PS5 vs Xbox X series: who will make the most of mouse and keyboard on console?
The argument mouse and keyboard on console it is thorny. The games, in theory, are meant to be played through the console's specific peripherals, whatever PS5 o Xbox series X. It is also true that many titles from the console land on the shores of the PC, so it is impossible, except for dedicated exclusives, to think of the game only for gamepads or even for one gamepad over another. In a world where videogame fluidity reigns supreme, one or the other faction cannot be judged or mistreated. We are all gamers. On the other hand, many multiplayer titles exploit the cross platform to broaden the catchment area, and this creates a technical imbalance in the teams: a shooter title is much more usable if you use a mouse and keyboard. I don't think there is any doubt.
I like this hint of fake technicality, mega big words of a fake boot elite. I have nothing as a technician, however, and therefore I would like to speculate a bit on the use of mouse and keyboard peripherals on the upcoming PS5 and Xbox series X consoles, obviously taking into account the philosophy that distinguishes the two companies.
PS5 vs Xbox X series, two different philosophies, two different uses of peripherals

Let's start with hard gamepads: Xbox series X is a console for pro player. The reasons are the most disparate: the shape reminiscent of a gaming PC; the technical specifications; the gamepass that aims at a faster and less emotional use of the titles; etc… In a nutshell, it speaks to those who call themselves hardcore gamers. It is easy to assume, therefore, that the multiplayer component will have great importance, also considering Microsoft's desire to focus on crossplatform with PC (there is also talk of an agreement with Steam, you see).
I see it as a will to avoid the console war by aiming for a specific audience which seems to be getting bigger and bigger. Which, frankly, is a smart move, given that the console war does not exist and has never existed except in the reckless hearts of industry journalists. But apart from the criticisms of the fungia, it is almost obvious that Microsoft aims to implement, with even proprietary products, mouse and keyboard on Xbox series x. Come on, it's intercom. Not doing it would mean shooting yourself in the foot.
And we already took off Xbox series x. It was easy. Let's move on to PS5.

At the antipodes we find Sony's PS5. A company that has always focused more on the personal and solitary experience of video games than on multiplayer. And, in fact, it seems that the gamepad is something incredible, innovative, with the triggers capable of transmitting the tension of an arc. A stuff of a 'unique immersiveness if it turns out to be correct. Plus, PS5 will allow developers to experiment more easily.
You will have already understood where I want to go: PS5 will focus everything on single player and will close the frontiers of the crossplatform. The main peripherals of PS5 will be its controllers and nothing will prevent them from creating add-ons to achieve partial or total backward compatibility of PS4 gamepads. It doesn't seem that absurd to me, as it would allow players to play in local co-op even without the need for a new controller, maximizing the experience. The advertising slogan “For the player”, in my opinion, was not and will not be placed there so at random.
Two different experiences. Equally important
These are ideas thrown away, we still don't know when we will see and touch PS5 or Xbox series X. And as far as this topic is concerned, saying "PS5 vs Xbox series X" is not a real fight to the death, but more of a distinction. , a try to put in order by explaining that the peripherals are very important for the experience. It doesn't matter what it is. And this fake confrontation is a way to dig into the soul of those who play video games and find out which of the two experiences involves them more. It is a law of nature: we cannot like everything.
Let alone if it is a mysterious thing like video games.