The dataminers continue to analyze every single bit of Fall Guys Ultimate Knockout with each update and in the last few hours it has emerged that a skin linked to is hidden among the files Twitch.
Unfortunately, the leakers, who have published an image depicting the costume, have not been able to understand what will be the distribution methods of this costume, which will almost certainly not arrive in the game store. In fact, it seems much more likely that this skin will arrive shortly for all subscribers to Amazon PrimeGaming, aka the former Twitch Prime. It is also not excluded that the skin in question is a reward for players who participate in the Twitch Rivals of Fall Guys Ultimate Knockout. There are also those who hypothesize it is a Twitch Drop for those who will watch the competition between streamers to be held soon.
While waiting for the development team and Twitch to reveal more information on this aesthetic object, we remind you that the latest Fall Guys Ultimate Knockout patch fixes the annoying problem related to team games and improves many other aspects of the game on PC and PlayStation 4 .
Did you know that, thanks to a partnership with Tencent and Bilibili, Fall Guys will arrive on the smartphones of Chinese users? It also seems that the height of the protagonists of Fall Guys has been revealed, who are larger than expected.