The acronym modem is a shortened form of modulator-demodulator. It is a device that allows computers and routers to send and receive information over a network such as the Internet by changing the digital signals into analog signals, then changing the analog signals into digital signals. how to access the modem and change the configuration
The modulator part of a modem converts the digital information coming out of a computer into an analog signal that can be sent via telephone, DSL, or cable. The demodulator part of a modem converts incoming analog signals into a digital format that can be used by a computer.
Who Invented the Modem? Where does the modem come from?
Modems were introduced in the late 60s and were initially used to connect terminals to computers over a telephone line. With modems, the data entered in the terminal is converted into ASCII code that the modem has sent to the computer. The computer processes this data and sends a response to the terminal via the modem.
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The first advance in modem technology came in 1972 with the introduction of the smartmodem by Hayes Communications. Smartmodem could manage a telephone line in addition to sending data. Smartmodems used the Hayes command set to answer calls, make calls and hang up the phone.
As personal computers became popular in the late 70s, many users connected their computers to a modem to access the Internet and Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) through their home phone line. These early modems operated at 300 bps (bits per second).
In the 80s and 90s, the modem speed increased from 300 bps to 56 Kbps (kilobits per second). In 1999, ADSL became available at speeds of up to 8 Mbps (megabits per second). In the early 2000s, broadband internet became available to more users and broadband modems became common among home users.
Connect Pc modem
What is a modem in computer networks?
How does a modem work?
When you go online, your PC or mobile device sends a digital signal to the modem and the modem creates a connection to the Internet. When you open a web browser and enter a website URL, the computer sends a request to view the website. The modem converts this digital request into an analog signal that can be transmitted over the telephone or cable line.
The signal arrives at the computer hosting the website and is intercepted by another modem. This modem converts the analog signal into a digital signal. Then, the modem sends the digital signal to the host computer.
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The host computer then responds to the request, again in digital format. The modem converts the digital signal into an analog format and gives you the answer back, it is the modem that converts the signal into a format that can be read by your device.
After we finish browsing the web and go offline, the computer sends a signal to the modem to close the network connection.
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Where is the modem located?
A modem is a separate box or component located inside a computer.
An external modem uses an RJ11 jack for DSL connections or a coaxial connector for cable connections. It comes in a separate box that connects to your computer via a serial or USB port. It also has a cord that plugs into an electrical outlet. The external modem provided by the ISP can be a combined modem and a router.
There are three types of internal modems: integrated, internal, and detachable.
Integrated modems are built into the computer motherboard. The integrated modems cannot be removed but can be disabled by turning off a jumper or by changing the CMOS setting.
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Internal modems use an RJ11 jack or a coaxial connector. These modems are an expansion card that plugs into a PCI slot inside a desktop computer.
Removable modems plug into a PCMCIA slot in a laptop. Removable modems can be added and removed.
To find the internal modem on a computer, look for an RJ11 jack, RJ45 connector, or coaxial connector on the back or side of the computer. The RJ11 socket is used for telephone lines and looks like a wall socket. The RJ45 connector is an Ethernet cable connector. A coaxial connector is used for cable connections.
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Further Reading:
- What is an RCA cable? RCA cables have been around since the 50s
- How to reset your modem / router with ease
- Snapdragon X55, the second generation of Qualcomm's 5G modem
- Sony announces the end of its PlayStation Vita console
- How to access the Wi-Fi modem settings