Without going around it too much, if you know a minimum Elden Ring you will have realized that it is an immense game, an open world like never before, and a production with unprecedented features in the whole landscape of soulslike. Despite in the great masterpiece of FromSoftware, and as in the other souls titles, it will be right with the progression in game we will develop our character and our style, it will be necessary to start on the right foot, and choose a class that reflects our style of play. Here is our initial guide to the Elden Ring classes, which will help you choose which one to start with (and consequently with what equipment) your adventure.
We remind you that if you are a novice player, or if you are creating your character now, we have also prepared for you a guide dedicated to which initial gift to choose (and why) during creation, and a beginner's guide with all the initial advice. of the game.
Elden Ring Class Guide
Elden Ring classes available there are in total 10, and are very useful for giving ainitial footprint to your game, which is why we compile the guide. Let's say initial because you will be led to refine your technique during the hours of play, and as you will understand which attributes you will need to increase more - and when - to get the type of character that suits you. They will change the attributes of the character, in full RPG style, which will be higher or lower depending on who you choose. Of course also the starting equipment will change, which also affects the first hours of the game and progression.
The classes are:
Hedge knight - Nomadic warrior - Hero - Outlaw - Astrologer - Prophet - Samurai - Prisoner - Confessor - Unfortunate
The attributes have an effect on the damage you will inflict, on life, on stamina and so on, going to mix with the equipment you will have available, here they are described:
- Subscription: this is the level of the character with which you will start the adventure.
- Vitality: increases the character's Health Points (HP, red bar).
- Mind: increases the character's Concentration Points (FP, the blue bar).
- Quenching: increases the resistance of the character (the green bar), also allows you to increase the maximum weight load it can carry.
- Force: affects the damage modifier and the ability to use weapons, even heavy ones, which are based on Strength.
- Dexterity: Affects the damage modifier and the ability to use light melee weapons based on Dexterity, and some ranged weapons. It is also the secondary damage modifier of most weapons and required for many of them (to equip them). Also slightly increases the cast speed for Spells and Sorcery.
- Intelligence: affects the modifier and the use of Sorcery, but also of some Spells.
- Fede: affects the modifier and the use of Spells, but also some Sorcery.
- Arcane: Functions as a modifier and required for the use of some Sorcery and Spells. In addition, it increases the percentage of Discovery of objects in the game world.
Which class to choose?
Hedge knight
Il Hedge knight is a good character for novice players, taking up one of the base classes of FromSoftware's soulslike ones. Equipped with a good dose of initial vitality and vigor, he can be exploited by players to learn the basics of combat very quickly, perhaps also focusing on damage (and therefore increasing Force e Dexterity, attributes in which he specializes). Starting vitality is the highest in Elden Ring, making it tough enough to take more damage than other starting classes.
The starting equipment is fairly standard, with a long sword, a halberd, a shield, and a fairly heavy armor set - all making it quite fast in attacks and a lot led to block damage of opponents. However, the weak point lies in the slow dodge (fat-roll), since to reach mid-roll (medium speed) you will have to remove some armor parts - or the halberd - to go under 70% of the occupied weight. You can devote much of the growth by dedicating Stamina points to better equip yourself with more pieces of heavy armor.
Nomadic warrior
Il Nomadic warrior makes of dexterity its strong point, dedicated more to hand-to-hand combat and weapon skills. She clearly doesn't mind even ranged weapons such as bows. The starting equipment sees him with two scimitars, one in each hand, and a shield that you can in case you can alternate: in this way you can adapt the Warrior according to your style of play or the needs required by combat. You will then move from a more light-hearted style based on attacks and dodges, to a more defensive style similar to the knight.
Clearly agility will be one of the basic characteristics, so try to stay light during your games, don't get too loaded and use armor that will protect you enough without sacrificing the speed of roll. Clearly enhanced Quenching e Dexterity.
Already from its appearance it is obvious that theHero pry up Force, which is also the highest stat at the start. Recommended for players with a "tank" nature and who are prone to suffer a lot of damage, also predisposed to the use of heavy melee weapons. Therefore, the possibility of taking as many shots as possible, and of equipping weapons of considerable weight, is very important: even in this case it is easy to guess, always keep the Vitality and Quenching.
You will start the game with ben 16 Strength points and a big ax, but if in the early game you decide to spend a few more points on it, you will have access to some really good heavy weapons very soon. Agility is not his forte, but balancing equipment you may be able to have a strong and versatile Hero at the same time.
Not a bad guy Outlaw, good both up close and from a distance, with a marked predisposition for tactics stealth (essential if you want to play this class). More than seeking brutal and direct confrontation, this class will ask you to master the art of silence, exploiting backstab o long distance shots as good snipers, since the initial equipment in addition to a dagger will also provide you with a short bow.
Put a lot of emphasis on his dodging skills and try to always be in fast-roll, and train a lot in the parry and in counterattacks (although these will require a good dose of stamina). His attributes see him poor in many sections, but he starts with a good level Arcane, which will also help you discreetly in the discovery of objects from the beginning of the game. In any case, being one very balanced class in the stats, you can adapt it a lot to your style of play. Not recommended for novices.
THEAstrologer is the class that in Elden Ring starts with the highest level of Mind, which together with as many as 16 points of Intelligence make it a very powerful user of magic. However, his weakness lies in a very low defense and Vitality, making him one of the most “fragile” classes ever. You can partially compensate for this problem by spending your first puti in Vitality and in Quenching, making it less squishy and a little more agile.
It is clearly not suitable for players who favor melee, and slightly seasoned players will be able to find a way or two to create a tantalizing build without sacrificing too many points for defense. Already from the beginning it possesses powerful Sorcery capable of attacking single or multiple targets. Be greedy for power.
Unlike the astrologer, the Prophet starts with a large amount of Fede, the other side of the magic dedicated to Spells. Compared to his "darker" counterpart, the Prophet is more balanced in the rest of the non-magic stats. He clearly has a tendency to inflict less damage than the Astrologer.
It could be one of the most complicated characters to play from the beginning, because he focuses more on support than offense, making him a perfect healer for his companions and a good spell castor, who in any case manage to do their part even in damage. Try to always keep your level high Mind to increase the slot for Spells and for more mana to spend.
Il Samurai it is a very class balanced, which however makes magical qualities secondary. If we remove this, it is one of the more classes complete and versatile by Elden Ring, proposing itself as a sort of hybrid between the nomadic warrior and the errant knight. The Samurai has good basic stamina, good and balanced strength and dexterity right from the start, and also a long bow for ranged attacks.
You can focus on dexterity and skill, but always have the option of hitting from afar as good. Magic is not for you. It can be a choice easy to learn for novice players, more dedicated to agility and dodging than the Knight.
Another class that we could define as hybrid. the Prisoner takes the quickness and swiftness of the Warrior's hand-to-hand combat and combines it with cunning and skills based onIntelligence peculiar to the astrologer, so as to be lethal even from a distance. The D.extremity makes it suitable for both casting spells, wielding a fair number of weapons, and being quick-tempered. If used well it is capable of dealing a lot of damage in a short time. A class that we recommend to those who know to adapt, and that it has a fair knowledge dei soulslike.
A good way to make it more balanced in the early stages is to spend some Runes for boost HP and Stamina, since they are not very tall right away and will need a lot. Dexterity, for the reasons described above, should remain your priority.
One of the surprises of Elden Ring, e one of the most balanced classes in the game, as it is capable of doing everything quite well. The Confessor he can be defined as a character similar to the Prisoner, because he manages to homogeneously mix the melee abilities of the Hedge Knight with the focus on the Prophet's Spells. Starting with a good score in Strength and Dexterity, the Confessor has a great choice of how to build his equipment during the game, being able to wield a fair amount of weapons.
If we remove the Sorcery, it is the most balanced character in the game, which can be grown depending on the style of play and the eventualities, in progress. He doesn't excel at anything, but he does everything damn well. He can be the perfect character for those just starting to play, and at the same time he wants to experience something with magic.
Finally, let's move on to the neutral class par excellence, which starts as usual from level 1. Like all the others of this type that you have known over time with the Souls, the Unfortunate is the character who you will build totally from scratch, enhancing what you feel is most appropriate as you play. All parameters start at 10, and the only piece of equipment in his possession is there nails, a blunt melee weapon that will lead you.
Certainly the class more complicated with which to start, especially because getting results in the early stages of the game will require a lot of time and a lot of luck with the drops and the search for objects. This class is recommended for experienced players only of FromSoftware titles, but it could also be a good choice for your second Elden Ring playthrough.
This is all for the Elden Ring class guide, we remind you that on our game page you will find all the information you need. You may also be interested in our complete Elden Ring trophy and platinum guide, which may also help you choose which classes to use.