Elden Ring is one of the most extensive titles that has ever been seen in terms of map, location and bossfight, and it is certainly - at least until now - the most impressive work created by Miyazaki and FromSoftware. Precisely for this reason, within our site we have dedicated a series of guides that could be useful to players, including the guide to all bosses of Elden Ring.
Given that it is a disproportionate amount of bosses and of different fights between them, we have decided to divide them for your convenience according to the various areas of the map, so as to facilitate their search (in game, and in the list). However, we emphasize that the maps of the game are really extensive, and going in search of the bosses blindly could be counterproductive, so we invite you to freely explore the various areas, and to use the guide both to find out where the bosses you have not found are. , both to find out how to break down those that give you the most problems.
ATTENTION: Being a guide to the bosses, we will necessarily have to mention those who have a trophy attached, and those belonging to the story, so know that it will be easy to run into some spoilers regarding Elden Ring.
Here are the guides, divided by regions:
- Tomb and Storm Storm Castle
- Wailing Peninsula
- Liurnia Lacustre and Raya Lucaria
- Monte Gelmir and Villa Vulcano
- Caelid and Dragotumulo di Greyoll
- Plateau of Altus and Leyndell, Royal Capital
- Peaks of the giants, Farum Azula and consecrated Snowfields
- Underground zones (Ainsel, Nokron, Mohgwyn, Nokstella, Abyss between the roots)
These are all the Elden Ring boss guides divided into regions, but if you are in trouble you can find everything you need in our guide dedicated to all the trophies and platinum of the title, while if you are looking for all the news on the game (or perhaps additional guides) we recommend you visit our page dedicated to the latest effort by FromSoftware.