Instagram Head Quiz is a new instagram sticker that allows you to play through Instagram stories by projecting an image over the forehead of the framed person through your smartphone camera.
Instagram head quiz
How to download Instagram Head quiz
HeadQuiz it was created by Noorman Fakhrizal, with the account name @. Then go to his profile and follow him to acquire the filter. Once on the creator's profile you will see above his posts the icon of a smiley face with stars (the third from the left), select it and you will see the various filters created by the author.
Then select head quiz and you can try or save it to always have it as an effect for your stories.
NB: The icons above the posts should be four and the one to be selected the third starting from the left. If you only see three, click on the last one and then select a video with the effect and then go back. Now again on the profile of the creator of the effect you should see the four icons and the third one to select.
You can also more easily acquire the filter without following the author, doing the previous procedure but clicking on the writing Head quiz at Karetsatu on any Instagram story that is using it at the top and press on Save effect to find it then in the predefined effects when you go to create a story.
How it works
Once the effect is saved Instagram HeadQuiz, create a story as you normally would and you will find it in the effects list, select it.
Now frame your friend's face with the rear camera of the smartphone and you will see a rectangle appear with the word Ready? on his forehead.
Then start the recording of the story and now you will have to try to make the person guess the object that appeared as an image on his forehead in the rectangle by providing clues or characteristics. Keep holding the button until you guess it. Once it is guessed, press on the rectangle to confirm that the object has been guessed. Then release the register button and if you want to share it in the stories of your Instagram profile mentioning your friend if you want.
Of course, the winner is the one who manages to guess more objects through the hints in less time by alternating in the game.
Head quiz by is becoming a real viral effect on the popular photo social network. What are you waiting for? Try it yourself and play with your friends. Find out for yourself how who knows that you too do not invent a viral sticker used by millions of people around the world.