With the premiere of a short clip from theRise of Skywalker, the crossover event has officially started Fortnite x Star Wars. Those present saw for themselves that lightsabers and blasters have been added to the game along with a number of new ones. challenges made specifically for the occasion.
Along with these, some rewards available to all players who join the TIE whisper hang glider initially planned only for those who would have participated in the event. But given the serious ones problems register with the servers and the many difficulties upon accessing the game, Epic would have decided to distribute the item to all players without distinction.

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Among challenges of the first level that have emerged so far there are (translated from English): Cause damage with your lightsaber (100) Raise your flag to capture the crash site of a TIE fighter (0 / 1), Parry shots with a lightsaber (50) Eliminate a First Order Stormtrooper with a lightsaber or over 100m (0 / 1), Cause damage with a First Order blaster to an enemy or a First Order Stormtrooper (0/200). As for the rewards, five level 1 challenges will give you a Flag of Resistance, five level 2 will give you a First Order holographic parachute and, finally, completing five level 3 challenges you will have the emote Rey's Jedi Training.
Second other information collected through data mining, others have been disclosed skin Star Wars themed that had not yet been announced until today. In addition to those already available on the shop, in fact, the skins of Kylo Ren e Dawn Bliss. Based on the leaks released in the last few hours, the parachutes of the Millennium Falcon and the Y-Wing will also arrive in the future.
If you are looking for special content for your Fortnite account, then you can buy a special package on Amazon for the PlayStation 4 version precisely at this address.