Please note:
The solution is based on the Japanese version of the game. There may be divergences from the American and / or Spanish version.
Chapters 1-5
Chapter 1
Turn around and proceed to the end of the tunnel, examine the wall to locate a secret passage, retrieve the dragon claws from the chest. Continuing straight, you will have to enjoy two short cutscenes; During the fight that follows, tell Yuris to detonate one of the pillars to cause damage to nearby enemies. When you meet your friends again, tell Yuris to aim for the bridge to blow it up for a quick victory. Go ahead, then proceed along the path to the right; Eliminate subjects capable of casting spells with the highest priority. An arrow will appear pointing towards the center of the play area. Run to the area where the arrow points, press A to open the way. Repeat once you reach the dead end. Follow Seiren, examine the crystal, then press C to quickly defeat the skeletons.
Approach the bridge; we recommend using the bow to eliminate both wizards and subjects with a bow (it is also possible to use the cannons on the sides of the play area if necessary). Once across the bridge, enter the next large room.
Boss: Cocoon
Tough opponent, given the combination of high life points and powerful attacks. We recommend using "Gathering" repeatedly to allow Yuris to operate, as the boss is sensitive to the fire element. A good tactic is to use your bow to "pass" Yuris' magic attacks towards the boss's face. When an arrow appears pointing towards the bridge, we recommend using "Gathering" again to lure the boss into the area and throw him into the abyss.
Chapter 2
After two cutscenes, you'll immediately see her with a boss.
Boss: Forest Beast
Simple combat: Use the Chain Attack repeatedly (as indicated on the screen) to hit and distract the boss, while Yuris saves the boys. Both enemy attacks can easily be blocked, or possibly dodged by moving sideways.
So save to the left, then go back twice, proceed to the right and continue to the top of the path.
Chapter 3
Talk to all residents of the pension; to continue, talk to Quark. After the flashback, talk to him again, in front of the door. Answer "Yes", then go out to explore Ruli.
Chapter 4
We recommend looking around the city. Talk to Quark and go see the parade with him. Head back with him to the tavern (in case you don't want to explore the city further).
After the cutscene, talk to your party members. Exit the tavern, run forward following the arrow. You will hear someone snoring: use the search mode, examine the wagon, watch the cutscene. After that, move along the bridge to the south. Run to Kanan, then south again. You will now have to escape from some guards: we recommend first of all to go around the alleys as much as possible, while remaining in the "wider" alleys to avoid arriving at a blind one. It is also possible to hide behind buildings waiting for the guards to pass through - their artificial intelligence is not remarkable. So go back to Ariel's tavern.
Chapter 5
Talk to Kanan, follow her into the room, examine the door using the arch. Approach the door and choose the second option. Then go down the stairs and have a conversation with Jackal and Manamia. Enter Ariel's room, then exit; answer "yes" to Jackal and Manamia's question.
Video - Japanese TV Spot
Chapters 6-10
Chapter 6
Use the arc view to examine the enemy below. You will have to walk along the beams, then go down and use the barrels as cover to get close to the sleeping enemy, going to kill him. Then locate the crates: one near the Elza descent area, the other next to the save point, the third in the narrow passage to the left. Then examine the flag with the skull. Go down the stairs, smash the door (when Quark's timer is zero). After the cutscene with Zola, swim out of the sewers. Examine the door along the top of the wall (it will be indicated by a door icon). Climb up the path. Go through the sewers, get rid of the enemies, enter the opening they came from.
Go ahead, slide along the gate. Talk to Quark, shoot the lizard man (using the bow). Sneak under the following opening; use the summoning circle on the left, go up the ladder. After the cutscene, examine the tunnel on the left and retrieve the crates. Save, open the door. Get rid of the wizard, then forward, hit the column to cause him to fall on the Ogre, defeating him. After the short tutorial regarding the "wind" skill, proceed beyond the door. Open the two crates on the left, save, before facing a boss.
Boss: Ghoul
To defeat him you will have to go up the side stairs, hide along the railing, then hit as soon as Ghoul is next to you. It will bounce around the playing area like a pinball ball, during these moments you have to maximize your guard level. Repeat until his departure.
Climb the ladder, then return to Ariel's pub. Exit his room, talk to Seiren and Kanan. Choose "Yes".
Chapter 7
After the cutscene, aim the flame to the left, then to the stars on the right. Once the moment of choice has come, you will have to prefer the left. Back at Ariel, enter the room on the left, talk to Quark, choose the top left option to go to bed. When you wake up, talk to Quark again, choosing the option on the left.
Chapter 8
In research mode, examine the black knight to the right of the stairs. Retrieve the permit badge. After the cutscene, proceed to the second floor and enter the central door. During the cutscene, watch Serein. Then talk to Serein, trying to eavesdrop on the conversation between Tasha and Trista. Go back to the lounge, proceed to the third floor, talk to Quark and choose the option on the left.
Chapter 9
Examine the man on the throne - Earl. When the "search" indicator reappears, look towards the second floor. After the cutscene, look at Kanan (to Earl's right). Exit to the right, then examine the balcony on the left to locate Kanan. So look at Jill to the left. Get rid of the soldiers, being careful to prevent them from attacking Kanan. Another scene, then Kanan will join the party. Follow him down the ballroom; open the door in the center of the following corridor. So open the door that leads to the bridge, walk over it and look at the falling towers.
Go through another door, returning to the main corridor. After a cutscene, Quark will wake Elza. Go up the stairs to the left, open the door that leads to the courtyard. After another battle, talk to the knight and choose "Yes". Repelled the enemies, proceed to the right, go down the stairs. During the following battle, we recommend that you immediately defeat the healers and wizards, using the wind to deactivate the healing "circles" they created. So go through the door.
Chapter 10
Examine the turret in first person mode, locating Zangurg. Forward, then a battle: move sideways to dodge Gurg's charges, then hit him directly (don't waste time with his lizard). Proceed forward meeting the same opponent, to be eliminated in the same way. So get rid of the nearby archers, continue to the next area. Save your game and approach Zangurg.
Boss: Zangurg
The battle cannot be won: all attacks against Zangurg will be repelled by a Perfect Guard, followed by a counterattack. So avoid wasting special arrows. After the cutscene, Elza will be brought back to life by Kanan. Now Zangurg will be vulnerable: unload your entire supply of arrows to finish it without problems.
Chapters 11-15
Chapter 11
Once the short tutorial is complete, activate the search mode by locating the ladder on the right, which must be followed by Elza. Move to the opposite side of the ship, go down the stairs, open the door. Locate the white-haired Gurg, hit him repeatedly while staying undercover. Open the nearby door for Quark and Kanan to enter. Then open the next one again; proceed behind the two Gurgs, hit them from behind to defeat them.
Go down the ladder in the following room. Repel the Ogre, then hide behind the columns and shoot arrows at the Gurgs who are dealing with the cannons, ending them. Repeat the procedure on the visible enemy immediately after turning the corner. Retrieve the key, then open the chest to the right. Open the next door, go down the ladder. After the cutscene, open the door and move along the next narrow passage. Locate Yuris inside the cell, defeat the guard and open the door. Choose the dialogue option on the right, use the key to open the door. Go through two rooms, use the save point.
You will reach a completely flooded room. Enter and swim to Manamia's cell. Quickly turn the control pad to open the cell. With search mode activated, examine the upper right area, noting a moving crate. Get rid of the spiders, go up the ladder. Push the two Gurgs back, talk to the prisoner. Open the chest next to him, go out through the door. Another battle, we recommend eliminating healers and wizards with the highest priority. Get on the elevator, taking you to the main deck. Go through the door next to the stairs and find yourself in front of the boss.
Boss: Muruu
Its main attack consists of a "fall" towards you starting from the top and proceeding downwards; you can easily avoid it after seeing it just once. When you see him curl up and start spinning, use "Wind" on one of the magic circles; you can then approach it and repeatedly press A to attack it. Repeat the whole process until the enemy's HP is zero.
Chapter 12
Make your way to the front of the ship, going through the cabin. Talk to Kanan, go outside and go up the back stairs. Another cutscene, then examine the horizon using the appropriate scanner to locate an island where to dock. Head to the shops to talk to Yuris and proceed to chapter 14. Having completed it, proceed in the opposite direction and talk to Manamia, starting chapter 15. Both must be completed before continuing with 16. Chapter 13, not being neither mandatory nor profitable, it will not be treated.
Chapter 14
With first person mode activated, look to the bottom right, noting how the ship is taking on water. Jump to the next area. Follow Yuris to the door; examine it. In the next room, you will be attacked by two huge crabs, capable of poisoning your characters, so pay close attention - a defensive and cautious approach is strongly preferable (remember to press A then to completely run out of the crabs HP).
Still following Yuris, you will reach a dusty corridor. After a short cutscene, go up the ladder to the next area, locate the chest on the left and collect the antidote, to bring back to Yuris. When he is himself again, go up the nearby ladder. Approach the tent. Another cutscene, so head down the stairs and watch out for the crab - don't get poisoned. Back from Quark and Manamia, focus on eliminating the undead archers by taking advantage of Yuri's magical abilities. Climb the ladder that will be made to appear by Yuris. Examine the mirror across the table to reveal a hidden door. Yuris will enter quickly, you will have to chase him - but not before getting the crate on the right. So save the game, enter the next room and approach the red tent, where the battle against a boss will begin.
Boss: Double Ganger
The name indicates the nature of the boss: it is a real double. If / when Elza attacks with the sword, the opponent will block and then counterattack. However, you can use the magic circles to still be able to attack him. In general, hit him, then wait for his counterattack; when he starts laughing, you can attack him without necessarily suffering the backlash. After a while the double - angry - will come out of the mirror, jumping on Elza. Quickly tap the control stick to throw it away. Therefore, "false" versions of Elza will appear: recognizing them will be complicated at first, then Yuris will point out that there is a black and red light around their eyes - you can therefore identify them without any problem. At this point you will have to return to the ship to complete chapter 15.
Chapter 15
Go through the portal. After the cutscene, examine the fountain next to Elza. Retrieve the sword that will appear. Defeated the skeletons, preferably using the bow to reach those located in the less easy to reach areas. Collect the contents of the nearby crates, then use the search mode to notice the large footprint nearby. Examine it, then examine the portal as well, so Yuri knocks it down.
Jump along the small floating platforms to get past the entire lake. Back on the mainland, free yourself from the tentacles and lizards, then - at the crossroads - take a right. Go through the canyon, follow Manamia, until you find her as she tries to escape from the attacks of a giant spider.
Boss: Mystic Spider
Pay attention to the self-guarding ability (common to all spiders) that this subject will manifest when / if it is attacked from the front. If you get hit by its web, you will have to violently slam the control stick to free yourself. The best way to inflict serious damage on the enemy is to shoot circles of fire magic around him, then attack him from the front or side.
Retrieve the Karma sword. Proceed to the dead end, break the wall. Wade through the last cutscene, then return to the ship.

Chapters 16-20
Chapter 16
Talk to your friends. Enter the previously inaccessible door, examine the blue book, visible on the table. Retrieve the key to the liquor cabinet. Enter the captain's room, locate the hidden room on the left. Examine the shelf, locating a hidden room; use the search on the map visible near the wall. Talk to the rest of your party, then to Quark.
After several cutscenes, start swimming. Shoot guard Gurg when Quark asks you to. Once on land, go up the stairs. Get rid of the guards, then the ogres. Go through the large doors visible at the bottom. Go through the next bridges, recovering the contents of the crates in the surrounding area. Exit towards the ravine, another cutscene. During the following fight, we recommend that you order Yuris to cause the area of the roof just above the enemies to explode in order to kill them in speed. Go around the edge of the slope, then save in the room to the left. After a cutscene, you will have to face another fight. We recommend that you initially focus on the "Leader" units. After the next scene, enter the passage that opens on the wall.
Once you reach the bridge, push the opponents back until you are interrupted by a conversation between Elza and Kanan. After several cutscenes, run to Yuris and help him defeat the enemies surrounding him. Go up the stairs. Help Quark now, so get rid of the wizard-Gurg. Proceed to the ravine; when everything starts to break down, go back inside. Open the gate, retrieve the chest behind the pillar on the left. Save the game beyond the next portal. Also open the following. Exit to view yet another cutscene. So beware of the snipers visible above, you will be periodically attacked by a flock of arrows.
Proceed to the green door, go down the passage to get to the save point. Save, then pay attention again to the snipers up above on the balconies. Elza will then have to proceed along the elevated path and use the arrows to destroy the crystals, so that they fall towards the groups of wizards below, knocking them out. Continue towards the inside of the cavern pushing back the ogres, then head to the elevator. Get carried to the next area, save your game, then go through the double doors. You will now find yourself in front of Zangurg - your companions will take care of him, you will meet with Marbas.
Boss: Marbas
It is too strong to be hit in a "standard" way: to be able to stop it it will be necessary to retrieve the grenades on the ground, then throw them towards the edge of the room, along which Marbas proceeds. When it touches them they will explode like mines, releasing a gas that will stun the enemy - you can get close and attack them.
Then go down the passage behind the throne, locating Quark on the ground. Watch the next skit, reaching the seventeenth chapter.
Chapter 17
Talk to Trista and Tasha, go below deck. Follow Kanan to the right, reaching the cannons. Another cutscene, then talk to Trista to return to Ruli. Elza will then be arrested, thus concluding the chapter.
Chapter 18
Talk to both your teammates and Lotta. During the cutscene, randomly choose between left or right, the ending will not be affected in any way. Back in the cell, talk to Lotta twice.
Chapter 19
After agreeing to Lotta's escape, head down to the ruins below the prison. Before going through each step, you will have to ask Lotta to examine it to avoid any explosion. From the first room, examine the wall on the right for a hole that goes forward. In the next room, examine the wall on the right, reaching the health well. After fending off the spider, a door will open. Go inside, examine the wall on the left. Once out, look to the left and fend off the lizard's attacks. Go through the door, go down the stairs under the sarcophagus. Examine the room, finding a passage on its right side.
Having removed the contents of the crates, enter the misty room to the right. Examine the wall on the left, go up the stairs. Examine the coffin. Get rid of the necromancer, follow him down the stairs. You will now have to fight the king of the skeletons and his associates: pay attention to his ability to "throw" the associates to attack. Save your game, then open the coffin in the next room to cause an enemy to appear.
Boss: Necromancer
This is the last fight against the necromancer; the only real peculiarity is given by its ability to summon one of the lizard-men capable of petrifying you, which you must therefore eliminate with the highest priority.
Having defeated him, examine the ice structure. Yet another cutscene, so head down to the tomb room. Examine the coffin, then cutscene, then locate the book. Collect the Struggle Stone. Examine the cell door. After the cutscene, you will be released. Talk to Trista in the courtyard. Go back to the castle, talk to Earl. Look for Kanan in his bedroom first, then in the ballroom. Follow her to the balcony. Look at the cutscene. Proceed to the tavern and talk to Lotta to gain access to chapter 20. Talk to the man in the corner on the first floor of the tavern to access chapter 21. Go back to the castle and talk to Earl for chapter 22.
Chapter 20
Examine the door, noting how closed it is. It will be opened by Lotta. Examine the candlestick to save Yuris. Open the door, letting out some bats. Look at the mirror in the left corner, use the search. Run to the back corner to the left. Examine the book. Go back to examine the mirror. Attack the skeleton that kidnapped Jackal. Open the door, proceeding to the next room, then the corridor. Enter the bedroom. After the skeletons attack, examine the book in the corner near the nightstand. Then examine the mirror, continue to the next room.
Look at the sword to the right, on the wall, to be able to dodge it. Examine it (now inserted into the wall), obtaining a ghost sword. Proceed along the corridor, exit towards the cemetery, open the coffins to find your companions. Try to get out, you will have to fight with Ghoul: we recommend using Elza's "Dunk Slash", a very effective move in this case. Re-enter the mansion, follow the ghost child to the next room. Examine the bookcase, then the candle on the right, locating a lock. Exit the room, get rid of yet another Ghoul. When you reach the next room, retrieve the book from the left corner, start reading it. Open the door to return to the entrance. Examine what remains of the candlestick, recovering the key.
To defeat the Phantom Armors you will have to approach those who are not possessed, using the attack command to tear them apart - this way a progressive number of subjects will become unowned and you can attack them effectively. Go back to the room where you saw the lock, try to use the key, then call Lotta, who will be able to open it.
Boss: Nebirous
To damage the Vampire you will have to hit him with silver arrows. After taking such a hit, your party can freely damage it by hitting it repeatedly. Repeat the procedure until its defeat.
You will then return to the tavern. Go down the stairs, talk to Lotta and Irmina. Talk to Lotta inside her shop to complete the chapter.
Chapters 21-24
Chapter 21
Proceed to the fountain square, locating a man in a tunic - use the "search" function to confirm his identity. Follow him down the alley. Enter the Salamander tavern with him. Approach the man, starting a fight. Defeat him along with his henchmen. Collect the two crates at the back of the bar. Go up the stairs to the left. Hit the two guards, then enter the next room, eliminating the other six subjects in the area. Retrieve the crate from the corner. Talk to Quark, then go back to the door you explored with Seiren. Open the door, examine the window using the search mode. Exit outside, reaching the next room. After the cutscene, go down the stairs to face a boss.
Boss: Lesser Shade
To be able to damage him you will have to hit the torches around him, until they are all on the ground. Then attack it with elemental-type spells, the most harmful.
So talk to the girl's father to get 3 dragon nails.
Chapter 22
Talk to Earl inside the office, declaring loyalty and receiving the sword of the lost angel. After the skit, head back to the tavern. Talk to everyone except Seiren. Try to leave, being interrupted by Serein - then speak to proceed, choosing the left option twice. The next morning, head to the castle, entering Earl's office. After the scene, exit and proceed to the courtyard. Examine the machinery next to the arch where Trista is. Follow the stairs under the fountain, arriving at the basement. Proceed beyond the strange portal. Open the chest, then talk to the man in the robe in the center of the hex platform.
Mini-Boss: Dark Master and Dark Servant
To be able to defeat the Dark Master it will be necessary to use Gathering, causing the appearance of the Dark Servant. So attack the Servant - only after inflicting a fair amount of damage to this subject can you begin to attack the Master, who has become vulnerable. So use the platform that will be activated.
At the cubic structure, use the search to locate the gate above. Interact with the platform again, letting it carry you. Repeat the fight with the two Darks, return to the rotating cube. Activate the platform again. Use the search on the gate above, activate the platform again, proceed to the portal, get rid of the two Darks again. Go back to the cubic room, this time you will be able to access the stairs. Yet another identical battle, open the chest next to the stairs and recover some of Ogre's nails. Save your game, go down the stairs.
Boss: Shade
Shade can only be hit with magical and / or elemental attacks - it will not be damaged in any way by physical attacks. Manamia will have to use her plant-type spells on Shade, creating a circle around the enemy, within which Elza and Quark can be placed to unleash their attacks. So repeat this procedure until the enemy is defeated. When Shade takes possession of Quark, you will unfortunately have to hit Quark repeatedly until Shade comes out of his body.
With the Paladium sword retrieved, watch the next cutscene. During the conversation with Earl, choose the option on the left. After waking up, exit the residential area and proceed along the bridge. Go down to the second floor, talk to the knight to access chapter 25 (he will ask you to meet in the basement). Proceed to the courtyard, fend off the killers. Continue to the edge area, talk to Tasha. Enter the building, talk to Manamia. Proceed to the courtyard, talk to Trista. If you choose yes, you will be taken to chapter 23.
Chapter 23
Here you will have to follow Trista's instructions to be able to successfully complete the level.
First Floor: Defense
You will have to carry the bow with you through the obstacle course to avoid getting hit by the archers - we highly recommend hiding somewhere as you progress along the bridge. Once there, use the statue to defeat the archers. We recommend using the Gathering to distract the characters from the wizard, so that he can safely hit the archers. Go up the stairs.
Second Floor: Come on
Here you will have to personally eliminate all opponents. Particular attention must be paid to the ogres, as well as to the knights in the form of statues: they must be eliminated by throwing them off the stage. Continue to the following portal.
Third Floor: Intelligence
You can only take one ally with you here. We recommend choosing the magician, so as to be able to damage the knight, who in all other cases would be invincible.
Fourth Floor: Humanity
Very simple level, you have six allies, and the opponents make up a team of six characters: attack seamlessly to win easily. Proceed inside the nearby door to reach the next floor.
Boss: Master Trista
To fight against this boss you will have to use all the special spells at your disposal, thus combining the wind with all the hits of the "Slash" type. Avoid shooting arrows at Trista, as she would be able to parry them all using Perfect Guard.
Go down the stairs, then quickly get rid of the Ogre. Go back to your room, wait for the end of the day. Talk to Tasha to access chapter 26 - first you can complete optional chapters 24 and 25. We do not recommend completing 25: the reward is not proportional to the effort required. Therefore, it will not be covered in this guide.
Chapter 24
Go to the well west of Marshe. Turn around and walk down the narrow passage next to you, retrieving the crate. Continue to the save point, examine the wall of rocks. Give it a kick. When you reach the underground ruins, continue forward to locate a lizard archer. Examine it in first person mode. Eliminate all the lizards that will try to surround you. Retrieve the treasure chest, go through the gate, kill the archers and proceed to the save point. Go up the stairs, open the gate. Examine the giant statue. Get rid of the lizards, open the chests to get the claws. Examine the statue next to the stairs, revealing a hidden staircase. Get off. Shoot the two giant lizards using the cell door. Having defeated both of them, continue inside the room they were guarding. Open the door leading to the next room, save, a boss awaits you.
Boss: Queen of Abyss
Protect your party members by quickly hitting your opponent when he tries to "swallow" them. When / if he tries to swallow Elza, press the keys on the screen to avoid the worst, then continue to attack the boss. To damage it you will have to try to lure it (using Gathering) towards one of the orange cannons, therefore - when it is about to "swallow" Elza - you will have to roll sideways. This will go and swallow one of the cannonballs.
Go up to the altar, retrieve the book of Lotta. Exit through the only passage available.
Video - Fighting Trailer
Chapters 26-30
Chapter 26
Talk to Tasha, choose "Yes", follow him. You will then need to escort Eearl to his safety / safety. When you reach the first completely open area (on the third floor), defeat the Gurg troops. Proceed to the second floor. Attack the next wave of enemies. Continue to the courtyard. Go through the military building, then fend off the Gurgs, recovering the Healel sword. Follow Quark, then visualize the cutscene. Jump on the elevator; in search mode, examine the subject lying on the ground. Another cutscene, so proceed to chapter 27.
Chapter 27
Wait for Quark to arrive, talk to him. After he's gone, wait for the next cutscene. Activate the search mode, examine the subject in the tunic on the right. This is Kanan. Choose the left option. Having taken control of Kanan, use the crossbow to hit the patrolling guards - hit six, then Elza will decide on her own to proceed. Remember to retrieve the key from the corpses of the guards.
Once inside the castle, silence the two closest guards. Then also the two riders slightly ahead. Retrieve the items from their body. Once you regain control of Elza, examine the area to the right and locate Manamia. Now, proceed to Ariel's tavern. Cut scene, then go back to the Castle. Talk to Quark to proceed to chapter 28.
Chapter 28
Go back to Ruli Castle. Wait for the guards to pass, then proceed towards the center of the courtyard. Reach the door, follow the arrow to Jill's room. Go up the stairs to the right. Wait for the knight to move towards the library. Go down the nearby corridor, walk to the window next to the count's office. Quark will go to distract the enemies, and you can proceed to the residential area.
Enter Jill's room, use the search mode to examine the table. After the cutscene, talk to Tasha. Head to the salon. After the cutscene you will find yourself at the tavern. Talk to Seiren and Jackal. Proceed to the arena, eliminate the enemies. Talk to Seiren again. Go back to the castle, go find Manamia inside his library. Talk to her, then go out and locate the point indicated by the arrows. Talk to Eearl using the search mode, examining the continent of Gurg. After yet another cutscene, choose "Yes" to proceed to chapter 29.
Chapter 29
Go up the stairs and watch the cutscene. Continue forward, then proceed along the two passages leading south. Follow Siren across the bridge to the left. Enter the corridor, locating the Gurg doll. Take it, then left and talk to the Gurg.
Return to Seiren, follow it towards the central area of the castle. Head to the elevator, watch the cutscene. Enter the elevator, open the door then enter the throne room. Another cutscene, so talk to Seiren. Approach the surviving Gurgs, start chasing baby Gurg until you are interrupted by another cutscene. Return to the throne room. Get rid of the ogres, then proceed to the 30th chapter.
Chapter 30
After the cutscene, head to Ariel's tavern and talk to Elza's friends. So go back to the castle. Enter the ballroom, locate the portal above, enter the living room. Go through Kanan's room, locate the back door of the main castle room. Come in. Go up to the second floor, examine the door in the courtyard. Forward, reaching the courtyard. Search the surroundings to locate the underground elevator. Use it to get to the actual dungeons. Open the door on the right, talk to Kanan, examine the wall with the hole, twice. So examine the stone tablet behind the wall. Look at the cutscene. Get closer to the light to get to chapter 31.
Chapters 31-35
Chapter 31
Go down the spiral stairs. Reached the dead end, you will be attacked by a Tracer: to get rid of them Elza will have to use Gathering, then Gathering Burst to slow them down, so that Tasha can go to help Elza by eliminating the floating sphere. This will open the access to the next path. Go down the stairs to a second dead end. You will be attacked by five Tracers: go down to the bottom of the stairs, escaping; there you will find a portal. After the cutscene, go up the stairs to return to the "normal" world. Back in Elza's bedroom, there will be another skit, so you can proceed to the castle. Talk to Elza's friends in the area. Some knights will stop you, informing you that the ceremony is ready. Choose the "I understand" option.
Chapter 32
Immediately turn your gaze to the sword; when asked whether to swear loyalty to Eearl, answer "No" (choosing the option on the left). After the cutscene, head to the apartments, enter the Kanan one. Another long cutscene, then run back to the castle, entering the courtyard, proceeding to the barracks. Jump on the elevator and be transported to the castle control room. You will then be transported to chapter 33.
Chapter 33
You will take control of Jackal here - you will have to hold A to charge the ice magic, a countdown will appear, the closer you can get him to zero, the more the magic will inflict high damage on enemies.
Proceed towards the courtyard, get rid of the Gurgs and the Ogre, paying particular attention to the Gurgs positioned at the top of the arch: they are archers, they must be eliminated with the highest priority, using the magic based on the ice element. Then head to the barracks. Another cutscene, then load the ice to the maximum to repel the spiders and lizards that will besiege you (trick: shoot some ice at the base of the nearby column, causing it to fall). Once you regain control of Elza, try to protect Earl during the short fights that follow. Follow your companions towards the cannon.
Chapter 34
Retrieve the royal ring from the chest behind you. Go down the stairs, get rid of the first group of enemies. Retrieve the chest on the left, then get rid of the wizards, open the next door. Keep going forward. When you enter search mode, examine the connector (it will be flashing, so its position is easy to understand). Shoot the connector. Still ahead, open the chest below. Go through the door, turn right, let your party take care of most of the enemies, then talk to Zola (sitting in the corner). Proceed to the next room to find yourself facing a boss.
Boss: Berith
To be able to damage Berith, it will first be necessary to destroy her shield. Remember to always protect Earl: although he can't help you, his death will mean a sure game over. Always stay close to Berith, hitting him until his shield breaks. Use Kanan's magic circles to deal more damage. Continue until the other members of your party return - their presence will make the fight much easier.
Collect the Chaos Blade, then proceed beyond the large gate. So enter the dimensional portal. Save your game, go through the gate. After the cutscene, tell Elza to move towards Earl - a longer cutscene will start, crowned by a boss battle.
Boss: Mitra
Warning: attacking Mitra while in flight will cause direct damage to Earl. To defeat him, you must first use Manamia's "Plant" spell, then your "Wind" to inflict the silence alteration. Mitra will fall to the ground, and you can hit him without Earl being affected in any way. But remember to pay attention to the laser beam that will attempt to fire once a certain amount of damage has been taken: jump quickly to dodge it. After a cutscene, you will proceed to the next chapter.
Chapter 35
After defeating the first enemies, follow the ship that has just left the port. After the cutscene, you'll need to shoot the 3 gargoyles using Burst-type arrows. You can then continue to proceed along the harbor, until another boss appears.
Boss: Darkmuruu
This is a faster and more damaging subject than its predecessors. You will certainly be paralyzed during the fight, given the inability to deflect his blows. We recommend using a strong offensive strategy: although the opponent is tough, his defensive skills are noticeably weaker than his offensive skills.
Collect the General's sword, then talk to Tasha and the knights near the harbor. Tell Yuris to cause the rusted gate to explode while you take care of repelling the Gurg soldiers. Once you reach Tasha, get rid of the next Gurgs, so watch the cutscene that follows. Retrieve the key to the sewers, then head to the area by opening the two crates near the entrance first. When you feel ready, talk to Kanan twice. Collect the summoning stone from Struggle. Go down the stairs to reach chapter 36.

Chapters 36-41
Chapter 36
Entered the tunnel, go straight, then left. Use Jackal's ice-based magic to attack the nearby crab (it's the only one he's really sensitive to). Take the only dry passage, get rid of a second crab. Enter the hole on the left (you will find two, one on the right and one on the left), go down the ladder. Straight, then left. Save your game (right), go up the stairs to get outside. Repeat the usual strategy to finish the crabs. When they are all dead, retrieve the treasure chests from the play area. Enter the door on the right, go down the stairs. Right again, twice. Take the two crates, then proceed straight until the group realizes that you are traveling in a circle: Nebirous will appear.
Boss: Nebirous
You have previously recovered some silver arrows: use them to make him vulnerable (as you probably did in the "Haunted Mansion" level), then tell the other members of your party to attack him mercilessly. So recover the claw of the dragon that will be released.
Go through yet another portal, then proceed towards the area where the water level tends to rise slightly. Swim to the left, save your game, then cross the bridge. While the others are hiding, use the search mode to locate a giant spider.
Boss: Monstrous Spider
Like all spiders, the monster in question will always use self-guard if / when it is attacked from the front: you should therefore always prefer the attack from behind. Also use the knight's sword, very effective against spiders, capable of making the opponent helpless in speed. Beware of falling debris: the spider will tend to cause it with its movement, along with other status alterations such as silence and paralysis.
Having defeated the spider, use the save point and call Fight. Enter the ram previously used by the Gurg troops, thus projecting yourself towards the 37th chapter.
Chapter 37
Straight up to the crossroads. Right, locate Gurg. It will create a barrier that can only be destroyed with the use of magic: tell your wizard to attack the shield, so Elza will have to hit the enemy using a bow and arrow. Go back to the fork to locate two crates, then right for the next one. Save your game, then proceed to the next step. You will be prompted to proceed without alerting the guards. Hide between the pillars to progressively reach the exit on the left. On the opposite side, call the rest of the party. Repeat this procedure three times. So get rid of the ogres, go down the ladder, then tell your wizard to destroy the bridge. Another group of enemies will come from the elevator, get rid of it and proceed towards the inside of the elevator.
Go over the bridge and go up the ladder. Right, get rid of the other enemies, then climb to the top with the rest of your party supporting you in the fight to follow. Using the elevator, go through the two doors, reaching a kind of intersection between six bridges within a large room. Watch the cutscene, fend off the rest of the incoming enemies, then approach the center of the room: a hatch will open below you and you will find money with Kanan. Approach the door, open the two chests. Jump on the elevator. When you reach the ninth floor, open the door on the left. Approach Jackal, who will be reuniting at the party. Approach the coffins, pass them and attack the next small group. Watch the following cutscenes, help Seiren up the elevator, then approach the door and open the access to the stairs. Follow the two ramps, freeing yourself from the Gurgs around you that try to block your progress.
Then go inside the door on the second level. Go down the passage, proceed into the room on the left - connected to an elevator. Retrieve the crates, jump on the elevator to reach the 20th floor. Open the door and approach the center of the next room. You will be stopped by two subjects.
Boss: Zefa & Zesha
Not Easy Combat - Zefa will create an impenetrable barrier, while Zesha will try to hit the party from behind. To break the barrier, you need to use a spell of the same color as the barrier - so Forest for green, Blizzard for blue, Prominence for red, Shining for yellow. Also remember to always hit Zefa, as he is unable to self-heal and the battle will be won even when only one of the two is defeated.
Having recovered the Salamandra bone, approach the double stairs. Go through the portal. You will be attacked by Altar.
Boss: Atar
This is a combat similar to that against Mitra. We recommend a defensive approach: stay away from the "circles" that are dropped by Altar, dodge his fireballs and attacks based on the "rays". When the other party members arrive on stage, use Wind to bring Atar to the ground. You will thus be able to attack it directly. Order Kanan to use Mitra, the ultimate weapon against the opponent. Then complete the key sequence that will appear on the screen to be able to defeat Atar definitively.
Chapter 38
Swim aimlessly until you are interrupted by another cutscene. In search mode, examine the ship. Another scene, so look towards Jill on the left. You will have to fight.
Boss: Jill
Quickly dodge his "jumping" attack, then hide behind one of the railings and start hitting him repeatedly. When he is knocked out, repeat the sequence that will appear on the screen. Elza will therefore be right behind Jill, and can hit him from behind without any problems. Another pre-ordered event will follow, use left and A to attack Jill, reducing her Azerbaijani HP.
After yet another cutscene, you will be transported to the 39th chapter.
Chapter 39
Go up the stairs and use the save point, then examine the wall to reach the next area. Enter the passage on the right and retrieve the chest. So follow the rest of the party towards the inside of the cave. Collect another chest from the alcove to the right, get rid of the Gurgs. When an explosion obstructs your passage, use search mode to examine the wall to the right of the sealed entrance. You will thus find a passage.
Go down the corridor, examine the wall to get to another cave. As soon as you see the Gurgs, we recommend that you take out the Gurg mages positioned on the rock above you. Continuing towards the central area, there will be three floating mines that will explode, paralyzing anyone near them - be extremely careful. Then go along the rocky corridor, returning to the ruins. After the cutscene, walk down the corridor to approach the blue slime on the ground, which will lead the party to another "dimension".
Boss: Last Cocoon
First of all, absolutely avoid approaching it: it will pick up the party members and then slam them to the ground with force. Also, when you are close it will tend to "drain" the energy of your party. Wait a while, attacking it sporadically, until you are brought back to the past by a cutscene. At its end, the monster will change shape.
Boss: Last Cocoon (second form)
The opponent is now easily able to dodge your attacks. There is only one real way to attack him effectively: wait for him to climb up one of the pillars, then repeatedly counterattack his bullets, and then tell the subjects capable of using magic to bomb the pillar on which the opponent is standing. When you have reduced his health points by 50%, the opponent will take his last form.
Boss: Last Cocoon (forma finale)
The main attack here will consist in "throwing" himself towards the area where your party is positioned, or - in some cases - throwing real luminous swords capable of inflicting serious damage. The main method to damage it is to locate the sword suspended above the altar, try to lure the opponent to the altar in question, then drop the sword on him. So run to the boss and press A to jump on it and hit him in the face, killing him.
Chapter 40
You will immediately have to face a boss
Boss: Berith
Two of these enemies are fake, or "copies": only one will suffer real damage as a result of your attacks. Others will tend to self-destruct as soon as they are attacked. Therefore, we recommend a strongly offensive approach during the initial stages, so as to immediately understand which characters are not "real". When the real Berit reveals itself, it will be preferable to turn towards the defense, defeating it with relative calm.
After the cutscene, use Seiren's offensive abilities to hit nearby enemy enemies. After the conversation, you will go to employ Yuris. Press and hold A to charge the magic attack, and then quickly hit the Golems in the area, twice (the second after a short cutscene). When you are attacked by the lasers, you must immediately retreat - there is no way to fight them effectively. Run to the wall that has recently "opened". Save the game, then retrieve the dragon scales from the chest. At the dead end, you will regain control of Elza to face a boss.
Boss: Zefa
Fight similar to the previous one, despite the absence of a brother to help. We recommend destroying his barriers initially - thus preferring an offensive approach - and then attacking him quickly. When Zefa goes to cast a magical barrier, you will have to order Manamia to cast "Forest" to break it. Unfortunately, a non-breakable barrier will be established soon after: listening to Manamia, you will have to wait for the arrival of Yuris, who will take care of pulverizing her using her fire-based attacks. You will immediately go into a fight against Zefa's brother.
Boss: Zesha
This boss specializes in using counterattack. For this reason, the main method to achieve victory is to walk towards Zesha's shoulders and attack him from there, with completely standard shots - attempting to use combos is more or less useless. Having defeated him once, you will then have to repeat - however it will be almost impossible. We therefore recommend that you avoid the waste of energy, since you can proceed with the game in any case.
After the various cutscenes, proceed straight to the save point. The next door leads you to the boss.
Boss: Zangurg Round 1
We do not recommend attacking it recklessly: instead try to keep a certain distance, at least in the initial moments. Instead, wait for Zangurg's attempt to hit you, dodge, run after him, hit him in the back to inflict serious damage. Zangurg will therefore perform a combo consisting of three hits, dodge those too and attack him again to move on to the second phase.
Boss: Zangurg Round 2
Initially, the boss has a shield and will be able to use Perfect Guard against any attack. When Elza talks about Yuris coming, run to the blue door, bringing the rest of the party to the area. You will now have to wait for Zangurg to throw the Zanlance at Elza, dodge it, and grab it. This is the main object to be able to damage the opponent. The rest of the battle involves your continued use of the Zanlance to repeatedly hit the enemy. Remember that, if you want to be able to keep it after the end of the battle, it will be necessary to inflict the last blow using the Zanlance.
Then follow the arm, up the stairs. Look at the cutscene. Follow Quark, save your game, go through the floating platforms. At the completely darkened room, talk to Quark. Follow his shadow. You will therefore have to fight.
Boss: Quark (human version)
You will have to attack Quark all the time, it is the only effective strategy. One of his main attacks sees him "take" the closest character in his hand and then slam him to the ground: in that case you will have to immediately heal him using one of your heal characters.
Boss: Quark (inhuman version)
Quark has now become a monster with a giant sword. A defensive approach is now preferable: dodge his attacks and think - secondly - to hit him. After a short time, a barrier will appear around Quark: you can no longer damage him, so there will be a cutscene. Yuris will develop the "Big Bang" move, which will now become the only way to destroy the barrier around Quark: first use Gathering to draw the enemy towards you (so it doesn't interrupt Yuris), so when the barrier has been pulverized, hit Quark as usual. It is possible that the opponent uses a spell that will activate a "countdown" towards your death: in this case you will have to run to the nearest healing circle to avoid inevitably dying.
Boss: Quark (terza forma)
This type of opponent is capable of dealing massive damage. His typical attack pattern sees him slapping party members twice, then picking them up and throwing them to the ground. To be able to escape from him you will have to quickly move the control stick left and right. Using Elza, you will therefore have to run along the blocks that make up the game area. You can then get to the level of Quark's head, going to hit it with Dunk Slash. Repeat this procedure until his life total is zero.
After a long cutscene, exit the play area, talk to Jacka. Run across the bridge without looking back. At the elevator, push back the Golems.
Chapter 41
Talk to both your group members and Kanan. So enjoy the final scene.
Video Solution - Playlist
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Video Solution - Chapter 1
Video Solution - Chapter 2

- Wii
Exit date: February 24 2012