Without too much surprise Elden Ring was confirmed as the game of the year at The Game Awards 2022, tearing apart the competition. Obviously, this result did not cause too much confusion among the general public, given the universally recognized value of the new From Software experience. Apparently, however, this gigantic achievement is only a tiny speck more in the vision of Hidetaka Miyazaki, ready to churn out many new surprises for fans.
All this was confirmed right on the scenic stage of The Game Awards, with the author of Elden Ring (built alongside George RR Martin, it is always good to remember) who, in thanking everyone for obtaining this coveted award, however, he promised many future news and surprises related to this video game: "As far as Elden Ring is concerned, we still have several things we want to do".
In recent days there has been a lot of talk about Elden Ring, even before the achievement of this new world goal. The recent announcement of the Colosseum update, and many other statements, have reassured fans about the support of this gigantic project, currently also confirmed by his words at the TGA 2022.
For now, however, we still don't have any precise information or news regarding Elden Ring's progress. Certainly we will have to wait a little longer before we can talk about DLC or expansions, even if we don't doubt that the "surprises" Miyazaki talks about will be able to amaze the historical fans of his work. Will all previous rumors regarding the inclusion of new bosses be confirmed? Will we live new adventures within the Interregnum, or will it be more secondary expansions, perhaps specifically related to new weapons and objects? We just have to wait for new details.
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