Assassin's Creed Valhalla hides several easter eggs within its huge game world. One of these is (perhaps) dedicated to one of the most famous literary sagas in history.
This is ours guide to the mission of the Lord of the Rings of Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
Where to find the Lord of the Rings quest

Close to the city of Grantebridge, along the river, there is a small island. On it there is a small field surrounded by an equally small wooden fence. Here you will find a man who will introduce himself to you as the re del Norsexe. In exchange for a favor, he offers you an alliance with his kingdom, which is limited to the island on which he is located (yes, he is the only inhabitant).
The easter egg from The Lord of the Rings

The king will ask you to recover a bracelet (in English an "arm ring") lost during the sinking of his ship, on which his brothers were also, sunk along the river while trying to reach their "new land".
The place is really very close (if you turn around after talking to the king, you will be able to see the ship just beyond the shore).

Once you have recovered this object, bring it back to the man. He will thank you and ask for your consent in forming an alliance with him. You can choose to accept or decline.
So far everything seems normal, but things begin to change once this mission is over. In fact, as soon as the king rises from the throne, you can find an object on it. If you loot it, you will find that it is a anello. Also, behind the throne, you can find a letter containing a testimony of the fake king, in which he admits that he deliberately killed his brothers to have the kingdom all to himself.
The bracelet, therefore, becomes a sort of substitute for the One Ring of the very famous Tolkien trilogy of The Lord of the Rings, in which Smeagol kills his cousin precisely for the possession of the latter.
To accompany this easter egg we find Eivor which, once re-emerged from the water, seems attracted by the beauty of this bracelet, a bit to remember the effects that the One Ring has on people.

This was ours guide to the mission "The Lord of Norsexe" of Assassin's Creed Valhalla (the name is also quite familiar, don't you think?). Let us know what you think and if for you this is an intentional quote or just a mere coincidence.

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Exit date: November 12, 2020