WhatsApp states how to set them and the best phrases or photos to insert depending on your mood and mood.
Lo whatsapp status it is nothing more than the phrase that characterizes our whatsapp account, this phrase will be read by all our contacts on the famous messaging app.
For this we have collected the best phrases as whatsapp statuses to be able to give you inspiration in compiling it.
What are you waiting for, choose the phrase that best suits your WhatsApp status.
WhatsApp has launched a new Status feature that allows users to post photos and videos as status updates.
The feature already present on Facebook is surprisingly similar to the "stories"Of Instagram and Snapchat. Status updates will expire after 24 hours, with privacy settings allowing users to control who can see the status.
For this we will also show you the best photos you can insert
How to create a WhatsApp status:
- Open WhatsApp and tap on the 'Status' tab at the top of the screen.
- Tap the 'My States' icon, the one with a green circle with a white + sign in it.
- You will then be able to take a new photo, record a video or upload an existing file.
- Once this is done you can add emojis and phrases to the photos.
- Finally, tap on the 'Submit' button.
WhatsApp states the best phrases you can enter
Poetic States
(to show a deep side but also leave you with a little mystery)
- Today I feel a vague trembling of stars in my heart. (Federico Garcia Lorca)
- Make old dreams strong so that this world does not lose courage. (Ezra Pound)
- In war and in love, retreats trigger advances. (Antonio Fogazzaro)
- Blessed are those who will always kiss beyond the lips, crossing the boundary of pleasure, to feed on dreams. (Alda Merini)
- It is that sea inside me that always causes me great storms. (Victor Hugo)
- I am an ephemeral and weak creature, made of mud and dreams, but I feel all the powers of the universe swirling in me. (Nikos Kazantis)
- Give me songs to sing and an emerald dream to dream. (Jim Morrison)
- As precious as wine, as free as sadness, with your cloud of doubt and beauty. (Fabrizio de André)
- The Soul moves the whole bulk of the world. (Virgil)
- Whoever runs away now will soon chase, whoever does not accept gifts will offer them, and if he does not love, he will soon love anyway. (Sappho)
Stati WhatsApp Certain
- Pain is temporary, giving up is forever. (Lance Armstrong)
- You are braver than you think, stronger than you look and smarter than you think. (AA Milne)
- For every minute of anger you lose sixty seconds of happiness. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
- A creative man is motivated by the desire to succeed, not by the desire to beat others. (Ayn Rand)
- The cost of getting it wrong is less than the cost of doing nothing. (Seth Godin)
- Fail early and you will succeed sooner.
- Complaining is never a strategy.
- Whatever you do or dream of doing, Boldness has genius, magic and power in it. (Goethe)
- Efforts do not betray.
- Learn to distinguish what you want in the moment from what you want in your life.
- Happiness is not something already done, it comes from what you do. (Dalai Lama)
- I'd rather die of passion than of boredom. (Vincent Van Gogh)
- Those who think it is impossible should not disturb those who are already doing it. (Albert Einstein)
- I'm not interested in being the richest man in the cemetery, but in knowing that I've done something wonderful. (Steve Jobs)
- Fall seven times, get up eight. (Japanese proverb)
- Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved. (Osho)
- Dream as if you were to live forever. Live as if you were to die today. (James Dean)
WhatsApp states on Passion and Seduction
- A naked woman is an armed woman. (Victor Hugo)
- A woman under the sun will always feel more than a man on the moon.
- The seducer sees the world as his bedroom. (Robert Greene)
- Seduction is not for the place of desire. It is that of vertigo, eclipse, apparition and disappearance. (Jean Baudrillard)
- The only way to get rid of a temptation is to indulge in it. (Oscar Wilde)
- Love me twice baby, love me twice today, love me twice baby, cause I'm leaving. (Jim Morrison, Love me Two Times)
- Whatever you do seduces me. Just breathe and I'll do anything for you. (Ashley March)
- I'm not trying to be sexy. It's just my way of expressing myself when I move. (Elvis Presley)
- It is superficial desire that makes a young man bold: a deep one confuses him. (Casanova)
- If I have become a philosopher, if I seek this fame that I still await, it was mainly to seduce women. (Jean Paul Sartre)
Freedom Phrases
- Being yourself a world that wants you to be something else is the greatest achievement. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
- I see myself as a shooting star, people see me and I have passed, they will never see anything like it again, and they will never forget me. (Jim Morrison)
- I don't want comfort, I want God, I want Poetry, danger, freedom, goodness, sin. (Aldous Huxley)
- Truth is a pathless land. (Rabindarath Tagore)
- Freedom is never given, it is won. (A. Philip Randolph)
- Freedom is nothing more than a chance to be better. (A. Camus)
- Anxiety is the vertigo of freedom. (Soren Kierkegaard)
- Face to the wind, gluttony to wine and never a thought: not to money, not to love or to heaven. (Fabrizio de André, The Jones Player)
- The lower you fall, the higher you can fly. (Chuck Palahniuk)
- Freedom is the only force I know that leads me. (Carlos Castaneda)
Sad WhatsApp States
- Sadness: an appetite that no pain satisfies. (EM Cioran)
- When you are happy you like music. But when you are sad you understand the lyrics. (Anonymous)
- I was born crying while everyone was laughing and I will die laughing when everyone is crying. (Jim Morrison)
- Do not cry because it's over, smile because it happened. (Gabriel Garcia Màrquez)
- If you are sad and you would like to die, think about those who are sad because they would like to live and instead know they have to die. (Jim Morrison)
WhatsApp states: photos to use
You can find photos for the states of Whastapp through these social networks or sites:
- Instagram The advice is to use the search using the best Instagram hashtags and then download photos and videos.
- PicsArt- it is a social network for more niche photos, but precisely for this reason where it is easier to find really beautiful and original shots.
- Twitter If you are looking for funny pictures or bad and unforgettable Memes, surely Twitter will not disappoint you.
- Pinterest- it is perfect for finding photos with quotes and aphorisms, being a social based on sharing photos, videos and images.
- Facebook It is full of viral and fun content, such as memes and animated gif images and videos.
- - simply the best site if you are looking for funny animated gifs
- - a site really full of funny images often seasoned with equally hilarious writings.
- - one of the richest sites of material to share.
- - according to some better than 9Gag a real mine of memes and funny images.
- -other well-known international site full of material.
- - another site worth a visit and has material that is sure to get you a laugh.
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