Part 1: Introduction
This is one of the first games ever released by Nintendo. Released as an arcade game in 1983, it only appeared on consoles in 1985 with the legendary NES. It is a game that does not have an end like Donkey Kong, you will have to go through the increasingly difficult levels until you finish the lives and the skill will be defined only by the best score.
Part 2: Objectives and Controls
Part 2: Objectives and Controls
The goal of each level will be to eliminate all enemies. You can do this by jumping and hitting the platform above you, if an enemy is there while you do it they will get stuck and you can go there and hit them with a kick (it's automatic).
But be careful because if you are not fast enough to hit him, the enemy will come back more lively and faster than before giving you many problems. If an enemy touches you you will lose a life. You will start the game with three lives and when you have completed the level by killing all the enemies you will move on to the next one.
Each level that is multiple of three will have a bonus level instead of a normal one where you can increase your score.
D-Pad: Move Mario or Luici
Start: Pause the game
Select: Choose between game type A or game type B.
Button A: Jump
Part 3: Differences between game A and game B
Part 3: Differences between game A and game B
The only real difference between type A and type B game is the speed of the game. The B-type game will be much more difficult as the fireballs will be a lot faster and the enemies will heal much faster.
Game A: When the enemy is knocked down it will take twenty seconds for him to wake up and change color.
Game B: When the enemy is knocked down it will take fifteen seconds for him to wake up and change color.
Game A: The fireballs will start appearing eighty seconds after the level starts.
Game B: The fireballs will start appearing sixty seconds after the level starts.
Part 4: Scores
Since this game has no official end, getting the highest score will be your main goal. There will be several things to do to receive points such as taking the money that will appear on the screen after hitting the enemies. Below is the list of shares and the respective money you can have.
Stun an enemy: 10 points
Kicking an enemy off the plane: 800 points
Hitting Popsicles: 500 Points
Hitting the fireballs: 1000 points
Hitting the green balls: 200 points
Bonus Money: 800 Points
Collecting all bonus money (first stage): 3000 Points
Collecting all bonus money (second stage): 5000 Points
Extra Life: Every 20000 Points
Enemy combinations
To eliminate an enemy by giving him a kick you will receive 800 bonus points, but if you manage to hit two enemies consecutively on the same floor in a short period of time, the second enemy will have a score x2, the third x4 and so on for all. enemies in the screen.
Usually the time will be one second so it will be hard to hit more than two enemies. An easy way to do the combos will be to use the POW block when there are many enemies nearby.
Part 5: Enemies
Eliminating all the enemies will be the only way to go to the next stage. Once all the enemies have been eliminated you will move on to the next level. As already explained, to beat an enemy you will first have to stun him by jumping under the platform where he walks and then hitting him with a kick.
Animals with shells
Type: tartaruga
It first appears in the level: 1
The turtles move in one direction without changing their path and always stick to the platforms except when they change them to end up in the one below. This will be your basic enemy, easy to avoid and hit. When the shell turns red it means they will be in fast form.
Animals that move side
Type: Crab
It first appears in the level: 4
Crabs travel straight like turtles, always standing on the platform and traveling in the same direction. To stun him you will have to hit him twice, remember that after hitting him once the crab will move faster (look at the ridiculous expression on his face). If you hit the platform too soon you will make it change direction, too late you will make it jump.
Flying Animals
Type: Butterfly
It first appears in the level: 6
It will jump by going straight, jumping from platform to platform and then descending if they can't find the platform. As with the turtles, only one hit to the platform will be enough. The butterfly's body will turn red when it is in its fast form.
Ice Men
Type: Ice
It first appears in the level: 9
In the more other levels of the game you will find this new enemy, an ice man who will freeze the platform making your life difficult. To avoid this and eliminate this type of enemy, go from behind and hit him with a kick (no need to stun him first).
Final Enemy
When there is only one enemy left in the level it will turn blue and transform into its fast form. This form is very difficult to kill (especially butterflies) so be very careful.
Spheres of Fire
After a certain number of seconds, which depends on whether you are playing the game of type A or B, the fireballs will come out. They are very difficult to avoid and will be a serious danger to your lives. The fireballs can be eliminated like any other enemy by jumping on the platform below them but seeing their movements will not be easy and while you do it another fireball could take you out in the meantime.
Try to kill them only if it is seriously necessary.
Green Fire Spheres
These green colored fireballs will appear on one side of the platform and will go in a straight line all the time. They are very fast and will bounce very little, the only serious solution to avoid them will be to be able to change platforms, whether up or down.
Red Fire Balls
They appear on a platform and move throughout the level, they have slow movements and bounce a lot, avoid them by constantly moving because you will be much faster than them.
Part 6: Solution
You can choose to play game A or B, game A will be for beginners while game B will be for experts. Press on Start to start playing.
Level 1:
As you start, move a little to get your hands on the controls, jumps and other things in the game. If you have played Super Mario Bros. 3 you will find it very very similar. Basically Mario and Luigi can move left or right and jump.
The enemies will come towards you so you have to take them out. To kill an enemy you will need to jump to the platform below and hit the top when it passes. The enemies will be stunned and you can finish them off with a kick going towards them.
In the bottom center you will see the POW! Block. Use it to stun all enemies on the screen at once.
In this first level you will see it with three turtles, they will not arrive all together but there will be seconds between one and the other. Stand down on the left side of the screen and when the first enemy turtle arrives on the platform above you, jump up and hit the turtle with your head.
The turtle will end up on the shell, quickly jump to the platform and hit it with a kick. The turtle will die and a penny will come out of the green tube. Take it to increase your score. Go back downstairs to the lower level and wait for the second turtle which should appear sometime, when it arrives do the same as the first one. The third turtle will appear in a short time.
If you don't kill the first one right away and you are quick you can take them out together for a combo bonus. After eliminating the third turtle, you will finish the level.
Don't use the POW block! At this stage, you'll need it later when things get really tough. If you are too slow you will not hit the turtle, if you are too fast you will hit it with a graze making it angry.
Level 2:
This level will be the same as the previous one except that the turtles here will be five instead of three. Don't use the POW! Block yet, you won't need it. In this level there will be a little trick, do you see the two pipes in the lower level? if you stand behind the entrance of the pipe (to the left of the opening to the left or vice versa) and you will never get hit, a solution in quick escape situations.
Eliminate the first three turtles in the same amaniera of level 1, if you don't remember do this:
Hit the first turtle as soon as it touches the platform, quickly hit it and get back into position, hit the other two in the same way and if you get stuck use the trick above.
From where you will find yourself take the money that will arrive there and after having taken them you will have to eliminate the last two turtles. The two turtles will come from different positions so be very careful when you hit one to always see where the other is to avoid getting killed.
Now you should have only one turtle left with super speed. Go to the place explained before to save yourself and then get the money when it is close to you and return to the safe place. From there hit the turtle when it passes over you and then kill it. Be careful if there are fireballs, to avoid them move left or right of the safe place going off the screen in the opposite direction.
While avoiding the fireballs don't forget to take out the turtle to finish the level.
Level 3:
This is a Bonus level!
There will be ten coins placed in this level and you will have twenty seconds to get them all. If you succeed you will have a bonus in your score. Don't forget to use the screen switch to get the mountains faster.
As soon as you start, run to get the coins and be very careful not to miss the jump or they will be precious seconds that go away. It doesn't matter if you succeed or not, however you level up, you will be fourth now.
Level 4:
No more turtles here, now you will be fighting the crabs. You will have to attack the crab twice before you stun it and then go to it and kick it to kill it. If you hit the crab once you will see it give a kind of smile and then you only have to hit it once more.
There will be four crabs in this level, when the first crab arrives on the platform above you hit it twice (don't hit it to your right, the best will be to the left or the back).
Wait until the second crab arrives and change direction before taking it out. Now attack to the left when you see the crab above you, do it twice to kill it. Now go down to the rescue post, grab the coins and avoid the crabs along the way.
Wound one crab but let it go free, kill the other one as you did with the first one and then the wounded crab as soon as you have killed the penultimate crab will start running like crazy for the screen but having already hit it once, one shot will be enough to get it out.
From the safety point, hit the crab and kill it to finish the level.
Level 5:
This level will have four crabs and two turtles. Go to the right side of the screen and hit the crab twice when it comes, wait until the second crab and hit it then go in the opposite direction, kill them.
Now the turtles will come out, hit them when they are on the platform above you, watch out for the crab while you do it avoiding getting hurt. As soon as this is done, go back to your safety post.
From there, hit the remaining crabs (there are three of them) using the hit and run technique returning to the safety post. It is not difficult and be prepared because this technique will be used a lot in the following levels.
Level 6:
The time has come to get acquainted with a rather difficult enemy, the butterflies. The butterflies will fly around the level, they will move left or right but as they do so they will fly up and down a little bit. At every step you will find them either in the air or on the ground.
To eliminate a butterfly you will have to hit it while it is on the platform, they are like turtles only you will not be able to hit them every time, another frustrating thing they are very slow. Go under the middle platform and hit the first butterfly you see and then wait for the second one to hit it in the opposite direction before ending up under the middle platform and hitting it.
Hit the next butterfly that will come out of the tube, wait for one more butterfly to come out of the tube avoiding getting killed and then let it go and kill the first one you hit. Kill the next two that come out of the tube, you should have enough time to clear them without problems. End of the level.
Level 7:
In this level you will have butterflies and crabs. As soon as it starts, go to the middle platform and stun and kill the two butterflies that will come out of there soon enough (if you are slow you will lose one). If you miss it, no problem, go back to the central platform.
Kill one of the crabs that come out and then avoid the other. Run to the safe place. You will now have a crab and at least one butterfly on the screen. Eliminate the crab first of all, it will be easier to have a fast butterfly as the last enemy on the screen. When you have killed them all you will move on to the next level.
Level 8:
Here is another bonus level, everything will be like last time only now the platforms are frozen and therefore it will be much more difficult for you to walk. Do your best to get all the money and then you will go to the next level anyway.
Level 9:
This level will have both butterflies and turtles and just to make things a little more complicated Freezie a nice new foe. Watch out for Freezie who will go around the level freezing all the platforms. Freezie will not be like turtles, you can complete a level even if you have not eliminated it, we could compare it to fireballs.
There are two main strategies to fight Freezie, you can either stay in the middle platform and eliminate him as soon as he appears (you will have to eliminate the other enemy in the same position as well) or stay at the lowest level and use the save point to use it for yourself. benefit.
Don't worry much about him, first of all kill one of the two turtles while they are in the middle platform (you won't be able to kill them both unless they come from the same pipe which doesn't happen too often).
Now go to the lower level and kill the second turtle when you can. After a very short time a third turtle and a butterfly will arrive to keep you company, the butterfly will arrive a little before the turtle, avoid it and go and kill the turtle first, then wait in the middle of the platform for the last turtle.
Freezie will be around, kill him when you can (kick him from behind to take him out) and then kill the turtle when he comes. Now you only have to eliminate the butterfly, the best position to take it out will be the middle platform, if you see Freezie and it will bother you just take it out.
Level 10:
Difficult level this, you will probably have to hit the! POW block (if you still have it clearly). A bunch of crabs here and two very angry butterflies.
Kill the first crab that appears while you are in the middle of the platform. Kill the second as fast as possible (kill him on the lowest level). From here two more crabs and a butterfly will arrive from the left. Freezie will arrive too so use the security post or get on the middle platform and play the usual game with the enemies and Freezie.
Maybe the middle platform is a bit tricky but certainly faster than the rescue post. Here you are authorized to use the POW! Block. Do as you wish and eliminate all the enemies to finish the level.
Level 11:
Since in the first level you will find all the enemies, this level will do nothing but repeat the previous ones. Use whatever techniques you want to take out the enemies and remember to take out Freezie who will help you quite a bit. Climb on the middle platform and then take out the butterfly as fast as you can and then focus on the crabs.
Kill them both and then take out Freezie, at this point use the technique you want to take out the remaining enemies.
Level 12:
It's the same as level 10.
Level 13:
It's the same as level 8.
Level 14:
This level is simple, your enemies will be the four turtles and a crab. Too easy.
Last levels:
From here on, the game will repeat itself over and over with the same levels. There will be certain favorite levels like 8, 10, 11, 14 but there may be others. No end to this game, keep going until you reach the maximum score and break the record!
Part 7: Codes
Infinite Lives
Start with a life
Start with 6 lives
Start with 9 lives
Mario & Luigi Veloci
Mario & Luigi Super Fast
Coins kill you!
Super Jumps for Mario & Luigi
Fast Enemies
Super Fast Enemies
Part 8: Two Player Mode
As Nintendo itself says, playing Mario Bros in two means doubling the fun (mmm if they say so). The same rules play in single player except that you can fight against each other to see who scores the most points or play cooperatively and see that you get the highest score of the whole game.
Here are the tricks for the two modes.
Fight one on one
Use the POW block !, it will be a lot of fun to use the block while the other is about to kick the stunned enemy in order to revive him and hit your unfortunate colleague.
You can push your opponent, run against him and then push him towards a monster. If you are the ones hit try to avoid the monster by jumping it.
When playing against butterflies and crabs hit the enemies only once so they will be quick and easily eliminate the other player.
Cooperative work
Divide the tasks, one player will hit the enemies while the other will kill them by kicking them.
Stay away from each other, you can bump into each other and the monsters may surprise you both.
When you have the Bonus level, take the coins equally so that you get both points.
Solution Summary
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Objectives and Controls
Part 3: Differences between game A and game B
Part 4: Scores
Part 5: Enemies
Part 6: Solution
Part 7: Codes
Part 8: Two Player Mode

- Wii
- nsw
- atr
- c64
- nes
- specific
- ams
Exit date: August 12 2006