Halo Infinite is finally available, we have talked about the title in our dedicated review but, this time, we want to help you with a guide to get all 39 Spartan Audio Logs present in the license plate title 303 Industries. Of course there are others as well, such as the 37 Log Audio of the UNSC and the 28 of the Exiles, but we will focus on these two later.
These collectibles offer very important story information, but the funny thing is that they are not located on the game map. You will have to work hard to get them, so we thought a Halo Infinite guide dedicated to Audio Logs would suit you.
Where to find the location of the Audio Logs in Halo Infinite? Here is the guide
Understand for yourself that explaining where and how to find 39 audio files scattered around the game world is a truly titanic undertaking, for this reason we have decided to insert a video that will surely make your work easier. We thank the Wow Quests channel for making the video available.
Just to anticipate something, you must know that these Audio Logs are used to explain to the player some aspects of the Spartan conflict that took place on the Zeta Halo ring.
That's all there is to know in our guide to the location of the Spartan Audio Logs in the new Halo Infinite. We also remind you that if you need other help, we have also worked to reveal the location of all the skulls in the game. We hope we have been helpful.