In Animal Crossing: New Horizons, there are many ways to make stars. However, the turnip market is undoubtedly the most exciting and interesting way to make money. But what are they, where are they and, above all, how much are these turnips worth?
Find out in this one Animal Crossing: New Horizons turnip market guide.

Where to find turnips
Turnips are not game items that you can find simply by scanning the pitch. The only way to find them is to wait until Sunday and go in search of Brunella, an NPC that will only appear until 12:00 on the same day. Consequently, you will have to hurry not to miss the opening of its "market".

How to make turnips fruit
And it is precisely the idea of the market that fuels this game mechanics, as the buying and selling of turnips is very reminiscent of that of shares.
It is difficult not to notice the similarities with the stock market, that universe that fascinates but of which you practically do not understand anything if you are not part of it (or do not have at least a minimum of economic-financial preparation).
Be that as it may, in Animal Crossing the entire structure behind the stock market has certainly been simplified. In fact, the functioning of this bizarre way of investing your stars is very intuitive.
On Sundays the "market is open", so it is possible to buy a certain number of turnips (depending on how much you are willing to invest) at a variable price. Once you have made your purchase, wait for monday. From that day on, until the end of the following Saturday, you will have the opportunity to sell turnips to Mirco and Marco.
But be careful. Just like in the real stock market, the price tends to vary frequently. Consequently, you have to be willing to take risks in order to make a profit from your investment.

Let us give you an example. We bought a total of 500 turnips for 92 stars each. On Monday the price was 93 per piece. Since it seemed too little and in the previous days we had seen a peak of 109 stars, we decided to wait.
The next day, the price had shot up to 129 stars. It goes without saying that we have sold.
The final revenue (obviously not counting the purchase price of the turnips) is around 20.000 stars.
However, it could still have done better, as the price had risen to 136 each on Wednesday.

As you can see, the turnip market (like the real one) is a gamble. It is up to you to decide how much are you willing to risk. You may see your courage well rewarded, but you may also find yourself with a handful of flies. Literally, since in a week the turnips go bad and can no longer be sold, attracting also several insects (which can still be seen as a reward if you have not yet donated them to the museum).
So, play your game, but always with an eye on the final gain.

- nsw
Exit date: March 20 2020