Today the new guidelines related to publication di Nintendo game content on video and image sharing platforms.
Guidelines for Publishing Nintendo Game Content on Video and Image Sharing Platforms
We are grateful for your passion and loyalty to Nintendo games, characters and worlds and understand that you want to express your creativity by sharing original videos and images that include content from our games.
As long as you follow simple ground rules, we will not object to the use of video and / or game images for which Nintendo owns the copyright ("Nintendo Game Content") in content you create for video and image sharing sites. appropriate. To help you, we have compiled the following guidelines:
- You can monetize your videos and channels using the monetization methods specified separately by Nintendo. Other forms of monetizing our intellectual property for commercial purposes are not permitted.
- We encourage you to create videos that include your input and creative commentary. Videos and images that include pure and simple Nintendo Game Content, without creative input or commentary, are not permitted. You can post gameplay videos and images without adding contributions or comments if the material comes from the use of a Nintendo console feature, such as the capture button on the Nintendo Switch.
- You may only use Nintendo Game Content from products that have already been officially released or from official promotional materials distributed by Nintendo (such as trailers or Nintendo Direct presentations).
- If you wish to use the intellectual property of a third party, it is up to you to obtain any necessary permission.
- You are not permitted to claim or imply that your videos are sponsored by Nintendo or created in collaboration with Nintendo.
- We reserve the right to remove any content that, in our opinion, is illegal, unlawful, inappropriate or does not comply with these guidelines.
Note: We will not be able to answer individual questions regarding these guidelines. Additionally, we may update them from time to time, so please check the latest version before sharing your content.
Frequently Asked Questions: Guidelines for publishing Nintendo Game Content on video and image sharing platforms
Q1: What types of content are acceptable in accordance with the guidelines and which are not? A1: We encourage you to use Nintendo Game Content in videos and images that include your input and creative commentary. For example, Let's Play videos and video game reviews are among the approved uses.However, you are not allowed to post or stream existing Nintendo video live streams, game images without your creative input, or a copy of someone else's created content. For example, simple copies of Nintendo promotional trailers, tournaments, soundtracks, game sequences and sketch collections are not among the approved uses. Q2: Do the guidelines only cover video posting or even live streaming? A2: The guidelines cover both video publishing and live streaming. Q3: What is meant by "appropriate video and image sharing sites"? A3: We generally accept most of the most popular video and image sharing sites, including but not limited to YouTube, Twitch and Instagram. However, we reserve the right to remove any content that, in our opinion, is illegal, unlawful, inappropriate or inconsistent with these guidelines. Q4: What exactly are the “Monetization methods specified separately by Nintendo” that the guidelines refer to? A4: Currently, the "monetization methods specified separately by Nintendo" include *:
- Facebook - Facebook Gaming Creators, Facebook Level Up Program;
- Niconico Douga / Niconico Live - Niconico Creators Program, Niconico Channel;
- OPENREC.tv - OPENREC Creators Program;
- Twitch - Twitch Affiliate Program and Twitch Partner Program;
- Twitter - Amplify Publisher Program; is
- YouTube - YouTube Partner Program.
* Subject to updates
Q5: Can I sell content that I post or stream live on a sharing platform if it includes Nintendo Game Content? A5: No, you cannot sell videos, music or images that you have created using Nintendo Game Content. Q6: Can I create, publish and live stream content based on other Nintendo intellectual property, other than video and game images (such as fan art)? A6: The guidelines apply only to the sharing of Nintendo Game Content on appropriate video and image sharing sites. Any other use of Nintendo intellectual property and the creation of content not covered by these guidelines are subject to applicable laws and jurisdiction. Nintendo cannot provide you with legal advice, so we encourage you to consult a professional if you have any questions regarding the use of these materials. Q7: What if I film someone playing an unreleased title at a public event, like a video game fair? A7: Keep in mind that most public events are subject to guidelines on shooting content and that you are expected to follow them. If in doubt, contact a staff member at the event before posting or live streaming your video. We also reserve the right to remove any content that, in our opinion, is illegal, unlawful, inappropriate or does not comply with these guidelines. Q8: I intend to organize a tournament using Nintendo video games and post or live stream a video of that tournament on video and image sharing sites. Are these activities allowed by the guidelines? A8: Posting and live streaming Nintendo Game Content from a Nintendo Authorized Tournament is permitted by the guidelines. However, organizing a tournament is a separate activity outside of them. Q9: In accordance with the guidelines, are companies allowed to post or stream live video and images that include Nintendo Game Content? A9: The guidelines apply only to individual consumers who use Nintendo Game Content. Q10: Will there be cases where Nintendo will remove content from sharing platforms? A10: Yes, we reserve the right to remove any content that, in our opinion, is illegal, unlawful, inappropriate or inconsistent with these guidelines. In certain cases, Nintendo may remove videos on behalf of third party partners. Q11: What is meant by “illegal, illicit or inappropriate” content? A11: Examples of illegal, unlawful or inappropriate content include, but are not limited to, content that includes intellectual property of Nintendo and:
- Violate applicable laws;
- Infringing Nintendo's intellectual property rights; and / or
- They include pirated Nintendo software.