As we approach the next The Game Awards 2022 at great speed, many enthusiasts are waiting to find out what new announcements will follow during the gala evening. As per tradition, in fact, at the TGA there will not only be the awards ceremony for the best games of this year, but also a whole series of announcements of new titles and important updates on what are the most awaited experiences for next year. In all of this, however, it seems that Ubisoft just unveiled the development of a new game.
According to the latest reports that have appeared on the net, it seems that the Ubisoft Leamington studio is currently working on one nuova IP open world tripla A. To give us this clue are some job announcements that appeared on the studio's official website where, among the various requests, there are announcements that describe this mysterious IP as a "new type of open world experience that offers a series of challenges that have not yet been explored in the gaming industry".
Currently we cannot say with certainty what kind of project it is, but from what we understand from the announcements that appeared on the site, we find that Ubisoft Leamington is hiring developers for various roles in the studio including a Lead Technical Artist, Senior Level Designer, Character Concept Artist, Senior Associate Producer, Vegetation Artist and many other roles within this team.
In one of these announcements we understand that in this new open world IP there will be realistic characters and NPCs that will be central to the narrative of the story and telling the players the mythology of that world. Another announcement suggests that the game will also include a number of interactive plants and biomes for players to explore.
Before saying goodbye, we advise you to visit our YouTube channel, where you can find videos dedicated to the gaming world at 360 degrees.