In addition to who follows you, would you like to know who has stopped following you? Here are some apps for Android and iOS that will allow you to know who was following you and now don't do it anymore and have a more detailed statistics of your Followers and Unfollowers.
From these apps, you will only see data from the moment you first download the app. From the moment you set it up, it tracks all changes to your accounts. But if you lost followers before installing the app, you won't see any.
These apps are not authorized by Instagram, which means that the security of your account can be in jeopardy.
These apps may stop working at any time as Instagram has a history of changing its APIs or rules without any notice.
Now that you know the risks of using these third-party apps to find out who no longer follows you on Instagram we are going to list them and it is your discretion to use them or not.
We have tested these apps and at the moment they work and give no problem ... but never say never.
FollowMeter for Instagram
FollowMeter is the easiest way to manage your Instagram followers. It allows you to access insights into your Instagram account, track follower growth, and manage your account effectively.
- Detect users who have unfollowed you (non-followers).
- Get a peak on your Secret Admirers.
- Find out who your Ghost followers are.
- Find out who your best fans are. (Best)
- Find out which posts your followers liked.
Download FollowMeter now for e
Reports + per Instagram
Track users who unfollow you and block your Instagram account. Find out which users see you the most and care about your profile.
- Account analysis
- Track follower growth / loss
- Immediate notification of followers that I stop following you
- Track the performance of posts
- Trace of the connection
- Ability to connect your fans
- Optimize and schedule your posts
- Find out who you follow but who don't follow you
- Discover your secret admirers
Download Reports + for and iOS now
These are the two apps that we recommend you install to find out who no longer follows you on Instagram and follow the progress of your account based on Followers and Unfollowers and much more.