Assassin's Creed Valhalla deals with the transgender issue.
In a sense…
At a time when Ubisoft she is in the eye of the storm, due to the accusations that have been leveled against her sexual harassment in the workplace, the Franco-Canadian developer decided to make a move that sparked much stir, especially among video game purists.
In the latest chapter of its most successful franchises, Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, it is in fact possible to change the gender of the protagonist at any time. Without, however, affecting the plot in any way.
We have not been able to guarantee a safe and inclusive work environment.
It is not acceptable.
-Yves Guillemot, Ubisoft CEO
In July this year, the high-profile resignation of Serge Hascoet (creative director and N ° 2 of the group), Yannis Mallat (head of Canadian studios) e Cécile Cornet (director of human resources) following allegations of sexual harassment, they forced Ubisoft to shocking statements.
From that point on, Ubisoft gave birth to some investigations at the highest level. Putting around twenty managers and collaborators under observation, in an attempt to silence the accusations of sexism.
In short, a scandal that risked get on your knees the Canadian giant, jeopardizing the confidence of buyers and investors in the company.
Yves' ace in the hole
To learn more:
Assassin's Creed Valhalla, the review: is it worthy of the name?
In the following months, after the dust has settled, Ubisoft is back to work on the titles in the program, preparing, unbeknownst to everyone, a massive shoulder to dialogue on gender identity and transgender people.
On November 10 this year, gamers from all over the world were finally able to get their hands on Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, the last, highly anticipated, chapter of the saga of the assassins. In the game, between the semi-silent press of critics and developers and the perplexities of the players, one of the better media strategies of the modern gaming landscape.
A move so simple, and so solid, that it is basically a three card game, where though Ubisoft always wins.
That's right, of the three: menu.
The game from strategy manuals.
For the first time, in fact, in a cataloged game Triple A, that is, with budget and production at the highest levels, the choice of sex of the protagonist is not definitive, nor is it obvious. Indeed, the canonical choice would seem to be precisely there "Not chosen".
In fact, the player can choose to impersonate a male or female, or can choose to leave the choice to the Animus, which will change the gender of the protagonist depending on theintensity of Eivor's memory flow, The protagonist. In short, it is not a protagonist transsexual o gender fluid, but a simple one Animus bug, which fails to clearly define the gender of the ancestor in question.
Yves, old fox.
And that's exactly where the master stroke reveals itself in all its genius: A simple sentence, that is the description of "let the Animus choose".
"The Animus will represent the strongest female or male memory flow, depending on its current strength"
A unassailable defense, and at the same time one impressive jab, to make the most daring chess player shiver.
Ladies and gentlemen, choose a card, you always win:
“Impossible, you can't put a protagonist transgender in a story of Vikings "
- Left cardIt's not transgender, it is an Animus bug.
"If it's an Animus bug, then what does the choice matter?"
- Card in the centerIt is not that you can choose that is important, but that you can choose at any time. As in reality, gender identity it is neither fixed nor established. You can change it whenever you want, just like Eivor.
“So Ubisoft is for or against the transgender rights? "
- Card in the centerHey, hey, it is just a game.
And while we look at the three cards, Ubisoft screwed our wallet.
Exactly, because without anyone noticing, while they were all busy arguing, Ubisoft in one fell swoop managed to clean up his image, and hit the box office. It is no longer the house of development in which executives stretch out their hands, but the one in which it doesn't matter if you are male or female, as long as you are a Viking.
Et voilà, da stalker a progressive Suddenly. Come, gentlemen, come, there is no trick and there is no deception. A courageous decision, therefore, to allow the choice of sex at any time, but for sure not disinterested.
And as in the best magic shows, the most successful trick is the one that no one is not even noticed.
Instead of developing two textures, one for the male and one for the female, Ubisoft has only developed one.
Curtain. Applause.
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