August is the "peak" month of the summer; what usually indicates the actual holiday period for workers and students.
As always, after total leisure, summer comes to an end when September knocks on the door, ready to throw us back into everyday life. To remind us of this, however, it is not only the arrival of the month that begins with the "S" (you choose which meaning to attribute to it), but this year we also put Animal Crossing.
In fact, if last month the fauna of our islands was almost unchanged, now we should say goodbye to many summer creatures. Roll up your sleeves, because these are animals to catch before the end of August in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Fish and insects that will no longer be available from the end of August and therefore to be captured with priority in Animal Crossing: New Horizons:
- Schoenherr beetle - 800 bells - All day - Back in July
- Brown cicada - 250 little stars - From 8:00 to 17:00 - Back in July
- Cicada exuvia - 10 little stars - All day - Back in July
- Graphium sarpedon - 300 little stars - From 4:00 to 19:00 - Back in April
- Coleoptera cyclommatus - 8000 little stars - From 17:00 to 8:00 - Back in July
- Golden Cetonia - 200 little stars - All day - Back in June
- Night cicada - 550 stars - From 4:00 to 8:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00 - Back in July
- Giant cicada - 500 little stars - From 8:00 to 17:00 - Back in July

- Giant beetle - 10.000 bells - 23pm to 00am - Back in July
- Giraffe beetle - 12.000 bells - 17pm to 00am - Back in July
- Golden beetle - 12.000 bells - 17pm to 00am - Back in July
- Purple Emperor Butterfly - 3000 little stars - 4am to 00pm - Back in May
- Scarabeo atlas - 8000 stars - From 17:00 to 8:00 - Back in July
- Kabutomushi beetle - 1350 little stars - From 17pm to 00am - Back in July
- Elephant beetle - 8000 little stars - From 17pm to 00am - Back in July
- Hercules beetle - 12.000 starlets - 17pm to 00am - Back in July
- Stigmodera - 2400 little stars - All day - Back in April
- Shiny beetle - 1000 little stars - All day - Back in July
- Robust cicada - 300 little stars - From 8:00 to 17:00 - Back in July
- Deer beetle - 2000 little stars - All day - Back in July
- Chrysina resplendens - 10.000 little stars - From 23pm to 00am - Back in July

- Frog (Pond) - 120 little stars - All day - Back in May
- Snakefish (Pond) - 5500 starlets - 9am to 00pm - Back in June
- Killifish (Pond) - 300 Bells - All Day - Back in April
- Napoleon fish (Sea) - 10.000 stars - From 4:00 to 21:00 - Back in July
- Squid (Sea) - 500 little stars - All day - Back in December
- Sea pineapple - 1500 little stars - All day - Back in April
- Vampire Squid - 10.000 Bells - 16pm to 00am - Back in May

How to catch August animals
As you can see from the very long list that we have compiled, from September the island will be completely depopulated of the insects that visited us this summer. To be able to catch them all in time, you just have to grab your net and wander around, especially near the trees, as most of the insects are on them.
Usually beetles and beetles can be found on palm trees, while cicadas on most of the trees that make up your island. The butterflies, on the other hand, as usual, roam around the flowers, while the stigmodera is found on the stumps of the trees you have cut down.

We advise you to approach the insects on the trees by always holding down the A key, so as to slow down your pace and make less noise. Once they are close enough (not too close!), Release the button and that's it.
Also, try to go slow as you move around the island, as the slightest sudden movement is enough for the elusive creatures to escape.
It will be very difficult to be able to "get back even" before the end of the month (we do not hide the fact that we are missing several too), but with a little willpower it should not be impossible as a business, even if sometimes the schedule is not the best.

As for fish, however, the situation is much more rosy. In fact, the first three can be found in the pond, while the remaining two in the sea. The Napoleon fish (as its value also illustrates) is perhaps the most difficult to fish, but nothing impossible if you start to constantly scour the coasts (perhaps while you are going in search of the countless insects).
The same goes for sea creatures, which are quite easy to retrieve (even if the vampire squid could make you sweat a lot).

These are the animals to be caught before the end of August in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
With this "harvest" the game welcomes us in the last quarter of the year, but we are sure that, despite the "cuts", many other animals will arrive to add to our encyclopedia.

- nsw
Exit date: March 20 2020