Best telegram bots. Through a bot, just for example, you can automate some operations such as sending messages at a scheduled time or automatically (via Twitter, Facebok, RSS feed).
I best Telegram bots
- @MarketingAutomation_bot: the bot is my invention on which I have invested a lot to patent it. The idea is unique, the implementation is simple (done with BotFather + Manybot). But what does this bot do?marketing Automation automates marketing through Telegram: in fact, it is affiliated with many channels willing to offer advertising at reduced prices for the bot's customersThus, on the one hand, i Affiliate channels may have revenue consistent without lifting a finger and, on the other hand, companies, bots, app developers, freelancers, webmasters and other channel managers can advertise at reduced prices without investing too much time and work.Both sides will save, therefore, many hours and will maximize the fruits of their business thanks to the intermediation of the bot that will automatically publish in the affiliated channels (obviously giving notice to the parties in a dedicated group) .WARNING: patented bot invention pursuant to art. 45 of the Industrial Property Code. Unauthorized exploitation of this invention will force us to take legal action. @MarketingAutomation_bot
- TuttoApp bot: This bot is not as unique as the previous one, but it is the official one of the Tuttoapp website. It allows you to stay comfortably updated on all the latest news from the Android world taken directly from the TuttoApp-Android.com site, but also from other sources, as well as interacting with the site. It is possible to find TuttoApp bot on Telegram with the nickname @tuttoapp_bot.
- OfferNegozi_bot: @OfferteNegozi_bot, as already mentioned, is the Tuttoapp-android bot reserved for offers, promotions and discounts from many online stores.
- LolliBot: LolliBot is a bot developed by me with ManyBot that contains images, stickers, audio and other fun material. Being open-source, everyone can contribute to adding more material and improving it. It is possible to find it on Telegram with the nickname @lolli_bot
- TrackBot: Here's one of my favorite bots on Telegram. In fact, this fantastic bot allows you to track packages and shipments of practically all couriers in the world such as DHL, SDA, Bartolini, GLS, UPS, TNT and many others. Its operation is simple and intuitive: just start it with the command / start, then give the command /trace, enter the tracking code of the shipment, a name to identify the package and give the OK. In a few minutes you will receive a message where all the paths made by the package are cataloged and an invitation to activate the notification service thanks to which you will receive updates at each progress of the status.
It is possible to find this fantastic bot under the nickname @TrackBot - StrangerBot: StrangerBot is a bot that allows you to chat with complete strangers in total anonymity. Similar to the well-known Omeglers website, StrangerBot allows you to send photos, videos and audio to the person chatting with you, but if it bothers you, you can skip the chat. StrangerBot is available on Telegram under the nickname @StrangerBot
- 4K download: 4K Download (reads fourkeydownload), is one of the bots that deserves to be included in the guide to the best channels and bots on Telegram because it allows download videos and music from YouTube, Facebook, Vevo and other famous sites. Usage is simple: start the bot and give the command /download . Supported download formats are .mp3, .mp4 and .ogg. It is possible to find 4K Download at the nickname @FourKDownloadBot.
- PollBot: PollBot has been included in the guide to the best bots on Telegram because this fantastic bot allows you to easily create polls just by adding it to a group. It is possible to find this machine under the nickname @PollBot.
- My AliExpress: My AliExpress is a Telegram bot that allows you to keep an eye on all the offers offered by the famous Chinese e-store Ali Express. From time to time a competition is organized with which it is possible to win certain products such as headphones, USB sticks, memory cards and other nice accessories. You can find My AliExpress under the nickname @my_ali_bot. I remind you, however, that you can directly use the @OfferteNegozi_bot bot which will offer you offers from numerous shops, as well as from Aliexpress.
- Wikipedia Search: Wikipedia Search is a bot that allows you to search for the definition of a certain object on the most famous online encyclopedia, Wikipedia .
Its operation is simple: start the bot and follow the syntax to search for a certain topic @wiki + language code (en, es, etc.) + word to search, so as to have for example @wiki it Android.
This bot is only available in "inline" mode, a feature introduced by Telegram in the latest updates. In fact, just write in the chat text box @wiki, follow the syntax and you will have the definition directly in the group. It is possible to find Wikipedia Search with the nickname @wiki. - Photosetterbot: tired of downloading an application to scan a QR code per month? Well, this bot turns Telegram into a convenient and useful barcode reader. @photosetterbot
- Stickers: You know the stickers, the feature that distinguishes Telegram from other messaging apps (obviously besides bots)? Perfect, thanks to this bot you can make your own pack of stickers starting from high quality images. I decided to include it in the guide to the best Telegram bots because it has great potential. It is possible to find Stickers at the nickname @Stickers.
- Automemebot: Automemebot is a fantastic bot to conveniently and quickly create memes with a large collection of famous characters, such as troll face. This bot is available both in "inline" mode, ie available directly in any chat, or with the bot profile.
The meme creation mechanism is easy - just type in the text box @automemebot, then insert the text that goes above the image and, separating with the slash (/), the text that goes to the bottom. Example: @automemebot test of / TuttoApp-Android. It is possible to find Automemebot with the nickname @automemebot. - TagRobot: This fantastic bot allows you to receive a notification every time you are "tagged" in a message through your nickname (the one after the "@", if set). Just add the bot in the affected group and register by starting the bot with the command / start. Nothing easier. It is possible to find TagRobot on Telegram with the nickname @TagRobot.
- TextTSBot: It is a bot that transforms the text sent into a vocal note thanks to the help of vocal synthesis and the so-called "robotic voices". To start using it just start it with the command / start, select your language and follow the on-screen instructions. It is possible to find it on Telegram with the nickname @TextTSBot.
- SpacoBot: I believe that by now all (or almost) Telegram users know this fantastic bot. SpacoBot is one of the best bots for entertainment, thanks also to the fact that it was created to interact directly with the user without typing commands. For example, by writing Insult Pinco Pallino, the bot will generate an insult and associate it with the name provided, the same is true for the word "threat". It also allows you to receive audio files containing the most famous phrases of famous people such as Germano Mosconi etc ... a bit like LolliBot. It is possible to find SpacoBot at the nickname @SpacoBot.
- CodiceFiscaleBot: Don't you remember your social security number? Quiet, neither am I. The author of TrackBot has decided to give us forgetful this fantastic bot that allows the calculation of the tax code in a short time simply by entering the necessary data such as date of birth, name, surname, place of birth, sex, etc ... It is possible to find this bot on Telegram with the nickname @CodiceFiscaleBot.
- PriceTrackBot: Again the creator of TrackBot, who this time offers us a bot that allows us to monitor the prices of the famous online stores Amazon and Aliexpress. Even the novice Telegram user could use this bot, in fact just enter the Amazon or Aliexpress product link when asked, select any available variant and confirm; in the Amazon store, you can enter the mode sold and shipped from Amazon. From that moment on, the bot will be constantly looking for a product price change and will notify you with a small delay of about 2 minutes. It is possible to find this bot at nickname @PriceTrackBot
- EarthquakeBot: After having unfortunately seen the tragic events in central Spain, the editorial team of TuttoApp-Android.com has decided to create one, in order to be warned of the imminent arrival of an earthquake. There is also a bot, TerremotiBot which signals earthquakes, however, with a delay of about 15 minutes, due to the processing of data by the server and by the software, making it a bit unreliable. However, to use it, just send your position, choose the notification range and give the OK. @TerremotiBot is the nickname of the bot on Telegram.
- RandoBot: Similar to StrangerBot and the Omeglers chat site, it allows you to chat, exchange photos and media files with strangers. During use, unfortunately, you often come across strangers looking for dirty material and people who advertise their channels on Telegram, however this is not always the case and when a chat makes you uncomfortable, you can "skip it". The nickname of this bot is @RandoBot.
- Spam Info Bot: official Telegram bot that allows you to check if there are limitations on your account as regards sending messages to contacts not in the address book; just type the command / start and the bot will do a quick check on its servers. The bot's nickname is @SpamBot.
- Spanish Pharmacies: bot of first necessity in my opinion, because with a simple command it allows you to have an always ready list of pharmacies open and on duty. Just write / start and follow the on-screen instructions given to us to start using it; through the database of the Ministry of Health, the bot will download the list of all pharmacies in the location where you are and will provide approximately a distance from where you are. The nickname is @FarmacieBot.
- Weatherman bot: set this Telegram bot to automatically receive the weather forecasts related to the desired city @weatherman_bot
- Prisma: The bot transports to Telegram what has already been done from the official website and the application for Android: send an image, choose a filter and here is a surprising result. The beauty of Telegram, once again, is to have a very effective all in one. @prismabot
- ProjectMurphy: Murphy is, as defined by the developer himself, a robot with imagination. This bot, in fact, creates photomontages and, more particularly, is distinguished by the creation of particular images relating to famous people (on the site there are examples of Chaplin with a long beard, of the fusion between Marilyn Monroe and Mona Lisa etc ...). Only by trying it, however, will you be able to grasp its potential. @ProjectMurphy_bot
- @Cinemasbot e @museimibactbot allow you to search, respectively, cinemas and museums near us. Useful.
- Translate: effective and intuitive translator traceable through the nick @Translate_Bot
- Grocerylist: one of the most useful Telegram bots since it allows you to draw up a shopping list or use it as a reminder. Functional in a busy life, both as a diary and as a simple list. @Grocerylistbot
- WinAccount: you can subscribe to the WinAccount bot by clicking on this link to receive free Netflix, Spotify, Origin, Minecraft, Steam and Ts3 accounts simply by accumulating credits deriving from viewing advertising. Lately the shop is often closed and a paid VIP section has been implemented where you can have insured accounts. @WinAccountBot
- YouTube search bot: his nickname is @vid and is used to search for a video on the Youtube database in order to send it to any chat, group or channel. By simply typing the command @ vid + space + keywords you can find everything you need @vine it can not miss.
- YouTube Audio Downloader: if the previous Telegram bot allows you to search for videos, with this, simply pasting any Youtube link, you can download the audio. While it is possible to find Youtube links everywhere, I find that YouTube Audio Downloader finds in the YouTube Search bot a perfect complement. Nick @YTAudio
- Tadam boat: thanks to this bot you can also do without the classic SoundHound and Shazam. Once the bot has been started, in fact, you will only have to press and hold the microphone for a time between 5 and 15 seconds, as if you would like to send a voice message to a friend.
Within a few seconds you will receive the title of the song, link to the Youtube video and further information.
The Telegram bot takes advantage of the ACRCloud platform with 40 million audio tracks for automatic content recognition. - Analogous to the previous one it is @whatmusicbot, second in my ranking only because I have always used the previous one.