Within return, the new and highly anticipated PlayStation 5 exclusive of which we invite you to read our review, it will be possible to find some particular objects, the Solar Fragments, which will allow you to unlock the secret ending of the game. In this guide we explain how to get all the Solar Fragments and thus access the real ending of the roguelike developed by Housemarque.
ATTENTION: before continuing with the reading of this guide, we inform you that the article may contain minor and major spoilers on the plot of Returnal, the new title developed by Housemarque. In addition, some game mechanics will be explored in the guide. We therefore invite you to proceed with the reading of the article with extreme caution.
After beating the game, check the logbooks to find an entry regarding the "reconstruction of the sun". From here on, you can start looking for the six Solar Fragments to unlock the secret ending of Returnal. Each of these will be in a different biome, in some specific places.
Fragment 1 - First Biome
To find the First Biome fragment you will need the Delphic Viewer and you will have to reach the room marked by the blue triangle on the map. Once there, shoot the delphic sphere that you will see in front of you and, after some healthy platforming, you will reach the fragment.
Fragment 2 - Second Biome
Also for this fragment you will need the Delphic Viewer. Before entering the tower, explore the Wasteland for another deldica sphere (it will be above you, so always look up). Hit it and retrieve the fragment by entering the building.
Fragment 3 - Third Biome
Before entering the Third Biome boss area, dive into the large pool of water (you will need the Adale Ballast). Explore the bottom to find the third fragment.
Frame 4 - Fourth Biome
In the Echoing Forest, look for the optional room marked by the blue triangle on the map. Using the Promethean Insulators, cross the lava pool and recover this fourth fragment as well.
Frame 5 - Fifth Biome
Use the teleporter, go outside and head to the telescope area. Again, use the Delphic Viewer to search for the Delphic sphere, hit it and use the platforms to reach the telescope and the fifth fragment.
Fragment 6 - Sixth Biome
You will find four platforms separated by deep cliffs. Use the Delphic Viewer and shoot the Delphic sphere to bring up other platforms, which will allow you to pass. After a few small stages of platforming, this sixth and last fragment will also be yours.
How to unlock the secret ending
Once you have all the solar fragments, you can unlock the secret ending in Returnal. To do this you will have to defeat the final boss again, and complete the new sequence in the casa, using the keys that you will have obtained to open the machine.