The solution is based on the US version for PC of the game, so it is possible to find differences in the Spanish version and / or for other platforms.
Capitolo 1: Exploring the Castle
Main Path
When you take control of Ittle, enter the nearby Tutorial Cave.
Cave tutorial
Hover over the floor switch to the north to open the door. Go to the next room and push the block that blocks the way. Use the stick on the fire to make it burn and light the nearby torch to open the door to the east. In the next room, hit both magic crystals to lower the gate in the center of that room. Kill the enemy present to open the door to the north, go up to the next room, push the block on one of the switches on the floor and then go to the other switch to lower the gate blocking the way. Go upstairs and leave this cave.
Main Path
Go up one screen and enter the Itan Shop. Itan will tell you that he will build you a raft (which you will use to leave this island) for free if you bring him something known as the Artifact, from the castle to the north. He will also tell you that you can find a lot of gold there that you can use for your purchases. Leave this shop and go up one screen to enter the castle.
The Castle - 1° piano
Head right into the next room through the door to the northeast, then head right one screen again. Jump on the switch to open the door on the other side, go back to the previous room and go down one screen. Push the two blocks onto the two switches and then position yourself on the last switch to open the door. Go left, burn the stick, go back to the right in the previous room and light the torches present to open the other door. Burn the stick, go right and hit the ice block with your flaming stick. Climb up and kill all the enemies present, then head down through the door to the southeast. Open the chest to get 200 gold (the warp will also be activated), and go upstairs.
2 floor
Open the chest for Piece of Paper # 1 (collect four to get an additional heart) and return downstairs.
1 floor
Use the warp to teleport to the Warp Garden in the other world.
Main Path
Go left for one screen and enter the Itan Shop and purchase the Fire Sword for 200 gold. After purchase, you will be sent to Toasty Cave where it can be obtained.
Capitolo 2: Exploring the Toasty Cave
Toasty Cave - 2° piano
Go up one screen and open the chest to get the Fire Sword. You can now melt the ice and light bombs / torches / more with it. Go back down, now it will be possible to choose between two paths.
Normal Path - 2° piano
If you want the simple puzzle, choose the normal path. Light the torches to open the western door. Go left, then destroy the cracked blocks blocking the road with bombs. Walk north, destroy all the ice blocks, then push the block into the rail to kill the enemy present. Go right two screens to get to the puzzle room. To proceed, push the south block down, destroy the ice block, push the eastern block to the right, light the bomb, push the northern block up, push the western block to the right, destroy the two ice blocks to the north, push the western block to the right and finally light the bomb. Go downstairs.
1 floor
Put out the fire by pushing the ice blocks onto the torches, and the western door will open. Head left, push the bomb into the cracked block, light it to destroy the block, and then head down one screen. In the next room, light the western torches to lower the nearby gate. Go southwest; push the ice block up, left, and then back up to lower the nearby gate. Go left into the next room, light the flashlight to the west, push the block into the rail to kill the enemy, then return to the previous screen through the southeastern door. Use both ice blocks to put out the torches, and the south door will open. Continue down for a battle with Masked Ruby.
Professional Shortcut - 2° piano
If you like the challenge, choose the professional shortcut.
Push the eastern block of ice to the right, and then down. Push the western ice block right, down, and then right again. Push the eastern block of ice left, up and then right. Push the western ice block up to the switch to open the eastern door. Go right one screen for another puzzle.
Push two blocks south on the switches. Push the second block from north to right. Push the center block down. Push the second block from the north to the switch. Push the center block up, left, and then down. Destroy the top ice block and push the bottom ice block down onto the switch. Push the center block left, down, and then right onto the switch. Switch to the last switch to lower the gate. Kill the old present to open the south door. Go down to the next room and go downstairs.
1 floor
Go left into the next room, push the ice block southwest, left, and then up again to lower the nearby gate. Go left into the next room, light the flashlight to the west, push the block onto the rail to kill the enemy, then return to the previous screen through the southeastern door. Use both ice blocks to put out the torches, and the south door will open. Continue on for a battle with Masked Ruby.
Boss Battle
Light all the torches to make a bomb appear. Set it on fire, and lure Masked Ruby into the explosion. Keep hitting him to make him sit still, after two turns he will be defeated. Go down one screen and open the chest for Piece of Paper # 2. Head right to return to the other world.
Western Island
Go right to the next screen. Walk right a few steps while killing the enemies and you will find the stairs nearby. Go downstairs.
Card Cave # 1
You will have to kill both enemies present to remove the obstacles blocking the chest. First push the block onto the middle rail to kill the enemy, then use the same block to kill the last enemy. Open the chest for the Volcano Express Card and leave this cave.
Western Island
Head to the southwest part of this screen to find more stairs. Go downstairs.
Card Cave # 2
To lower the gate you will need to push a block of ice over the switch in the floor.
Destroy the block of ice in the upper left. Push the ice block up right, right, and then down. Push the ice block down left, up, and then right. Push the ice block down right, right, up, and then left. Open the chest for the Jenny Rich Monsteur (Bun) Card, and leave this cave.
Western Island
Head right to the next screen through the southeast path and go down using the stairs to the nearby basement.
Card Cave # 3
To lower the gate you will have to jump over the cracked block.
Push bomb 1 (the top left one) down twice. Push bomb 2 (the top right one), left once. Push bomb 3 (the bottom right one) down once. Push bomb 2 up once, left three times, and ignite it to destroy the cracked block nearby. Push the bomb 3 up twice. Ignite Bomb 1 to destroy the cracked block nearby. Push bomb 3 down once, left three times, and ignite it to destroy the cracked block nearby. Open the chest for the Fishbun Card and leave this cave.
Western Island
Head right to the next screen, walk south killing the enemies and you'll find another staircase to the basement. Go downstairs.
Piece of Paper Cave # 1
Turn on the flashlight in the west and kill all the enemies who flee to lower the door to the south. Open the chest for Piece of Paper # 3 and leave this cave.
Western Island
Go north through the hidden path in the middle of this screen to find more basement stairs. Go downstairs.
Card Cave # 4
You will have to kill all the enemies to lower the gate to the southwest. The only enemy that is difficult to kill is the one in the northwest because it is protected by cracked blocks. Kill all the other enemies, then push the central bomb down once and to the left four times. Destroy the south cracked blocks with the bomb, push the previous bomb up twice and light it to destroy the block nearby. Light another bomb there and kill the last enemy. Open the chest for the Masked Ruby Card and leave this cave.
Western Island
Go right one screen and you can find some secrets. Continue to the next screen through the path hidden behind the trees (near the sign). There, you will find a secret sign (nothing special). Head back down and then go right to return to the main path.
Capitolo 3: Return to the Castle
Main Path
Go up two screens to return to the castle.
The Castle - 1° piano
Enter the southwest room and destroy the cracked blocks with bombs. Go left into the next room and kill all the enemies throwing axes. Go to the next room and then continue left pushing the block. Push the left bomb down, then push the right bomb to the right, and light the left bomb to destroy nearby blocks. Push the right bomb left three times, and ignite it to destroy nearby blocks. Push three blocks of ice onto three switches, and hit the last switch to lower the gates. Quickly hit all the magic switches to lower another gate. Open the chest for the Gate Card, then flip the switch to open the door to the north. Go up and open the chest for 100 gold. Press the present warp to teleport to the Warp Garden in the other world.
Main Path
Switch to the lone warp on the southeast side to return to the previous part of the castle.
The Castle - 1° piano
Go upstairs.
2 floor
Walk north pushing the blocks and hit the old man with your fire sword to open the door to the north. Go up, then go downstairs.

1 floor
Open the chest for 100 gold and go left into the next room. Push the block west to the left twice, then quickly hit both magic crystals to lower the nearby door. Open the chest for a map, then light the bomb in the west area to destroy nearby blocks. Push the bottom left block, the bottom left block, and the top block up. Now push the top block on the switch to the east, and flip over to the other switch to open the nearby gate. Go right into the next room, and quickly hit all the magic crystals to open the nearby door. Head up to the next room and kill the cactus-like enemy to lower the gate. Open the chest for the Jenny Rich Monsteur (Fox) Card, then head down through the door to the southwest. Go left, push three blocks on three switches, and hit the last switch to open the western door. Go left, you'll have to put out the fire to open the door to the south.
Push the eastern block left twice, and up twice. Then, push the ice block to the right. Push the eastern block down three times, and once to the left. Then, push the ice block down. Push the eastern block right twice, up once, right four times. Push the ice block to the right, and then down. Go down to the next room and open the chest for 100 gold. Flip the switch to open the door to the south, then use the warp to teleport to the Warp Garden in the other world.
Main Path
Go left to the Itan Shop and decide to purchase the Portal Wand for 300 gold. You will be sent to the Warped Woods to get it, you will lose your fire sword.
Capitolo 4: Exploring The Warped Woods
Warped Woods - 2° piano
Scroll down to the next screen. There, on foot, go southwest and then downstairs.
1 floor
Hit the crystal to lower the gate, go up to the next room and go upstairs.
2 floor
Go right one screen and open the chest for the Portal Wand. You can use it to insert a portal block and fire a portal beam to teleport things to the portal block. Go back to the left and go downstairs.
1 floor
Now you will be able to choose between two paths.
Normal Path - 1° piano
If you want the simple puzzle, choose the normal path. Place a portal block on one switch and flip the other switch to open the western door. Go left into the next room and destroy the cracked block blocking the way with the bomb. Place a portal block near the cracked blocks in the west, and use the portal beam to teleport a bomb there. Light the bomb to destroy the blocks, light all the torches to the east, and go right into the next room. Light the torches to the south (you can burn the staff with the fire from the western chamber) to open the door. Push a portal block to the tip, fire a portal beam at the enemy who will die when teleported to the peak. Kill the two snails present to open the western door and go left into the next room. Teleport the turnip to the eastern part of this room. Hit the crystal at the same time with the turnip to lower the gate. Remove the bomb and continue to the western part of this room. Place a portal block on the left side of the western switch and push the lower ice block to the left. Place a portal block on the south side of the southern switch and push the top ice block down. Switch to the last switch to open the door to the north and head to the next room. Kill all the enemies present and go upstairs.
2 floor
Go southwest of this screen and push all switches at the same time (with the help of the Portal Wand) to remove the nearby obstacle. Continue down, right, and kill all the snails to lower the gates. Quickly hit both magic crystals to remove the nearby obstacle. Go right one screen, and get ready for battle with Jenny Deer.
Professional Shortcut - 1° piano
If you like the challenge, choose the professional shortcut. Head right into the next room, teleport the old man to the south side of the present sign, and place a portal block on the west side of that sign. Push the ice block to the right, fire a portal beam at the mirror and quickly walk up or down so that the beam hits you. You will be teleported to the northeast of this room. Push the ice block down on the switch to open the south door. Head down to the next room for another puzzle. Push a portal block to the tip, fire a portal beam at the enemy who will die when teleported to the peak. The gate will also be lowered. Push the western block down twice, and once to the left. Place a portal block on the top right switch. Push the eastern block once, and right three times. Fire a portal beam at the mirror, and quickly walk up or down so that the beam hits you. You will be teleported to the northeast of this room. Push the block near the switch to the south. Place a portal block on the top right switch, and flip the last switch to open the south door. Go down to the next room and go upstairs.
2 floor
Step on the switch hidden behind the tree to remove the obstacle. Go left into the next room, and stand ready for the battle against Jenny Deer.
Boss Battle
Place a portal block behind her, then fire a portal beam at her green magic sphere. As if by magic, your attacks will hit her in the back. You will also need to use a portal block to protect yourself from its magical attacks. After three hits, she will be defeated. Go down one screen and open the chest for Piece of Paper # 4 (you will now have an additional heart). Go down again to return to the other world.
Eastern Island
Walk northwest and go down the stairs.
Card Cave # 5
You will need to push the ice block on the north switch to lower the gate blocking the chest.
Place a portal block near the left wall of this cave, then fire a portal beam at the enemy to teleport to the left side of the cave. Place a portal block two steps down from the ice block and push the ice block down. Place a portal block between two peaks to the south. Push the ice block to the left until it hits the moving enemy, and stop. Perfect timing will be needed. Shoot a portal beam at a mirror, and quickly walk left (or right) so that the beam hits you. You will be teleported south, between two spikes. Push the ice block until you solve this puzzle. Open the chest for the Flopflop Card and leave this cave.
Eastern Island
From those stairs, go south of the screen. There, walk southeast through the path hidden in the trees, then head right to the next screen. Go down the stairs.
Card Cave # 6
You will need to push the ice block on the north switch to open the gate blocking the chest.
Place a portal block near the entrance. Push the available block up. Push the ice block to the left to open the doors. Shoot a portal beam at a mirror, and quickly walk up (or down) so that the beam hits you. You will be teleported near the entrance. Open the chest for the Jenny Rich Monsteur (Deer) Card, and leave this cave.
Eastern Island
Go left two screens to get to the desert with many cactus monsters. Don't attack them as they are dangerous when they wake up. Go down the stairs to the southeast.
Card Cave # 7
Place a portal block near the entrance. Push the ice block to the right. Shoot a portal beam at a mirror, and quickly walk up (or down) so that the beam hits you. You will be teleported near the entrance. Push the ice block to the left. Place a portal block on one of the switches and flip over to another switch. The gate will be lowered. Push the ice block, open the chest for the Petal Slug Card, and leave this cave.
Eastern Island
From those stairs, take a few steps to the left to find more stairs. Go downstairs.
Piece of Paper Cave # 2
Hit the cactus monster to make it move. Place a portal block on the north peak. Fire a portal beam on the enemy who will die after being teleported into the peak. Repeat this until all enemies are eliminated. Open the chest for Piece of Paper # 5, and leave this cave.
Eastern Island
Go left one screen and go down the stairs to the north.
Card Cave # 7
Hit the old man with your flaming staff to lower the gate. Open the chest for the Old Man Card and leave this cave.
Eastern Island
Go two screens left to return to the screen where the Itan Shop is located.
Capitolo 5: Back to the Castle Again
Main Path
Walk north to find the fallen fire sword. Enter the Itan Shop, and continue through the exit on the right. Step onto the lone warp to the southeast to teleport to the castle.
The Castle - 1° piano
Head up to the next room and blast the cracked blocks with bombs (with the help of the Portal Wand). Open the chest for the Jenny Rich Monsteur (Frog) Card and turn on the flashlight to open the door to the north. Go up one screen and go upstairs.
2 floor
To proceed to the left side of this screen you need to push the blocks in the right order.
Push the middle block to the left, the upper block up, the lower block down. Push the top block and the middle bottom block to the left. Push the middle block down, then push another middle block twice to the left. Kill all the enemies to open the door to the northeast (it is possible to kill the flying titans by bouncing them with a portal block). Open the chest for Piece of Paper # 6. Break the cracked wall to the northwest with the bomb (teleport there with the help of the Portal Wand).
Proceed to the next room through the door to the northeast, and open the chest for the Crystal Card. Return down to the previous room, go left into the next room and break the cracked southwest wall with the bomb. Go down, then left, and go downstairs.
1 floor
Go up one screen and open the chest to get the Brutus Card. Break the cracked wall in the north wall using the bomb, and climb up. Kill all the enemies present to open the western door and go left. Open the chest for the Jenny Rich Monsteur Card (Berry), and flip the switch to open the door to the north. Head up, insert a portal block in the south part of this room and fire a portal beam at the bomb to teleport it. Now, push the ice block onto the switch to the north (with the help of the portal block). Wait until the monster eats all the bombs to the north, and break the cracked block with the remaining bomb. Open the chest for Piece of Paper # 7. Go left, then up and open the chest for 100 gold. Finally, go upstairs.
2 floor
Kill all the enemies present with the help of the spikes and the Portal Wand. Walk south, destroy the ice block in the upper left and insert a portal block. Fire a portal beam at the old man to teleport him south, and hit him with your fire sword (he will act like a bomb destroying the cracked block). Push both ice blocks on two switches, insert a portal block on another switch, and flip on the last switch to open the eastern door.

Go down to the next room, blow up the cracked wall to the east, and turn on the torch to lower the nearby door. Open the chest for the Turnip Card, insert a portal block on the switch to the west, and flip over to another switch to lower the nearby door. Go down to the next room, blow up the cracked blocks to the east and open the chest for Piece of Paper # 8. Open the eastern door, go right two screens and go downstairs.
1 floor
Use the warp to return to the Warp Garden. Then take the upper left warp to teleport to the northwest of the 1st floor. Go down one screen, then right for two screens, go down one screen and up one (through another door). Blow up all the blocks there and hit the switch to open the door to the north. Go down one screen, then up two screens and you'll have to push the blocks in the right order to lower the doors in the center of this room.
Push block 1 (middle block left) down. Push block 2 (upper block) twice to the right. Push block 3 (middle block on the right) down. Push block 4 (middle block) to the left three times. Push block 5 (lower block) down. Push block 1 to the left. Push block 3 to the right.
Place a portal block on a switch, and hit the last switch. Open the chest in the center of this room for another map. Go right into the next room and open the chest to get 100 gold. Go up the stairs.
2 floor
Kill the two enemies with the help of the spikes and the Portal Wand to lower the gate. Head right one screen, open the chest for the Titan de Graphiques Card, flip the switch east and head right into the next room. Blow up the blocks blocking the way and go down the stairs to the north.
1 floor
Open the chest to get 200 gold, and use the warp to return to the Warp Garden.
Main Path
Go left to enter the Itan Shop and decide to buy the Ice Wand for 400 gold. You will be sent to the cold place where you can get it. You will lose your Fire Sword and Portal Wand.
Capitolo 6: Exploring That Cold Place
That Cold Place - 1° piano
Hit the switch to the west to open the door to the east. Burn the stick, go right one screen and destroy the ice blocks. Push the center block up four times, then push the left and right blocks onto the switches. Blast the cracked block to the west with the bomb, push the last block on the switch in the upper left, and flip the last switch to lower the gate to the northwest. Go left one screen, kill the enemies present to open the western door, and go left again. Push the block into the enemy path so it can change course and hit a magic crystal. Hit another crystal at the same time to lower the southern gates. Walk south, you will have to push the ice blocks in the right order to put out the torches.
Push ice block 1 (bottom left) to the right. Push ice block 2 (center-left) to the left. Push ice block 3 (center-right) to the left. Push ice blocks 1, 2, and 3 down. Push ice block 4 (top right), up, right, and then up.
When the nearby gate goes down, follow that path, burn the stick and head right one screen. Push the bomb towards the cracked wall, and ignite it to destroy that wall. Go down and open the chest for the Ice Wand. It will be possible to freeze blocks, walls and enemies with this wand. It will also be possible to put out the fire. Extinguish nearby torches with the Ice Wand to lower the gate. Extinguish another torch to the south to open the door. Go down one screen and go upstairs.
2 floor
Turn off the torches to open the door to the northeast. Head to the next room, you will now be able to choose between two paths.
Normal Path - 2° piano
If you want the simple puzzle, choose the normal path. Freeze the titans, push them on the switches and hit the last switch to open the door. Continue to the next room, use the Ice Wand on the mirror to extinguish the nearby torches. Go left one screen, use the bomb to blow up the cracked block, then use the Ice Wand to turn off all the flashlights there. Continue down, freeze the blocks and push the blocks onto the switches to the west. Go right, then down, finally left through the northwest door. Kill all the enemies to lower the door and head left one screen. Push the bomb up once, light it with the burnt stick, freeze it, push it to the right and then up (this will destroy the cracked block nearby). Freeze the block, push it down, and then left on the switch. Continue down and kill all the enemies to open the eastern door. Go right, you'll have to avoid the ghost as you put out all the torches in that room. When you do, head up one screen, then you have to push the block of ice in the right order to open the eastern door.
Push the top left ice block down. Push the bottom left ice block to the right. Push the top right ice block down. Push the middle ice block down, and flip the last switch. Go right two screens, then down one screen, and push the blocks in the right order to open the eastern door.
Freeze the lower left block and destroy it. Put out all the flames with the Ice Wand. Push the ice block in the lower right into the chimney on the right. Freeze it, and push it down. Push the top left block of ice into the left chimney. Freeze it, and push it down. Push the top right ice block onto the top right switch. Switch to the last switch to open the door. Go right into the next room, push the lower left ice block to the right, push the upper right ice block to the left and then down, push the lower right ice block to the left, and finally flip the last switch to open the door to the north. Go up to the next room and put out all fires to lower the gate. Go left two rooms, then down two rooms to battle The Lichious Turnip.
Professional Shortcut - 2° piano
If you like the challenge, choose the professional shortcut. Freeze the titans, push them on the switches, and hit the last switch to open the door. Go up, then right and burn the stick. Go back to the left, then down, freeze the titans and kill them to open the eastern door.
Push the top left block to the right. Push the top block on the right to the left. Push the center-left and center-right blocks down. Push the lower left block to the right, and then up. Push the lower right block to the left, and then up. Push the central block north. Push the remaining blocks onto the switches.
Step on the switch to the southeast to open the door. Go down one screen, then left one screen, down two screens, then get ready for battle against The Lichious Turnip.
Boss Battle
First you will need to freeze the wall with the Ice Wand so that its magic turns to itself. When it's on fire, attack it with the Ice Wand. After three turns, he will be defeated. Go down to the next room, open the chest for Piece of Paper # 9, then head down to leave this place.
Walk southeast of this screen, then head right to the next screen and go down the stairs.
Piece of Paper Cave # 3
Kill all the enemies to lower the gate, open the chest for Piece of Paper # 10 and leave this cave.
Go left to the previous screen and go down the stairs in the middle of that screen.
Card Cave # 8
Burn the stick, put out the fire, then quickly freeze it and kill all the titans present. When you lower the gate, open the chest for the Chilly Roger Card and leave this cave.
Head up to the next screen through the hidden path to the northwest, and go down the stairs.
Card Cave # 9
Freeze and destroy block 1 (bottom center). Turn off the heat. Freeze block 2 (block in the top center). Push it up, and then to the right. Freeze block 3 (upper right block). Push it to the left, and then up. Push block 4 (upper left block) to the right. Freeze it and push it up. Push block 3 to the left. Push block 5 (bottom left block) and block 6 (bottom right block) up once. Freeze both blocks and push them to the left. Go to the last switch to the east to lower the gate. Open the chest for The Lichious Turnip Card and leave this cave.
Go down, then left, and go down the stairs to the southwest.
Card Cave # 10
After your conversation with the statue, open the chest for the Incredibly Ugly Statue Card and leave this cave.
Go left two screens to return to the main path.
Main Path
Go up one screen and you will see that you are missing items in the garbage can. Go down one screen and to the right of another to return to the swamp.
Go down the stairs to the northwest of that screen, you can reach them via the path hidden behind the trees.
Card Cave # 11
Put out the fire to lower the gate, then push the blocks onto the switches to lower another gate nearby (hit the middle switch after destroying the center block). Destroy the blocks that block the way, put out the fire and destroy four more blocks of ice. Open the chest for the Lean Boo Card and leave this cave.
From this cave, head left one screen to return to the main path.
Main Path
Enter the tutorial cave to the south.
Cave tutorial
Go downstairs to the 1st floor. Go down, then left, down again, and teleport to the western part of that room (with the help of the Portal Wand and the Ice Wand). Go left one screen and open the chest for the Apathetic Frog Card. You will also be able to read some hints in the northern part of this room. Now, leave this cave and go back to the main path.
Main Path
Go left four screens and then up for one. Enter the Master Cave.
Capitolo 7: Puzzles of Master Cave - 1-5
Master Cave
Go left one screen to puzzle 1.
Puzzle 1 Room
Place a portal block under the center spikes, freeze it and push it up. Freeze the east wall, fire a portal beam at it and you will be teleported north of this room. Hit the nearby magic crystal to lower the door to the southwest. Place the bomb near the center points (with the help of the Portal Wand), light it, freeze it and push it down. You will need it to destroy the cracked blocks present. Place a portal block near the center points, freeze it and push it down. Freeze the south wall, fire a portal beam at it and you will be teleported south of this room. Hit the nearby magic crystal to open the door to the north. Repeat the first two steps to teleport north. Head up to the next room, you will be ready for puzzle 2.
Puzzle 2 Room
Place a portal block near the west wall from block 1 (upper block north). Freeze Block 1 and push it to the left. Place a portal block under the north switch, freeze it and push it to the right. Push block 1 to the right. Place a portal block in the space between the two blocks of the south wall. Freeze block 2 (north central block), push it down and then to the left. Freeze the north wall, fire a portal beam at it and you will be teleported southwest. Push block 2 up. Place a portal block in the space between the two blocks of the south wall. Freeze block 3 (east block), and push it to the left. Freeze any wall, fire a portal beam at it, and you'll be teleported southwest. Push block 3 up. Place a portal block under the north switch, freeze it and push it to the right. Push block 3 to the right. Place a portal block towards the switch to the east and press the last switch to the north. When the door opens, go up to puzzle 3.
Puzzle 3 Room
Teleport both bombs south with the help of the Portal Wand. Place a portal block in the gap to the north between the two blocks in the northeast wall, and fire a portal beam at a bomb to teleport it there. Stay on the left side of the east tip, and walk three screens left. Place a portal block and fire a portal beam at another bomb to teleport it. Place a portal block in the gap to the east between the two blocks in the northeastern wall. Push the ice block up. Freeze any wall, fire a portal beam at it, and you'll be teleported northeast. Push the ice block to the left. Teleport a bomb under the switch on the left with the help of the Portal Wand. Teleport another bomb into the gap to the east between the two blocks in the northwest wall. Place the portal block in the gap to the north between the two blocks in the northwest wall. Push the ice block to the left. Freeze any wall, fire a portal beam at it, and you'll be teleported northwest. Push the ice block. Place the portal block on the middle switch and press the last switch. When the door opens, go right to puzzle 4.

Puzzle 4 Room
Open the chest present for the Ittle Dew Card. Push block 1 (middle block) to the right once. Place a portal block in the gap to the north between the two blocks in the middle of this room. Destroy the leftmost block of ice and push the other block of ice to the right. Push block 1 once to the left. Freeze any wall, fire a portal beam at it, and you will be teleported to the north side of the previous block. Freeze Block 1, and push it down. Destroy the ice blocks in the south wall and push block 1 up. Place a portal block in the gap to the north between the two blocks in the middle of this room. Freeze that portal block and push it up. Stay near the eastern door and freeze the western wall. Fire a beam of ice into that frozen wall, then quickly fire a portal beam so that you are teleported to the torch to the northeast. Place a portal block in the gap to the north between the two blocks in the middle of this room. Freeze that portal block and push it up. Stay close to the southwest side and freeze the southeast wall. Fire a beam of ice at that frozen wall, then quickly fire a portal beam so that you are teleported to the torch to the northwest. When the door opens, go right to puzzle 5.
Puzzle 5 Room
Teleport to the northwest of this room with the help of the Portal Wand. Freeze block 1 (top block), and push it to the right. Push block 2 (lower block) to the left once. Place a portal block on the left side of the tip, freeze it and push it to the right. Freeze block 2 and the west wall of that block. Now this is the hardest part because you will have to act very quickly or you will not succeed. Push block 2 to the right. Fire a portal beam at the frozen wall to teleport yourself to the east of this room. Quickly place a new portal block in the gap to the east and then run to the upper switch before block 2 you pushed earlier blocks your path. Push block 2 down, insert a portal block on the top switch, and switch to the last switch. When the door is open, teleport back to the western side and continue down to the next room for puzzle 6.
Puzzle 6 Room
Starting with the bomb, go north four steps and insert a portal block (on the right side of the block below the cracked block). Teleport the bomb. Place the portal block under the bomb, freeze it and push it left over the peak. Now this is the hardest part because you will have to act very quickly or you will not succeed. Stand south of the bomb. Shoot a bundle of ice to the east to freeze the wall. Fire a portal beam at the frozen wall. Quickly run to the north side of the bomb, light it and freeze it. When the reflected portal beam is close, push the frozen bomb down. The bomb will be teleported southwest of the room. When it explodes, it will destroy the cracked block nearby. Fire a beam of ice at the magic crystal to the north and quickly hit the one to the south. When the door is open, continue down to the Break Room.
Break Room
Open the chest for the Tippsie Card and press the switch for a shortcut to the entrance. Now go upstairs and enter the room to the north for puzzle 7.
Capitolo 7: Puzzles of Master Cave - 7-12 + Boss
Puzzle 7 Room
Teleport the bomb to the southwestern tip, into this room, with the help of the Ice Wand and Portal Wand. Push a frozen portal block to the right side of that bomb. From the lowest peak to the west, go north one step (you will be between two peaks). Freeze the north wall, fire an ice beam, then quickly fire a portal beam to teleport the ice beam to the southwest torch. The northeast gate will lower. Teleport the bomb into the crack between the two peaks in the middle of this room. Push a frozen portal block to the left side of the southeastern door. Light the bomb, freeze it and push it to the right. The cracked block will be destroyed and the door to the southeast will be lowered. Teleport to the southeast of this room and turn off the flashlight. Return to the center of the room with the help of the Ice Wand and the Portal Wand. Enter the north room for riddle 8.
Puzzle 8 Room
Place a portal block near the southwest door and use a portal beam to teleport the bomb. Place a portal block at the bottom of the tip, freeze it and push it up. Now this is the hardest part because you will have to act very quickly or you will not succeed. Stay on the right side of the bomb. Shoot a beam of ice to the east to freeze the wall. Fire a portal beam twice at the frozen wall. The first beam will teleport you north. Quickly put in a new portal block. The second beam will beam the bomb north. Destroy the cracked block with the bomb. Turn off the flashlight and press the switch to lower the gate. Enter the southwest room for riddle 9.
Puzzle 9 Room
Place the portal block on the left side of the sign, freeze it and push it up. Shoot a portal beam at the turnip when it is moving south, then quickly run to the left side of the top right switch. The enemy will push the block of ice onto that switch. Push a frozen portal block southwest of this room. Now this is the hardest part because you will have to act very quickly or you will not succeed. Freeze the turnip and teleport southwest with a portal beam. Quickly run to the switch in the upper left. Insert a new portal block and push it to the peak. Move quickly so you don't block the block of ice the turnip pushes. Place a portal block towards the switch in the lower right and press the last switch to open the western door. Enter the room for puzzle 10.
Puzzle 10 Room
Push a frozen portal block northwest of this room. Teleport with the help of the frozen wall and portal beam. Open the chest for the Itan Carver Card and teleport back southwest of this room. Stand on the east side of the lone cracked block in the center of the room. Go up one step, place the portal block and teleport the bomb with a portal beam. Place a portal block on the north side of the ice block. Now this is the hardest part because you will have to act very quickly or you will not succeed. Stand on the north side of the bomb and shoot a beam of ice to the east to freeze the wall. Now fire a portal beam on the frozen wall, quickly run to the south side of the bomb, freeze it and push it up when the reflected portal beam is close. The frozen bomb will be teleported southwest and then slide north. Push the ice block up, and then to the left. Teleport the bomb near the cracked blocks to the north and turn it on to blow up these blocks. Push the frozen ice block onto the switch to the south. Step on the switch to the north to open the door to the south. Enter the south room for riddle 11.
Puzzle 11 Room
Push a frozen portal block (across the peak) northwest of this room. Freeze the turnip and use a portal beam to teleport to the northwest of this room. This will push the ice block south. Push a frozen portal block (through the peak), northeast of this room. Teleport the titan to the northeast of the room with the portal beam. Freeze it near the southeast part of this room. Push a frozen portal block (through the peak), northeast of this room. Freeze the turnip and use a portal beam to teleport to the northeast of this room. This will push the frozen titan south. Push a frozen portal block across the peak under an ice block in the center of this room. Freeze the turnip, use a portal beam to teleport to the center of this room, and quickly run to the north side of the northern switch. This will cause the ice block to push on that switch. Place the portal block towards the switch at the bottom right and press the last switch to open the door to the south. Enter the room for riddle 12.
Puzzle 12 Room
Teleport Bomb 1 (the one in the center) to the south side of the lone block near the entrance.
Push the frozen portal block northwest through the spikes.
Push Frozen Bomb 1 northwest through the spikes.
Push another frozen portal block northwest through the spikes.
Stay close to the northern peak and shoot the upper mirror with the ice beam to freeze the eastern wall nearby.
Shoot the upper mirror with another ice beam, then quickly shoot the mirror with a portal beam. The ice beam will be teleported to the northwest and hit the present crystal. The left south gate will lower.
Push a frozen portal block southwest across the peak.
Shoot the upper mirror with the ice beam to freeze the eastern wall nearby. Then shoot the upper mirror again with a portal beam twice. The first beam will teleport you southwest. Quickly put in a new portal block and walk north. The second beam will teleport Bomb 1 southwest.
Destroy the cracked block to the north with that bomb and put out the fire.
Teleport Bomb 2 (the one to the west) southwest of this room.
Place a portal block on the north side of the peak, freeze it and push it down. Use the frozen wall and portal beam to teleport back to the center of the room.
Step on the switch near the mirror to create a shortcut.
Teleport Bomb 2 to the south side of the ice block and push it left into the crevice between two blocks.
Push the frozen portal block southeast through the peak. Use the frozen wall and portal beam to teleport.
Stand on the floor between the two switches and create a portal block. Fire a portal beam at Bomb 2, then quickly run to the right. The bomb will be teleported there. Teleport back to the center of the room.
Teleport Bomb 3 to the gap between two blocks near the south wall.
Place a portal block in the space between the two blocks. Push the ice block down.
Use the ice wall and portal beam to teleport to the left side of the ice block and push it to the right.
Stand near the eastern door and push the frozen portal block southeast through the peak. Use the frozen wall and portal beam to teleport.
Teleport Bomb 2 north with the help of the portal block.
Push the frozen portal block onto the switch to the north, and press the last switch to lower the door to the north.
Destroy the ice block on the left, then push the frozen portal block to the left. Use the frozen wall and portal beam to teleport back to the center of the room.
Use both bombs to destroy the cracked blocks to the north. Step on the switch present to open the eastern door.
Boss Battle
You will have to hit him with the sword, avoiding his attacks. First, he will attack you by throwing a dumbbell. After losing five hearts, he will attack you by throwing two dumbbells at a time. After losing ten hearts, he will attack you by throwing three dumbbells at a time. There will also be a moving handlebar that will chase you. He will be defeated after being hit 15 times. Go north to the next room and open the chest for the Concept Art Gallery. You will be able to select the option in the main menu, and see it from there. Go down the stairs, open the chest for the Ultra Fishbunjin 3000 Card, press the switch there, and continue down two screens to leave this cave.
Capitolo 8: Last Visit to the Castle
Western Island
Go down one screen, then right four to return to the main path.
Main Path
Go up one screen and enter the Itan Shop. Exit through the door on the right and take the upper right warp to return to the northeast part of the castle.
The Castle - 1° piano
Go down one screen, destroy the block with the help of the Ice Wand and open the chest for the Pancake Card. Go up one screen, press the switch present to open the western door and use the warp to return to the Warp Garden. Take the upper left warp to return to the northwest part of the castle and go upstairs.
2 floor
Go two screens down, push a frozen portal block southwest, and teleport the bomb east to the southwest portion of that screen. Then teleport there with the help of the frozen wall and portal beam. Light the bomb to blow up the cracked wall. Go down to the next screen, and go downstairs.
1 floor
You will need to activate all switches present to open the door to the south.

Push bomb 1 (the top one) to the left once. Teleport Bomb 2 (the bottom one) to the left of the middle switch, light, freeze it and then push it to the left. This will destroy the cracked wall. Push the center block down once, freeze it and then push it to the left. Teleport to the southwestern part with the help of the Portal Wand and the Ice Wand. Push the previous block up to the switch. Push the frozen ice block to the south side of Bomb 1 and teleport there. Teleport Bomb 1 to the left of the middle switch. Teleport to the southeastern part with the help of the Portal Wand and the Ice Wand. Push a block of frozen ice onto the switch located in the middle of the chamber. Get on the last switch to open the door to the south. Teleport back to the center of the room, go down one screen and open the chest for Piece of Paper # 11. Return to the 2nd floor.
2 floor
Go up three screens, then go downstairs.
1 floor
Use the warp to return to the Warp Garden. Then take the lower right warp to return to the southeastern part of the castle. Go left, then right (through the middle door), up, down (into the left door), and finally left. Press the switch to the northeast with the help of the Portal Wand and the Ice Wand to open the nearby door. Head up for a puzzle room. Destroy the center-right and center-left ice blocks. Push the top ice block to the left, and the middle ice block to the right. Push the bottom ice block up, and the one to the right to lower the first gate. Push the ice block west up, put the portal block on the middle switch and stand on the last switch to lower the middle gate. Freeze the titans and push them onto the switches to the northwest and northeast. Put yourself on the last switch to open the present door. Open the chest for Piece of Paper # 12, continue up and then right to the next rooms. Use the warp to return to the Warp Garden. Take the central warp to return to the southern part of the castle and go upstairs.
2 floor
Freeze both blocks, then push them on the two switches to the north (with the help of a portal block) to open the door to the north. Continue to the next room, put the portal block on the switch at the top right, and press the middle switch to open the western door. Go left to the next room and teleport both turnips to the eastern part of that room (near the door). Go to the western part of the room, hit the magic crystal at the bottom, and shoot a beam of ice at the mirror to activate the last magic crystal. Now kill all the enemies present and go to the center of the room. Destroy all the blocks and light both torches to lower the north gate. Kill all the enemies to the north to open the door in the center of this room. Go right one screen through that door, push one block on the lower right switch, then push another block on the upper left switch, and finally press the lower left switch to open the eastern door. Head right one screen, teleport the bomb to the left side of the northern tip, light it, freeze it and push it to the right. The explosion will cause the nearby gate to lower. Now head to the center of the room, kill all the enemies present and turn off all the torches to lower another gate to the north. Kill the old man in the north to open the western door. Go left through the door to meet the final boss who is actually Itan Carver. He will tell you that he likes to test adventurers like you with puzzles. To get an artifact you will have to beat him and then go to him in the shop again, so that he will then build a raft for you.
Boss Battle
The battle with Itan Carver has 7 phases.
Phase 1 = Attack him with the bomb 2 times.
Phase 2 = Kill all 4 old men that appear.
Phase 3 = Freeze the ignited bomb and attack it with these bombs 2 times.
Phase 4 = Attack him with the bomb 2 times, avoiding the petal bullets.
Phase 5 = Destroy the blocks and attack him with the bomb 2 times while avoiding the pancakes.
Phase 6 = Kill all 4 old men that appear while avoiding the snails.
Phase 7 = Kill all 4 old men that appear while avoiding other enemies and their fireball attacks.
After these 7 stages, Itan will surrender and the battle will be over. When you get to the end of the conversation, Itan will return to his shop and a chest will appear. Open it to get the artifact and go downstairs.
1 floor
Step on the switch present to open the eastern door. Go right, then up, push all three blocks on the switches to the north, and hit the last switch to open the western door. Go left and use the warp to return to the Warp Garden.
Main Path
Go left to enter the Itan Shop and trade the Raft for the artifact. Now enjoy the finale (Ittle, Tippsie and Itan will leave the island together) and watch the credits if you like!
Click here to see the entire video solution of the game!

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Exit date: November 27, 2014