After the three cutscenes, talk to the kid in front of you to start a tutorial. Collect everything you can from the surroundings, then proceed to the pension and talk to the man in the red shirt, carrying on the story. So continue to the port to save Yadoya.
Save your game, then start expanding the village and talking to Yadoya. Save the game again, thus observing yet another cutscene to begin the chapter.
First locate the crate near the north roof of the city center building, shaped like an L. The crate will contain golden rice. So get out of the city, to begin the first chapter.
Capitolo 1: A Scene from the Past
Proceed along the path, repeatedly inflicting blows on the burnt trees, recovering the wooden blocks. Proceed beyond the gate, observing the cutscene. Go down the stairs, then look at the area to the left and jump forward to retrieve the crate. Go down the stairs, watching yet another cutscene and the boss fight.
Boss: Dragon
Move in a circle around the enemy, making combos and dodging repeatedly, avoiding taking damage. The opponent has four main attacks which can all be easily avoided.
After you have eliminated it, go up the stairs on the opposite side from where you came, locating an area on the right. Three pirates will attack you. Continue to the tree and the lava rocks, then interact with the soldiers. Go up the stairs, getting rid of the marines. Go down the next ramp, past the fire. Move up the flight of stairs on the left, which leads to a fishing area. Collect the fishing rod, then move along the road. Move down the road again and retrieve the chest with the powder. Make your way upward by using the strong words you found earlier. Other pirates will attack you, fighting near the nearby play area. Move beyond the door to complete the game section.
Land of Ice
Come in, then push back the soldiers. Move to the right, then retrieve the grass. Move north, reaching the boss.
Boss: Caesar Clown and Smiley
Here you will have to fight against Caesar's Clown. You will have to pay special attention to poisonous "slippery" objects. After defeating the enemy, observe the cutscene, allowing Zoro and Franky to join you.
Video - I minigame
Capitolo 2: Rematch in the Hot Sand
As you move forward, you will find yourself facing one of the old enemies, Mr. Crocodile. Also recover the cactus pulp visible in the surroundings, which is necessary to build the pharmacy. We recommend using a ranged attack (e.g. Luffy's grapple) to avoid being damaged by the roses. On the left you can locate some pirates, so you will have to switch to the animals around. Continuing along the path you will have to face another battle.
Closed fight
Locate the coconut near the "edge" of the stream. Luffy will start making comments here regarding the need for more water. As you proceed forward, other pirates will attack you; pass them, then interact with the well to fill your SP gauge. You will then begin a battle against the Dugongs.
So jump across the platforms, continuing to push back the Dugongs. On the right, retrieve the mysterious egg, then interact with yet another reptile. Move along the next group of platforms. Interact with the fishing spot on your left. Break the cactus in front of you, then continue up, locating Usopp and Chopper.
You will be attacked by a group of Alabasta bombers. Get rid of it, then locate the small island containing a chest on the map. To reach it, it will be necessary to return to the area with Brook. Proceed further until you find the X intersection visible on your map. Move to the far south of the map, recovering the cactus pulp. Approach the crossroads to start another fight, ending the opponent.
Retrieve the action points from the pit. Continue north, then climb up, recovering the point of the lost words. Go back to the path on the left, moving towards the "hole" in the center. Retrieve the contents of the crate.
Make your way to the south path, crossing the river. You will have to deal with a group of Dugongs to retrieve the next word. So look at the cutscene.
Alabasta City
Collect the healing flower on the right before going up the stairs. So go up, pushing back the incoming Alabasta soldiers, as well as the Marines coming from the left. Then continue to the left, moving along the alley to the west, taking the chest containing the gold coin. Go back to the fork, noting a crack in the wall. Break it, retrieving the crate inside. Move to the alley on the left, pushing back the two Marines. Head back all the way north to face the boss.
Boss: Crocodile
Most of his attacks, while seemingly powerful, can be avoided with a quick side move. When you have halved his life points, he will fly up, throwing a pillar of sand towards the center of the arena, cutting it in two parts. The opponent will then fly down and you can keep hitting him repeatedly, until he is knocked out. After the battle, the chapter will be over and Zoro will be able to use the cut, while Chopper will be able to use the ability to "dig".
Capitolo 3: Mystery of the Leaves
After the cutscene, move up the stairs near the gate, starting the fight. Then proceed beyond the door that leads to the Enies lobby.
After the portal, recover the plants on the right, and then begin the battle against the marines. So move west to proceed. Retrieve the chest immediately south. Go up the flight of stairs, turning the corner and ending the next group of marines, thus arriving near the fountain. Go down the stairs, then go up them and jump along the platforms, until you reach a courtyard, where yet another fight will take place. Go up the stairs to the east, recovering the red barrels, taking the oil inside them. Jump along the wooden platforms to the portal on the right and retrieve the bamboo from the crate.
Move along the path, arriving at the next section of the map. Use Zoro's skills to recover bamboo. Next, locate Matsutake mushrooms by hitting nearby trees. Now collect the coal, near the water flow. Also take the pine cones, next to the frog. Move to the door, then along the basement, finding yourself in front of Rob Lucci.

Boss: Rob Lucci
The peculiarity of Lucci is given by its ability to teleport and carry out very fast attacks. We recommend using Zoro or Chopper to successfully complete this fight. Lucci will begin his journey by bombarding you with cannonballs, which can be avoided with simple lateral movements.
He will then descend into the area, starting to fight you, using a tornado attack and a kick attack. When his first HP bar has been cleared, he will start flying and firing cannonballs again - again, reposition yourself defensively and move to the side to avoid the orbs. After you have reset two "bars", you will have to pay attention to his particularly fast attacks.
At the end of the battle, Nami, Robin, Sanji and Brook will rejoin your party.
Capitolo 4: The Red Count
Examine the map near the starting area, then proceed to the left (the path to the right is actually blocked). Retrieve the coral from the chest. Fend off the enemies, then continue to the left, getting rid of the fishmongers in the area. Move along the path to the right.
At the crossroads, turn right, continue south-east, then retrieve the pearl from the large chest nearby. Move further south, you will come to a pool containing some fish, we recommend trying to fish in the area, as the fish there are particularly difficult to catch. Go back to the far north of the map. Move along the path to the southwest, to arrive near the second precipice. Collect the Mystery Egg near the edge of the ravine next to the coral. Move west, get rid of the next group of fishermen, retrieve the Pop Green, a new weapon.
So go back and proceed to the next game area. Ignore the path that leads north, instead trying to proceed towards the T junction. Get rid of the fishermen, then recover the soapy fluid on the right. Continue north, following the flow of water that leads to the next play area.
So move along the stream of water to the left to go back to where you came from. You will find yourself in front of some fishermen with shields: move along the path to the northeast to retrieve the contents of the chest next to the mouse. Move south again, starting a fight. Retrieve the chest, then use the stream to proceed. Move north, then go over the wall to start the fight.
Boss: Hody Jones
Beware of the attack that "shoots" a stream of sharks towards you, as well as the quick blow to the ground, both shots that characterize this enemy and that can cause you really considerable damage. Avoid wasting your attention on secondary enemies, always focusing on Hody instead.
Movie: The Boss
Whitebeard's attacks will turn out to be particularly slow, characterized by a fast vertical shot that is very easy to dodge, as well as a kind of "bomb" with a wide range of action. Beware of the moments when he pierces the ground with his sword, he will in fact emit a lightning attack. When you have dealt enough damage, the opponent will fall to the ground and you can inflict double damage per minute.
Capitolo 5: What Makes a Matey
Follow the path on the left, recover the contents of the chest. East, then South, take the crystal from the chest. East, take the next wood from the chest, then finish off the Wapol soldiers in the area. Continue along the path that follows the curve until the fight. After the fight, continue towards the city. Locate the south-central area of the city itself, associated with a frog and a fishing port. Continue to the opposite side of the fence, starting to dig. Proceed to the north side of the city, fighting against Wapol.
Mini-Boss: Wapol and Wapol Pirates
Most of the enemy's attacks will consist of flight + bite; luckily for you, his defense level will be particularly low, so you should be able to finish him off by using a small amount of "super" attacks. Then move north, up to a large clearing where you will have to start fighting some wolves.
Make your way to the next area, then turn left, move to the edge of the wall, examine the bees, then dive into the bush. Continue to the opposite side of the map, reaching the area next to Trampolia. Continue north to the wall. Take the frozen fish. Continue to the north wall, starting a fight.
Continue north, passing the avalanche. Remove the contents of the box. Continue north again, fending off the wolves. Collect the contents of the alcove to the northwest. Then go back, starting the next fight.
After the battle, move north to begin the fight against Wapol.
Boss: Blackbeard
He will use his "dark" type powers to suck you in and continuously inflict damage. When the darkness is "released", jump to one of the stone platforms that are constantly falling from the sky to make sure you are "safe". The opponent also has a powerful lightning punch. After you defeat him, the chapter will end.
Video - Announcement Trailer
Capitolo 6: Sky Pursuit
Move along the only path available, thus undergoing an assault from the soldiers of god. Push them back, then continue walking up the hill. Turn left, jump along the next hills, then try to speak nearby. Next to it you will also find a fishing area, recover all you can. Continue to the central area, examining the "soft" ground. Continue down, interacting with the bee, and then make your way into the jungle.
After the short cutscene, you will be attacked by a group of pirates. Make your way to the fork, then turn south, locating a cluster of bushes. Move further towards Zoro, then continue to the tree, then cut the grass.
So move west, then north, recovering the items. Continue all the way north again, reaching another Zoro. Continue east, reaching the dead end, and interacting with the poisonous flower. Move south, then fend off the pirates and retrieve the next chest. Continue to the open area to start a short fight.
Just south, interact with the poisonous flower. Then continue towards the cobweb along the way, finally making your way up to the fork. Follow the path west, arriving at Trompolia and interacting with the Dandelions. So continue north to the poisonous flower. Continue down, move along the path east to the dead end. Collect the nearby mushroom, then the poison flower. Before you get to the final area, interact with the mushroom.
Then move to the area north-east of the map, to finish the soldiers of god and recover the chest. Then continue north, reaching the third game area. Move along the path to the west, retrieving the crate. Move along the temple to reach the boss.
Boss: Eneru
While it is not clear when / if you can hit him, it will usually be enough to run to his front and hit him with the repetition hammer, almost "randomly" - you will be able to hit him anyway. Pay attention to the small flashes that will appear along the screen: the more damage Eneru will suffer, the more flashes will appear in the area, so you will have to try to be fast during the last phases of the fight, so as not to "suffer" too many flashes.
Chapter 7: Bonds
Retrieve the chest as soon as you start the level by picking up the legendary flour. Continue towards the center of the city, arriving near the butterfly. Continue north, moving to the rear of the building on the east edge of the map. Retrieve the chest in the area, taking the word "Usopp". Then proceed to the second and next game area.
Swerve to the first right, pushing back the wolves and the bear. Continue northeast, retrieving the chest, still using Zoro. Continue to the completely "open" area to the south, crossing the path to the southwest, interacting with the tree along the way. When you get to the completely open area, you will be attacked by a group of wolves, repel them at speed, then continue north and finally deviate towards the forest. Collect the royal jelly near the path to your left. Continue east, fighting opponents in the area.
Now move north, arriving at the third area of Monte Corvo. Move all the way to the north-west, recovering a "Lost Word" point. Head back to the open areas to start another fight. You will therefore have to deal with the boss.
Boss: Fire-Fist Ace
You will have to fight Ace using only Luffy. The opponent will fight in a similar way to any other character, but is equipped with particularly fast attacks. Pay attention to its ability to "evoke" a fireball, we recommend that you place yourself next to one of the edges of the arena as soon as you see it forming, so as not to have any problems.
Chapter 8: Determination
Mini-boss: Jimbei
Jimbei is a rather similar opponent to Hody Jones, but noticeably less mobile. It is capable of firing sharks as projectiles, as well as "charging" a punch and / or a water-based shot and / or a shot that repeatedly hits the ground. His super allows him to jump sideways and therefore use a row of geysers towards the characters, so as to project them into the air.
Continue forward, then north and get rid of the marines. Dig around the area closest to you, also retrieving the chest from the small island on the right. Then continue forward to begin the fight.

Mini-boss: Kizaru
Kizaru is able to teleport throughout the battle area; its main attack consists of a continuous teleportation along a kind of "path" of light, and then quickly hit you from above. The attack in question has a period of "charge", during which Kizaru will be completely invincible: you must necessarily avoid hitting him in these moments, since it will be completely useless. He is also capable of carrying out a kind of "laser bomb" attack, similar to that of the pacifists - however he will be able to carry out several "laser bombs" one after the other.
Your party will now consist solely of Luffy and Pato. Continue forward, paying attention to Akainu's fireballs as you proceed towards the flight of stairs. After the short fight, retrieve the chest to your right containing the jewel. Continue forward, to find yourself in front of yet another mini-boss.
Mini-Boss: Aokiji
Rather simple opponent, Ace (character that will be assigned to you in a "forced" way) inflicts a huge amount of damage for each attack on the opponent, so you should be able to finish the enemy in a total of 3 turns.
Boss: Akainu
You will now have to try to kill Akainu using both Ace and Luffy. The opponent is particularly slow and mainly uses a powerful lava punch and / or an attack that allows you to move your leg forward. It is also equipped with a jump / dive attack to be used at maximum speed. If / when Akainu is able to hit the ice walls with an attack, he will fire a quick stream of water that will instantly freeze him, it will be a perfect time to try and hit him. Finally, pay attention to its super: it consists of launching towards a volcano and shooting fireballs, and then also launching a huge meteor of flames: the latter must absolutely be avoided, under penalty of the sure defeat of your characters.
Video Solution - Playlist
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Video Solution - Part One
Video Solution - Second Part

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Exit date: June 26 2014