As you probably know, Resident evil village has recently arrived on the market and many gamers have already launched into the new survival horror adventure Capcom, of which you can also read our review. The game obviously hides several secrets and many users are having particular problems with a particular item. For the occasion, we have therefore decided to create this Resident Evil Village themed guide to help you find the Delicious Fish.
Albeit minimally, we remind all our readers that in this guide there are spoilers about Resident Evil Village, so the reading is recommended only for those who have already finished the title.
Here is the guide to find the Delicious Fish in Resident Evil Village
The Delicious Fish is one of the culinary ingredients that you can find in-game and it will be necessary for the recipe of the "Sarmale de Peste". We specify that this fish is present only in a specific point of the game (and only after passing a well-defined phase of the adventure), so looking for it elsewhere will be totally useless.
Use the crank on the drawbridge to the northwest of the village. You will get this crank automatically after facing Moreau's boss-fight, so you can't miss it on the way. On your fourth visit to the village, after Moreau, you will finally be able to use the crank on the drawbridge.
Once behind the drawbridge, you will find a boat. Climb it and proceed downstream (not upstream), and then disembark at the boat bridge along the road. To the left of this area you will find a small lake with a yellow fish hiding inside; you have just found the Delicious Fish. Now all you have to do is kill it to get its meat.
This concludes our guide to finding the Delicious Fish in Resident Evil Village. Hoping it was of use to you, we remind you that on the pages of Game Legends you can find all the other guides dedicated to the Capcom creature.