And this time too we are here, God of war ragnarok is finally ready to shock us all, and as always we are ready to make all this shock a little more reasoned, allowing you to transform your trophy hunting and platinum into something simpler with ours guide. The continuation of the adventure of Kratos e atreus in Norse lands will continue where we left off, and you can enjoy it on PlayStation 4 e PlayStation 5.
The number of trophies that we will have to obtain in Ragnarok is less than in other titles of this generation (Horizon Forbidden West even counted 59), and they will all be obtainable trophies play on the difficulty you prefer. The trophies are in total 36 (16 15
, 1
), no of these is to be obtained online and e no of these is missable. We also want to say that the total time can inevitably vary according to your skills and the difficulty you will face, but which will occupy you on average over 60 hours. As you will discover by reading the trophies, the general difficulty for obtaining platinum and all trophies is therefore medium / low.
Before starting with the God of War Ragnarok trophy and platinum guide, if you haven't read it yet, we invite you to read our review of the game.
WARNING: although we will try to avoid as many details as possible, the guide will contain SPOILERS regarding God of War Ragnarok, its plot and some of the events. We therefore advise you to continue reading looking only for what you need, or only if you have already finished the main story.
What to do first?
If you have already played the 2018 title, you will certainly feel at home, because many mechanics will be the same and also the structure of the game follows the prequel. Many of the trophies are related to the continuation of the story and to the collectibles, and apart from a couple of the latter to get platinum you will have to complete the game at 100%. As we told you nothing is missing, however some backtracking will be needed, because some areas or objects they will only be obtainable coming back a second time after gaining a certain skill. As a main advice, we encourage you to enjoy the game and the story for your first run, and to complete side objectives in the free-roam stage at the end of the game (this run will take you about 20 hours).
All guides related to the various trophies will be available next to the relevant trophy in the list below.
God of War Ragnarok Trophy and Platinum Guide
Bronze trophy of the God of War Ragnarok
Son of flowers – Collect a flower in each of the Nine Realms. | Trophy linked to the mission "Nine Kingdoms in Bloom", as soon as you collect the first one together with Freya in one of the kingdoms, the mission will be activated. Specific guide at this link.
Bookworm – Get all the books. | You will get the trophy when you find all 13 Kvasir Poems. Specific guide coming soon.
The Curator – Get all artifacts. | Trophy explained in the description, find all the artifacts and you will get it. Specific guide coming soon.
Where it all began – Equip a spell. | You'll unlock it during the story, when the tutorial forces you to.
Spit polishing – Upgrade a piece of armor. | Just go to Brok and Sindri's shop and upgrade a piece of armor. To do this you will need raw materials, which differ depending on the armor.
Who starts well – Purchase a skill. | Having said that, open the skill tree of Kratos or Atreus, and spend the accumulated experience points to buy a skill.
Bear skin – Face the bear. | Story-related trophy, not missable.
Blood debt – Face the God of Thunder. | Story-related trophy, not missable.
Street fight – Face the Mysterious Valkyrie. | Story-related trophy, not missable.
The root of the problem – Confront Nidhogg. | Story-related trophy, not missable.
The cauldron – Destroy Gryla's cauldron. | Story-related trophy, not missable.
Dogcatcher – Confront Garm. | Story-related trophy, not missable.
The just punishment – Confront Heimdall. | Story-related trophy, not missable.
Unity is strength – Face the Father of all. | Story-related trophy, not missable.
Rebel leader – Retrieve the Hammer of Rebellion. | To get it you have to complete the side mission "Spirit of Rebellion" which you will get from Durlin in Svartalfheim after completing the tenth story mission.
New friendships – Take Lunda's orb. | To get it you have to complete the side mission "A Mysterious Sphere" which you will get from Lunda in Alfheim, friend of Brock and Sindri.
Trofei d'argento the God of War Ragnarok
This is Sparta – Remember the teachings of Sparta. | Story-related trophy, not missable.
Full belly – Obtain all Apples of Idun and all Horns of Blood Mead. | Trophy explained in the description, you can find them in the Norn Caches scattered throughout the game. Specific guide coming soon.
Phalanx – Get all shields. | Many will be obtainable from chests, others as side-quest rewards. Specific guide coming soon.
Collector – Get all heirlooms and elses. | Trophy explained in the description, the specific guides are coming soon.
Dragon slayer – Craft the Dragon Scales armor set. | You will only be able to craft the Dragon Scales armor after completing your first (secondary) dragon hunt in the area of the Cratere and Vanaheim. The set comes in three pieces, and require dragon parts to create: Dragon scale breastplate (14.000 silver, 1 dragon claw and 2 dragon teeth), Dragon scale belt (10.000 silver and 10 dragon's teeth), Dragon scale bracelets (10.000 silver and 10 dragon's teeth).
Who goes on well – Fully repair Yggdrasill's amulet. | You will unlock the amulet after the boss fight against Nidhogg. You need to blacksmith all 7 damaged slots, and for each of them you need a Jewel of Yggdrasill. Guide to find all jewels of Yggdrasil.
Goodbye to a friend – Attend the funeral. | Once you've finished the main story, you can take on the side quest "Viking Funeral" by talking to Lunda. The trophy will unlock after the end credits.
Good luck owl – Free the Hafgufa. | You will have to complete the two side missions "The Secret of the Sands" e "Song of the Sands" in Alfheim. The area of the Forbidden Sands where one of the two side missions will be found will only be available after you have made peace with Freya. Guide to side missions.
Forgiveness – Free the Lyngbakr. | Complete side quest "The Weight of Chains" in Svartalfheim. Guide to side missions.
What a beautiful day – Retrieve Mardoll. | You will get the trophy by completing the side quest "Freya has no peace" in Vanaheim. Guide to side missions.
Invasive species – Complete all hunts in the Crater. | Trophy explained in the description: there are exactly 9 hunts which must be completed in the area of the Crater in Vanaheim, between epic hunts and dragon hunts, and all count as side missions. For the guide to completion we send you to the secondary guide, below is the list of missions, divided by zones:
- Jungle: Dragon Hunts "A Trail of the Dead", “What Lies Below” e “Path of Destruction”.
- The Chasms: Dragon Hunts "Skies on Fire" e “A Trembling Pit”.
- Pianure: Dragon Hunts “Per Vanaheim!” e "In the middle of the night"; Epic hunts "The Night Raider" e "At the light of the Sun".
Best friends – Pet Speki and Svanna. | For the side quest related to bandits, “Animal Instincts”, you will have to eliminate all the enemies present in the camps. By doing so and returning to the sled, the command to calm your two four-legged friends will appear.
The taste place – Return all Lindwyrms to Ratatoskr. | These collectibles will unlock after you defeat Nidhogg – you can find them in the Rifts of Yggdrasil. Here is the guide to find them.
The seasons of purity – Retrieve the deer of the four seasons. | Trophy that invokes the secondary mission “A deer for every season”, which you can activate in Vanaheim after the quest “For Vanaheim”!. The deer will all be found in the Crater area, here is the specific guide.
Trials by fire – Complete the Muspelheim challenges. | Trophy explained in the description. Guide to all the challenges at this link.
Trofei d'oro the God of War Ragnarok
Ready for action – Fully upgrade one set of armor. | Trophy explained in the description. Each set consists of three pieces, and to get the trophy you will have to bring the three pieces of armor from the same set to the maximum level, 9.
Ragnarok – Fight the Father of all. | Story related trophy. Impossible to miss.
A serious mistake – Confront King Hrolf. | To fight him at the Tomb of the King, it will be necessary to defeat all of the King's Berserkers first. Here is our dedicated guide to finding them all.
The real queen - Face Gnà. | After we defeated the old Queen of the Valkyries in the first God of War, now there's one in her place, precisely Gnà. This is one of the toughest boss fights in the game, so be ready.
God of War Ragnarok Platinum Trophy
The bear and the wolf – Get all trophies. | As usual, to get the God of War Ragnarok platinum trophy, you will need to get all the other trophies present.