If you are not yet subscribed to Instagram, but you want to know what others post (photos, videos or comments) without having the account; It is also possible to browse the profiles of whoever you want.
Before explaining the various mechanisms to do this, let's see for a moment what Instagram and Instagram stories consist of.
Instagram is a US social networking service that allows users to take photos, make videos, apply filters and share information over the Internet that Facebook bought for a billion dollars.
It is compatible with any iPhone, or iPod touch having iOS 3.1.2 or higher. Since 2012 also on Android, and now also on Windows 10 Mobil; lastly, since 2016 there is also the App for Windows 10 tablet PCs.
The most important functions of Instagram are:
- Ability to take photos with high definition filters for better photos.
- Ability to support larger photographs.
- Ability to geolocate and tag photos (in order to share your experiences with other users).
- Ability to upload videos up to 60 seconds and GIF Boomerang.
- Direct, i.e. sending a photo to a user without posting it, or sending them a message.
Advertising: advertisements of sponsored content (paid), available for companies and not. - , images and videos that remain visible only for 24 hours and are not published.
- Direct, that is the possibility of transmitting videos in Live streaming, interacting with users who comment.
The further feature of Instagram Stories is to add to all these features, the ability to insert images in the story that will be deleted within 24 hours.
See Instagram stories without an account and anonymously
Let us now try to explain some ways of how to get around. Meanwhile, discovering the apps you need to see Instagram stories without an account, all free and easy to use.
Story Saver per Instagram – app per Android
This App is reserved for Android owners and can also be used online, allowing you to view and download the contents of the stories of public Instagram accounts.
To use it you need to install it and start it, after which we have to press on the Username text field, typing the username of the person whose story you want to see and then start the blue Search button. From the list that appears, click on what interests us.
From here on, if you want to watch a video, just use the Play / pause button, while for a photo, press the Save button.
Download now .
iStory for Instagram - app for iOS
This app is for those who use an iPhone and has a similar operation to the previous one. Even iStory for Instagram, in fact, anonymously can show the stories entered from public Istagram accounts.
Download now .
Online services to see Instagram stories without an account
Let's now pass to present the services that we will be able to find on the net and that have the same functions as the apps already illustrated.
Story Insta
This is the online version of Story Post Saver and also Story Inta allows you to view anonymously the photos and videos present in the stories of public Instagram accounts.
To use it we must connect to the site www.Storyinsta.com and first you need to write the username of the person you are interested in, inserting it in the Username text field (at the top). Then click on the blue Search button, located on the right to start the search.
At the bottom of the page that we have opened you will see the stories created by the user we have searched for: by pressing the Play / pause button you can start the production of a video.
If, on the other hand, you want to save the contents on our computer, press the Save button, located under the photo or video we are watching, then in the new browser that opens, right-click on the content in question and select the item Save image or download video .
Storyinsta is currently no longer available find out more.
Insta – Stories
It is another portal that has the same functions as the previous one, from which it is possible to view the contents published in the Instagram stories.
Also in this it is necessary to connect to the main page of the site https://www.insta-stories.com/ and in the username text field type the username of the person whose stories you want to view.
Then press enter on the keyboard, so as to start the search and choose the profile that interests us. Then click on his story.
If in the meantime, after this article, someone intends to take an Instagram account, we can add that:
After its release in October, Instagram had one million registered users in December 2010.
As of October 2016, Instagram Stories hit 100 million active users, two months after launch. This figure increased to 150 million in January 2017 and 200 million in April.
Instagram users are equally divided with 50% iPhone owners and 50% Android owners. While Instagram has a gender neutral format, 68% of Instagram users are female while 32% are male. Geographical use of Instagram favors urban areas as 17% of US adults living in urban areas use Instagram while only 11% of adults in suburban and rural areas do.
For those wishing to obtain a good success for their publications we will limit ourselves to giving only two tips, but the fundamental ones, deriving from the latest research in progress on multimedia content.
Based on these, we tend to point out that publications that show people's faces receive more likes and comments and that the use of filters that increase heat, exposure and contrast also increase engagement.
Users are also more likely to interact with images that depict fewer individuals than groups, preferring content that has not been watermarked, as they see it as less original and trustworthy than user-generated content.