit them until they are up, so a moment first explode a bullet in their direction. Once it's cleared, grab a loaded weapon and go through the passage at the top of the map. Kill the two enemies with the melee weapon while staying on the left side of the map so as not to attract the attention of the other enemies. Shoot from the window to hit a target and attract the others, hide near the stairs and take out any people who come near you. Once you have made a clean sweep, go right. Come out of the corner and hit both enemies on the right, then grab one of them's weapon. Stay to the left of the main stairs and start shooting down, with any luck you will kill the enemies controlling the area including a burly one. If the mission is still not complete, go back to the beginning as you may have forgotten someone along the way. Make sure you pick up a loaded weapon and take the ladder up. Once at the top, shoot inside the passage to kill a dog and lure some enemies towards you. Enter the nearest room and kill the first guard, then do the same with the second by shooting through the window. In the upper left part of the map you will encounter other enemies and a dog that may have survived the first shooting, finish them without too much trouble as none of them carry a firearm. In the room on the left you will find a burly enemy, shoot him through the window and take out his partner as well. The last two enemies will be unaware of your presence, punch them out and pick up a new firearm.

Go left, enter the room and stun the enemy with your firearm to finish him off right after, pick up the weapon and hit the targets on the opposite side. If you are using a noisy weapon you will attract more enemies. Exit the room and retreat to the entrance while continuing to fire at the enemies. Beware of hostile fire. Once you've cleared the first wave, replace your weapon and pop out from behind the table to take out other opponents. On the left side of the map will be enemies with guns, both outside and inside. After making a clean sweep, place yourself next to the door and shoot to the right, you should be able to kill at least one enemy, eliminate the survivors and go left past the passage indicated by the game itself; remember to replace your firearm with a charge. Immediately turn up and shoot the first enemy. Going up a little you will meet other opponents, eliminate them but do not go near the window. Shoot the burly enemy through the window and grab the attention of his teammates and a dog to take out when they are in range. Kill the enemies in the room above and through the window do the same thing with the enemies controlling the area until they have all been taken out. In the room with the window on the left there will be four other enemies, take them out from a safe distance and also take care of their companion up above. The last two targets will be in the lower room, shoot them and leave the level to return to the car. At the door you will have a short chat with the police.
Scene 12
In this mission you will have to control all five members of "The Fans", so get ready to change your play style at each level. You will start as Mark, go right and shoot the three guards in the corridor, then open the door above and kill two more enemies. It is possible that the noise will attract the dog to the room on the right, be careful. Enter the room by opening the door carefully, then take out both enemies with guns, turn right and shoot the other two guards through the window. Exit the room and go to the right, hit the burly enemy through the window and, with any luck, you will also kill the guard with the gun. Go back to the entrance and go up, once near the trees, shoot forward towards the room with the glass window, inside there will be some enemies and with a little luck you will have already eliminated them. Breath up and take out both opponents on the right side of the room and through the window. In the next room there will be two or three enemies who, if you have not killed yet, could see you and hit you, in this situation move away and wait for the opponents to approach you. As you ascend, beware of any surviving targets including a dog that may be attracted to the noises, and best to stay hidden behind the door and check the area before advancing. Stay near the door and shoot to the right, thanks to this you will also have killed the last two enemies on the floor, if that's not enough, approach the room with the glass window and deal with them through the glass. After the intermission scene, you will be in the role of Corey. Exit the elevator and hit the first opponent, grab his weapon and shoot the partner, then finish off the first enemy. Open the door on the left and attract the attention of the opponents, retreat into the corridor and kill them to get a weapon. Go back to the corridor and take the door on the right, wait for the corpulent enemy to pass to kill him. The noises will attract other enemies, hide around the corner and wait for them to be within range of your shots, replace your weapon with a charge. Return to the room with the table, push the door and shoot the first enemy before the others attack you, retreat to a safe distance and make a clean sweep while paying attention to the dog. If you have done everything correctly, you will attract the attention of a burly enemy, take them out from a distance and replace your firearm. Deal with the enemies in the room to the left, both are in possession of a firearm, so open the door first and hit the nearest enemy retreat and kill your partner as well. The corridor above is controlled by two enemies, take them out from a safe distance. If you have caused enough noise, you will find the last enemy in the upper right corner of the map, otherwise you can find it in the left side. After clearing the entire floor, you will step into Tony's shoes. Immediately go left and knock out the burly enemy then deal with his companions who will attack you. Stay away from the window for now. Once you've eliminated the first group of enemies, finish off the burly one. With the area cleared, approach the door below and force the enemies to attack you, hide around the corner and take out everyone when they are in range. Go back to the door and attract the attention of the opponent holding a firearm, lure him out of the room and kill him. Go right and stay in the passage to be identified by the enemy with the firearm, move to be followed and eliminated. At the next door, two firearm enemies are waiting for you, one of them is moving and the other is stationary. In front of you will be a room with a stained glass window controlled by three enemies with firearms and a corpulent man. Your task will be to attract the first two and then the rest. You can do this by the columns or by running up to the wall between the windows and waiting for the enemies to catch up with you. Don't hide around the corner at the window. Once you have made a clean sweep, approach the door, inside you will find two enemies with melee weapons. Towards the end of the level you will have to face two more enemies with a firearm and one with a melee weapon, lure them to the window and take them out at the appropriate time. You will pass in the shoes of Alex and Ash, you can meet the first enemy in the room on the right or at the starting point. Stay in the corner of the room and shoot, the noise will attract more guards from nearby rooms, kill them and shoot again, if no other enemies show up, go right. You will meet four enemies mainly armed with firearms, take out some by shooting and otherwise run towards them avoiding being noticed and killing them in close combat. Go back to the place where the first massacre took place, stand by the wall and shoot, if no one shows up you will be sure the area is clean. Go to the "Xerox" room. You will meet a corpulent enemy and one with a firearm, first take out the second then devote yourself to the corpulent. The next target is the patrol of two enemies with guns that control the corridor, stun the first with the door and take out the second, then finish the one lying. Shoot down the hall and take out the enemy to pick up a new weapon. Inside the room will be a burly enemy and his other companions. Shoot through the door and if you run out of ammo, use the chainsaw or pick up another weapon. Kill the last enemy from a safe distance.
Act 4: Falling
Scene 13
During the introduction before the mission, approach the phone located near the wall between two doors leading to the bedroom. The game won't show you the phone but after finding it and pressing the action button, Evan can hear the message. Kill the first two enemies and head left from the starting position. Grab a gun from one of the newly killed enemies, hide around the corner when an opponent with a firearm sees you. Stun all three enemies and go upstairs. Lure the opponents on the right out of the room and hit them from around the corner, don't forget to unload their weapons. The upper platform will be controlled by two enemies with firearms and two with melee weapons, you will have to lure them out of this part of the map and hit them from a safe spot. Enemies with firearms will be arranged so you don't have to worry about getting shot from behind. Always remember to unload the enemy weapons. After clearing up, go back to the intersection and go left. Pop out of the cabin and attract the attention of the first enemy with a firearm to hit him at the right moment, for the second enemy with the melee weapon you can find him below. Another couple is on the left, take them out and run at the man with the gun in the bathroom to defeat him and unload his weapon. Climb up and hide around the corner, lure all the enemies including the one with the gun, don't attack from the front. In the same way, also defeat the last trio in the upper right corner of the map. At the start of the next map, go left, hit the enemy with the stick and grab the weapon. Climb up and around the corner take out other enemies. Attract the attention of the next opponents above, the area will be controlled by a man with a gun, beware of him and it is better to check around to find out where he is, then, approach and retreat immediately, where you have beaten the first three enemies, in this way you can eliminate him without problems. You will encounter two other firearm enemies on the right, use your usual tactic and remember to unload their weapons. The last two targets above are on the right, have close combat weapons and will not pose much of a threat. The leader will wander around the map, if he sees you he will start banging the pipe against the floor alerting the rest of his gang, to beat him you will only need one shot. Once you exit the subway, if you heard the voicemail message during the introductory mission, you will be moved to a secret area. The only thing you can do inside the bar is to talk to Biker, a character from the previous episode of the game, do it and leave the place.
Scene 14
Once you reach the enemy post, start shooting the ones on the right. The noise will attract nearby ones including a corpulent one to hit first and injure him so that he dies of bleeding. You will also be attacked from the left and for your safety retreat to the starting point of the mission. Do the same thing with the left side and watch out for the enemies in the structure on the left as they may spot you and start shooting. Go back to the right side of the map and go up. Kill the enemy in the middle of the plants, then retreat as the noise will attract other opponents. Possibly replace your shotgun with a knife to save ammo. In the next room there will be two enemies, take out the one with the gun through the window and place his partner in close combat. On the left you will find an ammo crate, if necessary use it. On the left you will find another enemy among the flowers along with a corpulent one, kill the second one first. Take out the two remaining opponents with the knife, preferably after having stunned the first with the door, go to the new area. Go right and kill the two enemies using the knife, then take care of the one armed with a firearm by the stairs to the north, the noise may attract more enemies, so be careful. On the stairs you will find a crate of bullets, use it and shoot the soldier who controls the area. On the right you will encounter other opponents, the first of this controls the area while another will run towards you if you attract his attention. Another enemy is hiding behind an obstacle and you will have to lure him by showing yourself. The last enemy armed with a firearm hides behind the tree to the right of the chest, first kill the enemy that controls the area, then the one hidden behind the tree, finally the one hidden behind the obstacle. Go left to meet two more men with guns. Under the last men killed, you will find another soldier crouched behind cover and two more with melee weapons, deal with both of them and make your way to the next area. Go to the right of the stairs and wait for the corpulent to appear, shoot him and switch to the knife to kill the enemy in the left room, if any other opponent is attracted by the noise, take him out. Wait for another corpulent to appear, exit the corridor and shoot him, watch out for the enemy armed with a gun behind you. Once the corpulent is killed, retreat from the room and make sure the whole area is cleared. Go to the room on the right, where you will find yet another man with a firearm, attract him and kill him with the knife, be careful behind you as there may be some survivors with firearms. Go left into the room above the stairs, there will be three more enemies, take them out by standing inside the passage and back off immediately. In case you run out of ammo, take care of the survivors using the knife. Return to the corridor on the right and head up. In the upper right corner you will find another opponent. Two other enemies are on the left side of the structure, one of them has a firearm and looks out the window, use the knife to take out both. The last two enemies are to the left of the stairs, they will be very far from the door and it is therefore advisable to open fire on them, the noise will attract the attention of the other making the situation easier.
Scene 15
Go up the stairs inside the first room, if you have a firearm, hit the enemies below; if not, get their attention and retreat to the stairs to beat them, then take the melee weapon. Slowly open the door to the room on the left and attract the attention of the enemies, retreat around the corner and take them all out. From now on, you won't want to make any noise, so don't use firearms. Take the firearm and stay on the left side of the room, wait for the corpulent to appear at the door and shoot him. You will attract the attention of some enemies, hit them and take them out. Don't hit the table to avoid exploding. Once the room is cleared, grab a new weapon and go to the room with the explosives, position yourself on the table and aim for the door to wait for the dog who will join you in a few moments. Take care of the other enemies and don't let them hit the table with their bullets; to be safe, stay in the corner of the room and shoot forward. You will find the last two enemies in the rooms located in the upper corners of the area, both are equipped with firearms, so shoot just before entering the room. When you reach the top, open the door and hit the first enemy, then retreat and start shooting towards the door, a large group of enemies will appear from just that direction, including a corpulent and a dog. Once you've cleared up, grab a new weapon and head down the stairs for more room to maneuver. Open the door at the top and, with a well angled shot, take out the guard in the blue room. Wait for the remaining opponents to appear and take them out, retreat to the corner if necessary. In the lower left room you will encounter two more enemies with firearms. Pick up a new weapon and retreat to a safe distance. The last two groups of enemies are top, left and bottom right.

Before going upstairs make sure you have a loaded gun. To eliminate the enemies use the usual tactic of opening the door and shooting the first enemy to retreat to a safe distance and eliminate anyone who appears at the door. Drop down to collide with three opponents, shoot the first one to attract the rest with the noise. You will find the last enemies at the top of the map, the first in the upper left room and is armed with a firearm, hit him as soon as you enter the room. The other opponents always armed with firearms will be in the upper right corner, you can kill them in close combat but it will be safer to shoot. Once the building is cleared, return to the car. There is also an alternate ending for this mission, you will have to get killed in one of the rooms on the upper floor, in this case the enemies will take you to a room to interrogate you. If you decide for this ending, you should postpone your defeat as much as possible in order to get more points.
Scene 16
As soon as the mission begins, go up and look to the right, you will notice some enemies controlling the area, shoot them immediately. Hide behind the generator and look up, you will notice another patrol, hit the enemies from a safe distance, the noise will attract other opponents but, none of them will attack you from behind, take a good position to be able to control each of them. After the massacre, go inside the structure on the right to kill all the survivors, it is advisable to use the knife and preserve the ammo. You can stay in the middle of the structure and the edge of the map to shoot through the window. Go up, you will notice an enemy controlling the area along with a corpulent one, shoot as you retreat, in case you run out of bullets, reach the starting position and hide around the corner. At this point, you will almost certainly be out of ammo and there are still two groups of enemies armed with firearms to take out. Use the usual tactic of luring and killing from a safe spot. Once the map is cleared, go north. Once inside the new map, reload the ammo at the pickup truck and head right. Between a fence and the edge of the map, there are several enemies, shoot them. You can use the entire magazine as you will find ammo in the chest next to you. A little further north you will encounter another opponent, eliminate him to complete the entire map. The path to the left is controlled by several guards armed with firearms, you can wait for them at the chest and kill them one after the other, or, reach the exact spot where they are. Be careful as the area to the left is also controlled by a couple of enemies armed with firearms along with a corpulent. Look around and take a position where you feel safest and remember to take care of the corpulent first. Go left to collide with other guards with melee weapons, there will be two of them and at some distance from each other. If you have already fixed those with firearms, you can deal with them with a melee weapon, otherwise shoot. You will meet the last opponents at the generators, shoot the first to attract the others. Deal with them with the knife, otherwise attack from above. In the middle of the generators there will be a pole that will prevent you from shooting at the enemies, reload your ammunition and leave the map by taking the northernmost exit. Approach the entrance to the power plant and wait for the first guard to attack you to counter with the knife. Go inside the facility and climb up, shoot some bullets inside the room on the right to take out a corpulent one, dodge the bullets and run inside the same room to kill the other guard and take cover. If you have done everything correctly there will be some opponents at the door but none of them will shoot you. With the knife kill the nearest enemy, the remaining survivors will stand still or control the area. Try to figure out what path they take and clear the right side of the map of any hostile presence. Reload your weapons, move to the right side of the map and take out the enemies with guns on the right side. You can also lure enemies to the ammo crate to make the fight easier. Two opponents will be in the corridor on the left and may not see you, however, they are so close to the corner and passage that you can deal with them with the knife. Shoot the last enemy in the room on the left by hitting him through the window, reload your weapon and enter the elevator. Once upstairs, enter the room to the right and immediately shoot the guard. You will be immediately attacked by the men who control the whole area, shoot them or kill them with the knife in case you manage to run towards them effectively. Reload your ammo. Another enemy armed with a firearm controls the area and his companions are in the room to the left. On the far left is a corpulent man. First deal with the normal guards and reload your weapons, then reach for the corpulent one and take him out by hitting him once and retreating. In the room opposite the elevator there will be a guard and in the next room two more, the best way to deal with these enemies is to shoot through the door, lure them out and take them out with the knife. In the corridor there will be several guards with melee weapons and in the room on the left two enemies one of which has a firearm, take out them all shoot through the windows when possible. Once you've cleared the room, go left. You will reach the control system of the plant. After the cutscene is over, grab the injured colleague and enter the elevator. Keep going and take the first street on the left to continue downwards, you will meet several curves but no dead end. In a short time you will reach a corridor and the exit.
Act 5: Intermission
Scene 17
From now on, Evan will be able to use guns. Check what weapon the enemy is using at the entrance, if it's an automatic, stun him with the door, pick up the weapon and take out the remaining opponents. If it is a shotgun, always stun it with the door and place the others with your fists. In the meantime, pick up the stick and use it in combat and to knock out the enemies to the ground. The shotgun will be too slow to clear the room quickly. At the top of the room you will encounter other enemies with melee weapons and some with firearms, the first of these is stationary near the entrance to the kitchen, come out from the corner and hit as many enemies as possible. Survivors will be attracted to the noise, if not, pop out of the corner and get noticed to lure them to your location. You should be able to kill the enemy with your firearm and pick it up in turn. Once you have also killed the last two opponents with a firearm, remaining on the entrance, reload your weapon and go up the stairs. Shoot the guard to the left of the stairs, then retreat and shoot anyone who comes after you. If necessary retreat to the stairs. Once the fight is over, pick up a new weapon and deal with the enemies with firearms in the room to the left. Another large group of enemies will be at the bottom, it is better to deal with them by staying at a certain distance from the entrance on the left and shooting inside the room, in this way you should be able to kill most of the enemies, for the survivors you can use a close combat weapon or shoot. The last opponent controls the lower right area of the map. He probably hasn't heard your shots. After the massacre, go back to the car.
Scene 18
Enter carefully inside the palace, wait for the first two enemies to attack you to beat them. Check to the right to see an enemy with a firearm and a corpulent, approach the corridor to get noticed by the largest enemy, wait for the one with the firearm to knock him out and steal his weapon and eliminate the corpulent. Ignore the remaining enemies, you can beat them but not finish them since the time at your disposal will not be enough, do this only after eliminating the corpulent on duty. Don't worry about the unconscious enemies and go upstairs. Pull your weapon to the guard at the door, approach him and finish him off, with the weapon just picked up eliminate any presence in the next room. At the top and on the left you will find a door, use it as a vantage point to shoot the enemies below. Be careful as one of them is a corpulent, and you will have to shoot him from a safe distance and wait for him to start bleeding to death. If everything went right, he won't even realize what just happened to him. You can ignore the room below and go to the left, watch out for the dog and start shooting at the enemies that are there. Among them there will be one armed with a firearm, if necessary retreat and take care of his companions using the melee weapon. Shoot the single enemy in the upper room. You will meet another burly along with some guards on the left. Open the door and shoot everyone, in case retreat to the right. Go inside and start shooting upwards, the bullets will go through the barriers and kill the guards; if any survivors remain, make sure they don't run towards you. Once you have cleared this level as well, return to the car.
Scene 19
Enter the first room and attract the attention of the guards, retreat and hit them both, pick up the weapon and enter the room to be seen by the enemy armed with a firearm through the window. Retreat and kill him to get his weapon. With a firearm in hand, clear the room to the right while being careful of the dog and its companion who will attack you from behind. Your next target will be two opponents in the room to the right. Use the door on the left to exit the room and shoot the guard at the top right of the level. From here, go down and shoot the remaining two guards. Enter the bathroom, stun the guard with the door and finish it off. If the level hasn't been cleared yet, you've probably forgotten the last dog at the bottom. Change your weapon for a charge. Shoot the first guard, then kill the two men and the dog running to the left along with the other dog and the guard above, they will run towards you. Stay under the plant and shoot the corpulent in the nearby room, try to kill him on the spot so as not to get charged. There is a possibility that the tumor will attract one of the firearm enemies positioned at the top of the level, in this case kill him and take his weapon. If not, pop around the corner to get his attention. After the slaughter is over, you will need to reload your ammo. Through the window, shoot the two enemies in the room to the left, enter and shoot inside the corridor, where at least one other opponent should be left. Start cleaning up the rest of the level starting from the upper left room, most of the enemies are equipped with melee weapons and will not pose much of a threat.

You can get a loaded firearm in the bathroom to the right. The noises will attract the guards to nearby rooms, in this case throw your weapon at you and lure the enemies to take them out with your fists. Once all floors are cleared, exit the facility.
Scene 20
At the beginning, take the only path available until you reach a sports field. Once there you will encounter a remarkably powerful enemy, in fact, you will not be able to hit him without a weapon and for now you will have to run. Try to keep your distance and run along the fence. The enemy will stop after a few seconds to charge you and reduce the distance, when this happens, it is best to try to make him contract against one of the walls. Once the enemy has charged you twice and returned to his normal speed, a weapon will appear on the left of the map, pick it up and get rid of the pesky pursuer. Head right twice to the next map. Do not go down and avoid getting hit by the police, immediately kill the guards to be joined by other enemies from below, take them out too. Stay at the low window and let yourself be seen by the opponent with a firearm, go down a few meters and wait for him to approach to eliminate him and take his weapon. Shoot the guards in the upper room, you'll be able to kill one for sure and wait for his colleague to join you to take him out too. Use the windows to clear the room below as well. Watch out for the guards patrolling the area, in case they see you retreat immediately. The guard in the lower room should have a bigger firearm, pick it up. Shoot the guards on the right side of the map using the advantage that you will be invisible to them at long range. Watch out for enemies armed with firearms and, if necessary, retreat to the point where you perpetrated the first massacre. The area to the right above and controlled by at least one other guard, take it out carefully. You will find the last two enemies armed with firearms in the bathroom, stun the first with the door and shoot the other then deal with his companion lying on the ground, replace your weapon and continue. As soon as you enter the new map, go to the first room above, throw your weapon at the first guard and run to the second to knock it down, then finish them both and pick up one of their weapons. Exit to the corridor, shoot the guard and retreat. A group of enemies will run towards you in no time, retreat and shoot them as if they were ducks. You will encounter two other opponents below. Start with the lower left room, shoot the enemy with your firearm and fix up his colleague as well. Go to the right and make sure there is no enemy with the gun up, otherwise take them out first. Carefully exit the corner and shoot the first guard on the right, retreat and wait for his colleague to join you to shoot him too. You will meet another man with a gun in the lower right. The last group of guards is at the top right. Stun the first enemy with the door and shoot the rest. Be careful as many of the opponents will be in possession of firearms. Once the room is cleared, grab the uniform and head down. In this level there are enemies capable of dodging bullets (did someone say Matrix?) And you can only defeat them with melee weapons or by throwing objects at them and then finish them when they are down. The first of these is to the left of the entrance, be very careful when you are attacked. Once you enter the map, shoot all the prisoners you meet. If a fast enemy leaves you alone, grab the stick and enter the cell to kill him, otherwise throw your gun and finish him off. The area on the right is controlled by an enemy with a shotgun, kill him and grab his weapon. Down below there will be some cells with windows, if you take the right timing, you will be able to kill both weaker enemies with one hit. So get ready to attack the fast enemy, and if necessary throw your weapon at him and retreat to use the staff. In the cells on the left you will encounter two other enemies, one of them in possession of a firearm, take care of him first. In the corridor that goes up you will find another quick prisoner, get ready to throw the weapon at him immediately. The last opponent on the level will check the exit, deal with him and pick up a new loaded weapon from one of the cells. Open the door and deal with the corpulent, then take out the convict on the left, the noises will attract more opponents. Switch your weapon for a melee one, on the left you will encounter another fast enemy, stay near the wall and kill him with the stick or a broken glass. On the left you will find two more rooms controlled by enemies with firearms and others with melee weapons, attract their attention and be followed to kill them, take a firearm and use it to shoot inside the room above until you will not have eliminated all of them. Quickly shoot the corpulent who will attack you, then take care of the inmates. In the next room you will find two enemies with firearms and two of the fast ones, take the melee weapon and exit the corridor having the hidden convict attack you to kill him. If the one with the firearm sees you, wait for him, otherwise grab the gun and shoot him. Enter the room, from the right you will be attacked, throw your weapon at the opponent and finish him when he is down. Once your personal massacre has been perpetrated, exit through the passage in the upper right corner of the map. Go left until you return to where you saw the prisoner killed by the cops, go towards them and when they see your uniform they will let you pass.
Act 6: Catastrophe
Scene 21
This is going to be a really dark and difficult mission, be prepared to die many times for the enemies who will ambush you from the dark areas. It will get easier once you reach the second zone, but you will still have several problems until you learn the positions of the enemies; feel free to increase the brightness of your screen. Enter the palace and kill the first guard, stand in the passage and attract the attention of two other opponents, retreat and wait for them to approach you to kill them. If you got the firearm from the first enemy you killed, you can use it against the next guard, shoot across the room and hide under the tree. This way you will attract the attention of other guards, wait for them to approach and kill them at the appropriate time. There will be three more targets on the right, one of them is in an elevated position and the other two in the bathroom, kill them in that order and grab your firearm. The top of the map is controlled by several firearm enemies. Attacking them from a distance will be tricky so it's best to get close, stay at the stairs on the left and shoot through the window. Move away and wait for the enemies to descend the stairs to shoot them back. Collect a new weapon from one of your victims. An enemy with a gun is hiding behind the tree, approach carefully and take it out. The last enemy is in the upper right of the map and it is possible that he has already noticed you before, otherwise kill him from a safe distance, pick up a new weapon and take the passage above. Go to the room on the left, shoot the first enemy and go to the door, shoot anything that comes out of the door, including a corpulent one. Once you have exterminated all opponents, replace your weapon with a new one. Go back to the entrance and go to the right, shoot the guard and the other opponents who will reach you as they are attracted by the noises. Follow the corridor up and take out the enemies in the rooms you pass through; in case you run out of ammunition, replace your weapon. At the end of the corridor, watch out for the enemies with gunpowder and for safety clear the rooms by firing from the open passages. There are no doors in these rooms, so nothing will block your bullets. On your way you will pass through an inaccessible room, on the wall to the right there will be windows through which you can shoot and eliminate the enemy inside. You will meet the last enemy group in the upper left room, after taking them out grab a new weapon and return to the first map to go right. There will be only three portly ones, start shooting them immediately and make sure you don't use up all the ammo before you kill them, just bleed them and walk away if necessary.
Scene 22
Once the mission begins, go up and kill the first opponent, then wait for his companions to catch up with you. Go left and kill the guards watching the corridor. In the next rooms you will find a guard in each of them, kill them by aiming at the door, then grab a new firearm. Go back to the stairs, shoot two groups of guards while staying in place and if necessary go up the stairs and hide around the corner, once the fight is over collect a new firearm. Below the situation will be similar to the previous one, stay to the right at the end of the corridor and shoot anything that moves. Clean up the rooms and pay attention to the lower left one, where there will be two opponents armed with firearms, as usual pick up a new loaded weapon. In the lower right part of the map, you will encounter another enemy with a firearm controlling the area, kill him from a distance. You'll find the last opponent on the right side of the map, he has a melee weapon and won't be a big deal. Once the fight is over, pick up a new Dim Weapon and head up. Hide behind the wall as you will face two enemies with a firearm, pop out so that one of them sees you and immediately shoot him, in case you manage to kill him also take care of his partner. With the ammo remaining, shoot towards the room on the left, the noise will attract more enemies, run out of magazine to take them out and grab a new weapon. Kill all the survivors who will run towards you. Once the job is finished, also take care of the two guards above the starting point, you can eliminate them even with your fists. In the bathrooms there will be other guards, until they are attracted by the noise, take advantage of them to take them out. In both rooms on the left there will be enemies with firearms, take them out by shooting from the right angle and make sure that the noises do not attract other enemies including a corpulent one, otherwise focus on him immediately. You will encounter the last enemies in the upper left of the map, take them out and grab their firearms before leaving the level. Once inside the new map, go down and shoot the enemies through the window, in case there are any survivors left, go inside and take them out. Be careful as the sound of the shots will attract enemies to the room above. Go up and shoot the enemies in the room while standing by the door, replace your weapon with a charge. Eliminate the guard who controls the area and, at the tables you will meet the last group of opponents including some with firearms, stay at the door and shoot everything you see. In case you run out of bullets, retreat and wait for the enemies to come after you.
Scene 23
Once the cutscenes are finished, you will need to talk and collect items, so follow the instructions and make your way to the movie set. Once in the area with the enemies, go through the door and immediately run up to the guard above to hit him, grab his weapon and kill the dog and finish him off. The next fight will take place at a window, you will be noticed by the remaining guards, wait for them to approach to eliminate them all. The corridor on the right is controlled by a burly man and a guard with a firearm, stay at the door and wait for the bigger enemy to turn the corner, exit the room and be noticed by the one with the firearm, retreat and kill him to get his weapon. Stay in the hallway and shoot the guard in the room to the right through the window. You will be immediately seen by the rest of the enemies, kill them by focusing on the corpulent. If necessary, retreat and take them out with your fists or a melee weapon. You will meet other enemies below, take them out of the safe distance and take a new weapon before advancing, enter the room in the upper left, with the door stun the first guard and shoot the others. The noise will attract other enemies, shoot anything that tries to cross the threshold of the room and if necessary stun the enemies with your fists or take them out with a melee weapon.

Through the window, clear out the next room and if you run out of ammo, replace your weapon with a new one. Watch out for the guards patrolling the area on the right, only take them out after clearing the room. In the lower room there will be three enemies, take them out by shooting through the window and wait for the other two to reach you to take them out easily. You will meet the last three opponents in the lower right room, shoot the first of them through the window and wait for his teammates to catch up to take them out too. Once this beautiful massacre is over, leave the palace.
Scene 24
Once inside the palace, go right and if possible start killing the corpulent, if not go ahead, on the right you will see an enemy with a gun, get his attention and kill him to get his weapon. You will attract the attention of other enemies, take them out at the appropriate time and take care of the corpulent if you have not already done so. Pay attention to the windows as you may be noticed by enemies with guns. Look around and make sure the noises don't attract other opponents. On the left you will meet another corpulent man along with his companions, one of whom armed with a firearm, make a clean sweep. Go back to the right side of the map, watch out for the dog that controls the area and approach the windows to take out the enemies on the opposite side. If necessary, pick up a weapon from one of the dead bodies. Once the area on the right is cleared, stay in front of the door to the green room and look up, take out the guards and shoot some bullets through the windows, the remaining enemies will not react if you stay at the right distance. Watch out for the dog on the left, shoot the guards through the windows in the upper room. Once the left side is cleared, approach the room with the glass window, take out everything you can from the long distance, then let yourself be seen by the man with the sword; he will dodge your bullets but be vulnerable to melee weapons. The last opponents can be found at the stairs on the left and in the room with the guitars on the right. Both of them have melee weapons, once they are eliminated grab a new firearm and go up the stairs to the right. Through the window shoot the corpulent, wait a moment and shoot down to take out the dog as well, then wait for other enemies to arrive to take them out at the appropriate time. Climb up and shoot everything you see, if you run out of ammunition attract the attention of the enemy and retreat. If everything went well, the noise will have attracted the opponent with the sword, so pick up a melee weapon and take him out. Retreat to the room near the stairs and take out the enemy with your firearm, always paying attention to the windows. Go right then left down the hall, kill both guards and pick up a weapon to retrieve a weapon and kill the enemies through the windows. Go up and enter the main corridor, watch out for the dog that wanders in the area. Through the window shoot the burly man and his companions. Attract the enemy's attention with your sword and retreat to hit him in close combat at the right moment. Take out the dog in the hallway and the enemies in the next room. Deal with the enemies equipped with a melee weapon and go to the area indicated by the game itself. In the next map go right and shoot the first of the guards, the noise will attract other enemies including a burly one, be prepared for an attack from both sides. Once the slaughter is over, go left, shoot the other corpulent man through the window and finish off the other enemies using a melee weapon. Go up and take out the survivors, on the left you will also meet the umpteenth corpulent and three dogs, shoot and you will also attract the attention of nearby enemies that you can also eliminate by shooting through the window. Go up and take out the last dog, look out of the windows and take care of the guards inside the various rooms. In the corridor you will encounter another enemy with a sword, retreat and draw a melee weapon to kill him. Shoot through the window and clear the room on the right. In the upper right part of the map you will meet other guards, they will be near the door and you can kill them with a melee weapon. You will encounter the last enemy above the stairs to the right. If the mission is not over yet, look around, in fact, it is possible that a dog is still alive.
In this final mission there will be no scoring, so there is no point trying to complete it by getting a high rank. Take a few pills, you will have to wait some time before eating another one, only when the blue arrow appears. After eating a lot of pills, you will feel better, so turn on the water. The area will become more colorful and the game frame will begin to vibrate in an annoying way. In no time your character will grab a weapon and you can go upstairs. Shoot the first enemy, then run to the left room and hit the target with your firearm to get it, kill anything that comes close. In the nearby rooms there will be only one enemy and a dog, take out both of them and move forward. In the room with the bear you will need to reach the stick. Go back and pass the enemies always keeping a certain distance from them, stay in the upper left corner and wait for the enemy to approach to eliminate him. Go downstairs and turn right, pick up the stick and take out the animal at the precise moment it is within reach. Keep going until you activate some cutscenes, then you will appear in a room with a weapon, pick them up and stand in the middle. Wait for the enemy to be positioned low or high to shoot them. Broken glass will tell you where they are going to attack you. The enemy will be fast enough but not fast enough to stop you from hitting him. You will only have six bullets in your gun but sooner or later you will be successful. Once you've regained our hero's controls, head right. Wait for the guard to be on the right side, run and grab the shotgun. Shoot the enemy and his companions when they enter the room. Aim carefully as you will not be able to retrieve more ammo. In the next part of the building, pick up the weapon and go left, approach the darkness. Once you have resumed the controls of the protagonist, go to the right while aiming to the left, as soon as the enemy appears hit him to death, one bullet will be enough. Once on the roof, approach the helicopter landing site, a monster will appear, one of its heads will try to bite you while the other will fire missiles. First eliminate the head that is closest to you, then do the same thing with the one that shoots, remember that you can go through the necks of the monster and its body. Finally, go upstairs and cross the rainbow bridge to complete the game!

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Exit date: March 10 2015