In this new guide on New Pokémon Snap we will explain how to get 4 stars by photographing Caterpie, the iconic first generation worm
Several days have passed since the release of the long-awaited New Pokémon Snap, the game for Nintendo Switch where you can photograph your favorite Pokémon. In this period, you will certainly have had enough time to fully enjoy the title, but with a game like this it would be a real shame to stop so soon. In fact, New Pokémon Snap hides a large number of photographic challenges extremely fun to complete, such as the one related to stars.
Each time you photograph a Pokémon in its natural habitat you will get a rating ranging from 1 to 4 stars. This evaluation it varies solely based on the pose of the creature that you have immortalized and has nothing to do with the actual score of the photo. Unfortunately, however, it is not always easy to understand which are the poses that allow you to get a certain number of stars. For this reason we have therefore decided to write a series of guides on New Pokémon Snap in which we will explain how to get 4 stars with different Pokémon and in this specific article we will talk about Caterpie.
Here's how to get 4 stars by photographing Caterpie on New Pokémon Snap!
This little worm loves to hang around on tree branches and consequently it will be very easy to capture. Some poses, however, will not be easy to find at all, since they also depend on other Pokémon. Thankfully following these simple directions you will be able without problems to get all the ratings from 1 to 4 stars by photographing Caterpie in New Pokémon Snap:
- 1 Star
- To obtain this rating, simply photograph Caterpie while he is relaxing in tranquility in the natural park of Floreo.
- 2 Stars
- This rating is also very simple to obtain, as you just need to throw a Soft Apple at the Pokémon and wait for it to start eating it before taking a photo.
- 3 Stars
- To get the 3 stars you will have to go to the Floreo Natural Park during the night and wait for a flock of Murkrow to fly over a Caterpie. At that moment the little caterpillar will try to jump towards the birds and you can get this excellent evaluation by capturing the moment. Unfortunately, however, this event is random and consequently you may be forced to repeat the path several times to be able to get this photo.
- 4 Stars
- To take a 4-star photo, all you have to do is observe a Caterpie from a distance without disturbing it until it starts spinning on itself using the millebave attack. Immortalizing this moment will allow you to obtain this much sought-after evaluation.
This concludes our guide on how to get up to 4 stars by photographing Caterpie in New Pokémon Snap. On our site, however, they are present many other guides like this one dedicate a Pokémon come dodrio, Swampert, Ducklett, Torterra, Emolga and so on. For this reason, if you are interested in completing the game in every aspect, we advise you to take a look at the many other articles of this type on our site.
New Pokemon Snap è available for Nintendo Switch. If you want to stay up to date with all the news on the title, keep following us here on Holygamerz. Also, in case you want to buy some games at an advantageous price, we suggest you take a look at the offers on Instant Gaming.